Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

that rock video was great. one thing we scaled back on doing was telling my son that he's smart. FOR MY SON that connotation started to bring out in him some imagined privilege that was counterproductive. we are increasing focus on hard work and perseverance. I notice in myself though that I can be unnecessarily harsh on him and often times I can say mean **** to him when i'm carrying my daughter and that's not good. being a parent is such a humbling experience and i'm still way early in the game.
So... this last week has been crazy. Had to yake my son to the PICU yesterday... he stopped breathing at home and my girl freaked out. I was in another room at the time when she started screaming... I ran in and she said he wasn't breathing. Hos face was super red and neck was starting to turn blue so I tilted his head back a little and pushed in on his stomach and he started breathing again. She called 911 and we got him back to the hospital he was born at (Sky Ridge) and they transferred him to Rocky Mountain Children's Hospital. He blood sugar was extremely low... down to 20, so they have been giving him some glucose solution to bring it back up to 70. They're currently doing bloodwork because they're still not exactly sure what happened... the first hospital thought he had meningitis B but they are saying he's not showing any signs of infection, but they still have him on antibiotics just to be safe.

What I think happened is... we had him circumsized right before he was discharged. They told us after the surgery he would sleep a lot and loose his appetite. First 12 hours go by... we're kinda worried because he just looked out it... called the hospital and they said not to worry. The next day... still not eating, his eyes kinda started rolling in the back of his head and his arms were limp. I'm thinking he basically went with out adequate food until his body started shutting down. I'm super pissed at the last hospital and the guy that performed the circumcision. Seeing my 3 day old son with all types of tubes in him and diwn his troat, getting poked every 30 mins to have his sugar levels checked, basically being completely vulnerable and having to see my girl breaking down has really ****** me up.

Luckily his is doing better now, sugar levels are more consistent, he had a bottle last night so they took out his feeding tube. Hopefully he regains all his strength and should be able to come back home tomorrow hopefully. He looks better.

I hope my next child is a girl because I'm over this whole circumcision ****. Definitely not going to have them do the procedure so early in his life, maybe a couple weeks but definitely not a couple of days. I'll keep you guys updated.
So... this last week has been crazy. Had to yake my son to the PICU yesterday... he stopped breathing at home and my girl freaked out. I was in another room at the time when she started screaming... I ran in and she said he wasn't breathing. Hos face was super red and neck was starting to turn blue so I tilted his head back a little and pushed in on his stomach and he started breathing again. She called 911 and we got him back to the hospital he was born at (Sky Ridge) and they transferred him to Rocky Mountain Children's Hospital. He blood sugar was extremely low... down to 20, so they have been giving him some glucose solution to bring it back up to 70. They're currently doing bloodwork because they're still not exactly sure what happened... the first hospital thought he had meningitis B but they are saying he's not showing any signs of infection, but they still have him on antibiotics just to be safe.

What I think happened is... we had him circumsized right before he was discharged. They told us after the surgery he would sleep a lot and loose his appetite. First 12 hours go by... we're kinda worried because he just looked out it... called the hospital and they said not to worry. The next day... still not eating, his eyes kinda started rolling in the back of his head and his arms were limp. I'm thinking he basically went with out adequate food until his body started shutting down. I'm super pissed at the last hospital and the guy that performed the circumcision. Seeing my 3 day old son with all types of tubes in him and diwn his troat, getting poked every 30 mins to have his sugar levels checked, basically being completely vulnerable and having to see my girl breaking down has really ****ed me up.

Luckily his is doing better now, sugar levels are more consistent, he had a bottle last night so they took out his feeding tube. Hopefully he regains all his strength and should be able to come back home tomorrow hopefully. He looks better.

I hope my next child is a girl because I'm over this whole circumcision ****. Definitely not going to have them do the procedure so early in his life, maybe a couple weeks but definitely not a couple of days. I'll keep you guys updated.
hope everything works out fam...I'm confident it will

I've been really fortunate w/ all my kids

my third was a boy and we had the circumcision before we left the hospital following birth and the doc was good...has five boys of his own and I think he said he performed the circumcision himself on them

sucks to see them get needles put in them so frequently...they had to do that w/ my second one when she was about 5 months...they kept putting the needle in the wrong spot so she was unnecessarily poked, and at one point a nurse poked herself with a needle accidentally after and they had to test my child for aids because of that

my wife was pissed

on top of all that, they had to keep my daughter overnight, maybe for a couple of days, and my wife stayed there...if the mother stays with them they get meals if they are wife did know this until the last meal during their other nurse before the last one asked or let her know so me and her friend were driving there to bring her meals
So... this last week has been crazy. Had to yake my son to the PICU yesterday... he stopped breathing at home and my girl freaked out. I was in another room at the time when she started screaming... I ran in and she said he wasn't breathing. Hos face was super red and neck was starting to turn blue so I tilted his head back a little and pushed in on his stomach and he started breathing again. She called 911 and we got him back to the hospital he was born at (Sky Ridge) and they transferred him to Rocky Mountain Children's Hospital. He blood sugar was extremely low... down to 20, so they have been giving him some glucose solution to bring it back up to 70. They're currently doing bloodwork because they're still not exactly sure what happened... the first hospital thought he had meningitis B but they are saying he's not showing any signs of infection, but they still have him on antibiotics just to be safe.

What I think happened is... we had him circumsized right before he was discharged. They told us after the surgery he would sleep a lot and loose his appetite. First 12 hours go by... we're kinda worried because he just looked out it... called the hospital and they said not to worry. The next day... still not eating, his eyes kinda started rolling in the back of his head and his arms were limp. I'm thinking he basically went with out adequate food until his body started shutting down. I'm super pissed at the last hospital and the guy that performed the circumcision. Seeing my 3 day old son with all types of tubes in him and diwn his troat, getting poked every 30 mins to have his sugar levels checked, basically being completely vulnerable and having to see my girl breaking down has really ****ed me up.

Luckily his is doing better now, sugar levels are more consistent, he had a bottle last night so they took out his feeding tube. Hopefully he regains all his strength and should be able to come back home tomorrow hopefully. He looks better.

I hope my next child is a girl because I'm over this whole circumcision ****. Definitely not going to have them do the procedure so early in his life, maybe a couple weeks but definitely not a couple of days. I'll keep you guys updated.
Good thinking on pressure with the stomach.
I know we differentiate on certain views but when it comes to kids and health, **** everything else going on. Stay strong brotha!
So... this last week has been crazy. Had to yake my son to the PICU yesterday... he stopped breathing at home and my girl freaked out. I was in another room at the time when she started screaming... I ran in and she said he wasn't breathing. Hos face was super red and neck was starting to turn blue so I tilted his head back a little and pushed in on his stomach and he started breathing again. She called 911 and we got him back to the hospital he was born at (Sky Ridge) and they transferred him to Rocky Mountain Children's Hospital. He blood sugar was extremely low... down to 20, so they have been giving him some glucose solution to bring it back up to 70. They're currently doing bloodwork because they're still not exactly sure what happened... the first hospital thought he had meningitis B but they are saying he's not showing any signs of infection, but they still have him on antibiotics just to be safe.

What I think happened is... we had him circumsized right before he was discharged. They told us after the surgery he would sleep a lot and loose his appetite. First 12 hours go by... we're kinda worried because he just looked out it... called the hospital and they said not to worry. The next day... still not eating, his eyes kinda started rolling in the back of his head and his arms were limp. I'm thinking he basically went with out adequate food until his body started shutting down. I'm super pissed at the last hospital and the guy that performed the circumcision. Seeing my 3 day old son with all types of tubes in him and diwn his troat, getting poked every 30 mins to have his sugar levels checked, basically being completely vulnerable and having to see my girl breaking down has really ****ed me up.

Luckily his is doing better now, sugar levels are more consistent, he had a bottle last night so they took out his feeding tube. Hopefully he regains all his strength and should be able to come back home tomorrow hopefully. He looks better.

I hope my next child is a girl because I'm over this whole circumcision ****. Definitely not going to have them do the procedure so early in his life, maybe a couple weeks but definitely not a couple of days. I'll keep you guys updated.
So happy to hear he's doing better.
that rock video was great. one thing we scaled back on doing was telling my son that he's smart. FOR MY SON that connotation started to bring out in him some imagined privilege that was counterproductive. we are increasing focus on hard work and perseverance. I notice in myself though that I can be unnecessarily harsh on him and often times I can say mean **** to him when i'm carrying my daughter and that's not good. being a parent is such a humbling experience and i'm still way early in the game.
Yeeeeeah my son be thinking he smarter than me sometimes
I be having to check him
I forgot what I told him
But he gonna hit me with the
“Well actually dad”
I said “well actually how bout u get a job and pay me some rent”
He shut up quick
He be tryna act like he smarter
Than his sister
Who one grade below him
But gets straight a’s like him
But since he’s in advanced classes
He be thinking he better
I had to really put him in his place

Lol damn.. i know the struggle. No pops so I've had to teach myself how to do a gang of ****

So... this last week has been crazy.

I hope my next child is a girl because I'm over this whole circumcision ****. Definitely not going to have them do the procedure so early in his life, maybe a couple weeks but definitely not a couple of days. I'll keep you guys updated.

Damn. Glad he's okay man.

I got all my boys circumcised but looking back I would have a hard time going thru with the procedure now. My first son bled bad and we had to take him back in because it was so severe.
I be having to remind myself sometimes
That just cause my son and daughters excels at school
It isn’t the end all be all for success in this world
I still have to make sure they are good people too

No doubt my bro

My kids are also crushing school but really trying to make sure I do my part to take care of everything else

Its a challenge but me not having a pops around fuels me
So, the strangest thing happened the other night ... kids are doing the virtual learning, daugher did some project where each kid gets to buy each others product by posting a video saying, "Hi, _____ (kids name), I would like to buy your product for $1!" The teacher also said, families can get involved.

Anyways, my wife got an email from the teacher who is close to 80 years old but super vibrant, saying "(My wife's name), it has been brought up by all the parents abut a very concerning situation about your husband. I have seen the video that he posted and a lot of parents are feeling uneasy about who gets to view these kids videos and I'm sure what your husband did was very innocent. I will call you in the morning."

This was around 10p at night and my wife couldn't sleep thinking WTF!? Anyways, I wake up at 3am and my wife asking me what the teacher was talking about - I was like wtf is going on, what are you talking about!? My wife has taken over with my daughter's schooling, so I'm not involved in what they're learning.

Long story short, my wife calls the teacher because I'm tripping how I'm even involved in this, I guess the teacher sent the email to my wife but it was for the other mom who had the same name. I guess that lady's husband was on kids videos ... in his boxers and shirtless and with a hairy chest saying, "Hi, (kids name) ... I'd like to buy $1 worth of your product." recording himself :smh:
So, the strangest thing happened the other night ... kids are doing the virtual learning, daugher did some project where each kid gets to buy each others product by posting a video saying, "Hi, _____ (kids name), I would like to buy your product for $1!" The teacher also said, families can get involved.

Anyways, my wife got an email from the teacher who is close to 80 years old but super vibrant, saying "(My wife's name), it has been brought up by all the parents abut a very concerning situation about your husband. I have seen the video that he posted and a lot of parents are feeling uneasy about who gets to view these kids videos and I'm sure what your husband did was very innocent. I will call you in the morning."

This was around 10p at night and my wife couldn't sleep thinking WTF!? Anyways, I wake up at 3am and my wife asking me what the teacher was talking about - I was like wtf is going on, what are you talking about!? My wife has taken over with my daughter's schooling, so I'm not involved in what they're learning.

Long story short, my wife calls the teacher because I'm tripping how I'm even involved in this, I guess the teacher sent the email to my wife but it was for the other mom who had the same name. I guess that lady's husband was on kids videos ... in his boxers and shirtless and with a hairy chest saying, "Hi, (kids name) ... I'd like to buy $1 worth of your product." recording himself :smh:
Yo that virtual learning is killing it
I can’t walk around shirtless
In my boxers at all
While they doing them google classroom
and zoom meetings
Lol bruh I be in a full Nike sweatsuit... I ain't taking nooo chances. I've litterally seen mothers breast feeding on their before lol. We have a setup in the house now to eliminate shenanigans since we've alrdy had our 2 yr old make a butt *** appearance on his sisters call :lol:


slaughterx slaughterx praying all is well fam, scary stuff. Your obviously prepared for what comes next. Stay strong 👊🏾
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Yo that virtual learning is killing it
I can’t walk around shirtless
In my boxers at all
While they doing them google classroom
and zoom meetings

My daughter is in kindergarten and she was on her iPad on Google Classroom hangouts meeting with the class and she couldn't figure out how to unmute, so she brought the iPad into the bathroom to ask my wife... while she was in the shower!:rofl:
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