Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Yo stuntman mike stuntman mike , when you played that joke, were you screaming HAAAAAAAAAAAALP? :rofl:
even worse. i made like this scary screaming noise lol. later that night, i spoke to my son about it before i went to bed. he was legit shook so i told him it was a bad joke, apologized, and said i wouldn't do that again. i told him i would still play tricks on him but just not that exact one and he was ok with that.

whats it like vacationing with young ones under 3 years old?
first long trip was to japan when my son was about 15 months old. 8.5 hours. we got that row of seats facing the bulkhead and you can request a bassinet to be installed during flight. he liked chilling in there but only slept for a little bit. that thing is super small though and made for infants. he was ok though. no crying the whole flight. he's been to cali once and japan 2 more times and has never really had any issues on long flights. he has super limited tablet time at home but on the plane, he can use it as much as he wants and can also snack on whatever too. we've never needed a car seat in japan but traveling with a car seat and stroller can be rough. when we went to cali and some of our outer island trips, we got this thing like a huge bag thing that you can put the car seat in and wear it like a backpack. that comes in handy.

one other tip that you guys may consider. on two of our trips, my son got sick and was running a fever. just used cold compress in japan because i didn't want to try and decipher the labels and get something safe for kids. we had no thermometer either. at disneyland, we were staying on property and my wife had to walk super far one morning to get a thermometer and tylenol for kids. would be a good idea to pack your thermometer and some tylenol/ibu just in case. in both cases though, my son was good even though he was sick. the excitement of the trip overpowered his fever lol.
So my son is dealing with gas issues an hour or so after he feeds. We tried the gas relief drops and have had mixed results. Has anyone used 'gripe water' I've been reading that it's another alternative.

He drinks out of Dr. Brown bottles and we make sure he burps and laying upright for at least 30 minutes after feeding.

Feel bad for the guy. His rash is completely gone, but he now has gas issues.
Gripe water helps but in our case we shopped bottles. Dr Brown did not work so ended up shopping around until we found a bottle that vented well during feeding. Not very cost effective but an option.
marmourjr, I love seeing your post. Very inspiring.


We're taking our 2nd international trip with him in 3 weeks. I'm excited!

This is super dope! It’s going to be hella fun.
whats it like vacationing with young ones under 3 years old? we gotta go to canada in 2 months (we may drive, 9 hours with like 3 bathroom stops) I want to fly but im scared to fly with her

I flew Pelly with me to New Orleans when she was 3. There was no issues or crying. In fact, she actually enjoyed it.All depends on the child.

I see parents traveling with kids all the time. You shouldn’t have a problem. The airlines generally let you get on the plane first so that you make the necessary preparation. Most airlines are very accommodating with traveling with little ones.
whats it like vacationing with young ones under 3 years old? we gotta go to canada in 2 months (we may drive, 9 hours with like 3 bathroom stops) I want to fly but im scared to fly with her

When our son was little we always booked our seats in the back because in our experience that’s where the families with kids always sat, so everyone is pretty understanding. :lol: Our first flight with him was at 2 or 3 months iirc. Just made sure to have a bottle ready at takeoff (ears).

So my son is dealing with gas issues an hour or so after he feeds. We tried the gas relief drops and have had mixed results. Has anyone used 'gripe water' I've been reading that it's another alternative.

He drinks out of Dr. Brown bottles and we make sure he burps and laying upright for at least 30 minutes after feeding.

Feel bad for the guy. His rash is completely gone, but he now has gas issues.

If it continues you could look into this. My son was colic and gassy and it worked wonders. We also had to switch to a sensitive formula but hopefully you won’t have to. (More expensive :lol: )

yea by the time we fly with her she will be about 4 months maybe 5.
my baby doesn't take the pacifier. she hates it so she chills then sucks on her fingers then time to eat.
yea by the time we fly with her she will be about 4 months maybe 5.
my baby doesn't take the pacifier. she hates it so she chills then sucks on her fingers then time to eat.

we did our first flight with our son at around 6 months. we timed our flight around his feed/nap and it worked well. my son slept through the flight (it was only about an hour flying from SFO to LAX). my wife just brought a cover so she could breastfeed if he woke up during the flight.

My son also didn't take the pacifier when he was younger until we found the right one. a lot of pacifiers are too long for an infant and they gag so they end up not taking it. we found the NUK infant pacifier to work extremely well (we got it for free from the target registry bag).

Here's a link to it if you're interested in trying (we gave one to our friend who also had an infant that didn't take the pacifier until they tried this specific one).
Fozz Fozz
Did stirring and letting it sit work?
I also just bought the dr browns mixer. Its suppose to get all the foam out of the sensitive formula as well
Good morning

What are some things you do with your lil dude that your father did to/with/for you?

I come in peace

My son is still really young. so there is only so much you can do. Also we all have a hand in raising him. My dad visits often and my husband is very hands on with our son. The main things we are working on with him is exploration, independence and the love of books.

My son is very curious and he likes to observe, help you and attempt to do it on his own. My dad was beat as a kid when he would take things apart to try and figure things out. When I was a kid he would encourage me to figure things out by research and by being hands on. So now, we all do the same with my son. Everyday tasks we do (even tho minimal) we encourage him to help so he can understand how things work. It is also a good deflection from his meltdowns lol. (hence why we are working on patience also)

To be specific:
Any toy he gets he helps us put it together
If I am doing laundry, he will help me by bringing a piece of clothing to me or holding the dryer door open
If we get a package, he will help us open it and put it away
Helps putting groceries away
Makes him pick out his favorite books and sit and read them
Fozz Fozz
Did stirring and letting it sit work?
I also just bought the dr browns mixer. Its suppose to get all the foam out of the sensitive formula as well
Yes, it did! I ended up getting the Dr. Brown pitcher and that's helped so much.
Hey guys, Hope all is well with your babies.

I was wondering if anyone is going through what im going through.

My oldest is 5, turns 6 in Feb. She tends to stutter some words as she says a sentence.
Like "when", shell try to start it off but get stuck on the w before she can say the full word. For her to ask me "when are we going" really feels like shes taking an hour to tell me.

Honestly, this frustrates me and i feel ****** for getting frustrated. I need to be patient. I read with her and she doesnt stutter. Teachers at school havent noticed anything. Its just regular talk between her and others in the house. Like her mom, grandma, uncle, cousins, friends, etc

Now my theory is that, because we live in a bilangual house, Spanish and English, this is affecting her. Also, i am turkish. My parents moved from USA just last year, so visiting them she also picked up turkish as well.

But her being 6, are my expectations too high? Curious what yall think...
my kid is the same age. turns 6 at the end of the month.
he doesn't stutter but he has a tic that is repetitive clearing his throat and sometimes does other small physical movements. he's constantly thinking about stuff that worries him like aliens coming from UFOs, zombies, germs, earthquakes, and all kinda other crap no matter how much we speak to him about it or help him to feel secure. the doctor said if it doesn't bother my son, then don't make a big deal of it. his teachers know about it and it doesn't affect his schoolwork. the thing that got me flipped out the most was worrying about how others might see him or how he might get teased but it's not even a big deal when i realize that it's MY issue that makes it a problem and not his. his reading level is fantastic, doing good in math, and he's starting to express interest in learning what coding is about so his throat clearing isn't a huge deal anymore.
my daughter takes some time to get a sentence out too, i've read about it and asked the doctor and it may be because their mind is going a lot faster than their mouth if that makes any sense....
my son turned 6 today. time is flying by!
we brought cupcakes for his class. the cupcakes are the grass and the cobra is rice krispy treats. my co-worker’s daughter made it and we paid $60 which was a good deal imo. my boy asked to eat at a seafood restaurant and he ate a big slab of swordfish.
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