Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

#2 came out last night.

Big gap between him and his older sis. 6 years.

Anyone with similar stories on how they’ll get along and advice from goin from 1 to 2


When my youngest was born my oldest was 7, so same gap, she helps her sister alot, now that they're 5 and 13 its a little harder since they both have developing personalities but she def still helps.
Older one at first had a bit of trouble adjusting since she was the only one for so long, but came around, def treat them equals (its hard cuz you have to account for the gap obv)
Agreed with @wayniac211 never show the favoritism, with a gap like that in age they'll def feel some type of way to an extent
#2 came out last night.

Big gap between him and his older sis. 6 years.

Anyone with similar stories on how they’ll get along and advice from goin from 1 to 2
Congrats! For me, having kid 2 was all about memory with all the experiences with Kid 1. I mentally prepared to get used to waking up early and taking turns with my wife to feed the baby and adjusting our routine and schedule to now accommodate kid #2. My wife and I also made an effort to be more social when kid #2 was born. Compared to when kid #1 was born, we basically became hermits because we were too cautious for her.

As far as how they'll get a long, I think your daughter is at a good age where she may get along just fine. But again, it all depends on the kids temperament. Some will want all the attention and be needy, while others will not.
#2 came out last night.

Big gap between him and his older sis. 6 years.

Anyone with similar stories on how they’ll get along and advice from goin from 1 to 2
my two kids are 6 years apart: daughter is 3, son is 9.

if one gets something, the other has to get something. they race to get to the door first. everything is a competition. we have to deliberately make time to spend with just my son, like dad/son and mom/son time or else my son feels like he's getting ripped off - hard time adjusting to not being the only child getting all the attention. it has def been a challenge for us. little sister copies a lot of her big brother's words/attitudes/responses. despite that, they are very different and we try and encourage/support those differences. def a love/hate relationship between them that can change in the blink of an eye.

i'll just add this: that damn shop at the mall - claire's - that place is a damb rip off. i spent over $50 there this weekend for little pieces of trash jewelry that shoulda cost like $5. ok. old dad rant over.

Yo this little guy has changed my world man…he’s 7 months tomorrow and we just finished celebrating his mama’s favorite holiday(Halloween). It’s daddy’s turn to celebrate and I went out and copped a full Santa suit for the little guy. I didn’t get these experiences with my dad so I’m trying to make sure he has them all.
#2 came out last night.

Big gap between him and his older sis. 6 years.

Anyone with similar stories on how they’ll get along and advice from goin from 1 to 2
My brother and I are 6 years apart. Cant speak from a parenting perspective but we get along just fine although we’re definitely not as close as some other siblings are. I think we would have been closer if I was the older brother but that’s just a personality thing, I’m way more paternal and all that than he is.

We drifted apart a little when he was in his teens/20s but I think that’s normal since he was like 15 and I was 9 or whatever. Once I got to around 20-25 we’ve been closer than ever though

All in all it’s fine for me but it would have been nice to have another sibling closer in age
thanks for the support. I’m excited for the future that’s for sure

Yo big difference between baby girls and baby boys.

Getting peed on was not the norm at all with my daughter when changing her. With the boy I’m at 4/5 getting peed on. Not only me but the whole setting gets soaked.

Not sure what’s happening
I just think its funny when people do it, kinda defeats the purpose imo but that my opinion. Either way it looks funny
thanks for the support. I’m excited for the future that’s for sure

Yo big difference between baby girls and baby boys.

Getting peed on was not the norm at all with my daughter when changing her. With the boy I’m at 4/5 getting peed on. Not only me but the whole setting gets soaked.

Not sure what’s happening
It gets worse unfortunately lol.
Immediately after you take off their diaper for a cleaning/ change, they start grabbing at their pee-pee with a pissed/ poo’d diaper . Trying to restrain their hands while trying to change them becomes an art.
From my experience growing up with my mom having a daycare, she always said girls are a couple months ahead of boys
Walking 9-12 months
Talking 12-18 months

But everybody has their own pace
daughter took her first steps :emoji_fire:
time to get her a goal and a football ⚽

when did y’all’s kids start walking and talking.

I think mine were like 9-10 months and went from taking first steps to getting really the hang of it within the week I was pretty amazed
Talking I don't remember so much, it was hard to decipher the gibberish to actual words :lol:
daughter took her first steps :emoji_fire:
time to get her a goal and a football ⚽

when did y’all’s kids start walking and talking.
My girl took her first steps at about 11 months. Talking is a little more difficult to pinpoint since there really is no “first step” moment. She’s 22 months now, her vocabulary has been exploding over the past few months and she is now starting to string 2-3 words together.
daughter took her first steps :emoji_fire:
time to get her a goal and a football ⚽

when did y’all’s kids start walking and talking.
My daughter was standing with no support at 6 months but didn't start walking until 18 months. Had us extremely concerned. But I've still got the video of her taking her first steps and it's an amazing watch.

My son had someone to keep up with (his sister) so he was walking at 9 months.
What’s up everyone. My wife took a pregnancy test last night. Came out positive with one of the lines faint. Read online that even faint lines mean positive. Nervous, happy and excited all at the same time.
Congrats! I know the feeling, bro.

Did she take a second test to confirm?

I will have to admit, my wife is starting to get baby fever again. My son is turning 4 in a couple of weeks and she misses holding a baby. I told her our friends have plenty of babies that she can hold.
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