Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

You moved out of your wip?
Lol yup, still with the  lady who was suppose to leave me a long time ago too.
Last update on my daughters mom. She's been awake now for a few days. Still got her respirator in and all that. But her cognitive part of her brain was untouched. Her left side is totally fine and her right will need some work but she is able to move it so she should be able to get a lot of movement back the doctors are thinking. She can't talk or anything now due to the respirator but she's doing 100x better than last week.
We can find out what we're having the week of Christmas. Thinking of taking both our families to this ultrasound place at the mall and have them all there for it.
Na i wouldnt do that bro.

Just let it be you and your girl, because they can say its a boy and want you to come again next week just to be sure.
Congrats on the baby!! [emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji][emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]
We can find out what we're having the week of Christmas. Thinking of taking both our families to this ultrasound place at the mall and have them all there for it.
Na i wouldnt do that bro.

Just let it be you and your girl, because they can say its a boy and want you to come again next week just to be sure.
If you're close to both sides of the family, then yeah, go for it.

But for my wife and I, we wanted to find out first and then announce the news to our parents.

Didn't need the additional opinions during a pivotal point of my wife's pregnancy.
Converted little man to the toddler bed a week or so ago. As soon as I put the mattress back down, and before the wife could get some more sheets to make it up, he sat right on the edge, picked up his remote and started pressing buttons.....he is only 1.5 years old, so he just take any remote, pushes buttons, and holds it up to the TV expecting it to do something. 

He has actually bought a couple movies OnDemand since he will get the remote randomly when one of us is in the kitchen or something and he sneaks it.

Looking at him get out of the bed on his own and sleeping like a "big boy" do I make it slow down man? 
^You guys weren't kidding about your child(ren) growing up fast.

My daughter is one month old today.

Slow down time.
Converted little man to the toddler bed a week or so ago. As soon as I put the mattress back down, and before the wife could get some more sheets to make it up, he sat right on the edge, picked up his remote and started pressing buttons.....he is only 1.5 years old, so he just take any remote, pushes buttons, and holds it up to the TV expecting it to do something. 

He has actually bought a couple movies OnDemand since he will get the remote randomly when one of us is in the kitchen or something and he sneaks it.

Looking at him get out of the bed on his own and sleeping like a "big boy" do I make it slow down man? 
I don't know what it is with kids and remotes.  They'll sniff it out and find the damn thing even when I hide it.  I got my kids one of those toy remotes and they automatically knew that **** was fake and wanted nothing to do with it!
I don't know what it is with kids and remotes.  They'll sniff it out and find the damn thing even when I hide it.  I got my kids one of those toy remotes and they automatically knew that **** was fake and wanted nothing to do with it!
Exactly! No fake remotes or cell phones are happening with him. He wants the real one. We either have to take a battery out and let him use it, or we just give him one to our old dvd player.

When hide the remote from them and you damn near hide it from yourself in the process 
Remotes, phones, tablets anything that lights up and the big people got em kids want em

My daughter recently learned that keys open doors so she'll take her toy keys and reach for the knob like she got a job to get to lol
You right about that. When I hold him and my smartwatch lights up, he takes his little fingers now and swipes across it because it makes all types of different screens open, lol
For all the dads who post pics of their kids online like me, when my daughter was born I tagged all pics with her with a hashtag so whenever I want to look at just her I can search it and travel through time. I'd suggest any new dad to do it and look back periodically. It's actually really fun to look back at her when she was small and show her pics of herself. it's crazy they can recognize themselves.

If you want to see pics of my baby girl ---> #SkylarsLog

Took some family photos this weekend, i'll post pics when I get home
U need them coupons bro. U ain't lying, my son took pic last weekend and my girl stay with the coupons. **** was 1 something but we ended up paying 30 bucks
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