Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Son got caught yesterday flaunting his birthday money at school and got in trouble. Had about $92 dollars on him balled up in this lil pouch he calls his wallet. Explained to him that cluing people in on how much money you have is a quick way to get ya wig split.

guess the teacher told him he needs to put the money in the bank cause he asked me before he told me he got in trouble that he wanted to open an account. I haven't done any kid account research in a while so I don't know which bank to even consider for an account for him but in the mean time I've decided to divvy out his own money to him $5 a week unless there's a specific reason he needs all of his money.

I've started a lil transaction history so we all can see what's what with his money and it's in my wife's clothes drawer for the moment.

Anybody already have a bank account for their kids (age 10+ preferably)?

Another dope idea is adding them to a credit card to build their credit up so, once they hit that young adult age they wont come out the gate with no credit history n a low credit score.

Obviously thjs has to be done with the proper education so they don't ruin that score immediately lol

If done right however, it should benefit them greatly, when they need it.
1 week and 1 day since my son was born and everything smooth so far. He sleeps a good amount during the day and at night only really wakes up to eat or if he needs his diaper to be changed. So that usually us waking up about 3 times during the night for about 20 minutes and he falls back to sleep. Dude eats alot, in 5 days he already gained back his birth weight and some.
I went in at the Nike employee store the other day. I copped too much. most people told me the kid isn't even going to need shoes like that
Between sizes 1-3 they gon run through shoes quick but once they get to 4+ they stay that size for a while. 1 year old been wearing 4s for about 4 months and may now be moving to 5s and my 3 year old was on 5s for a lil over a year
1 week and 1 day since my son was born and everything smooth so far. He sleeps a good amount during the day and at night only really wakes up to eat or if he needs his diaper to be changed. So that usually us waking up about 3 times during the night for about 20 minutes and he falls back to sleep. Dude eats alot, in 5 days he already gained back his birth weight and some.

That's awesome man. I tell you, you get used to the broken sleep...then when your child starts consistently sleeping through the night and wakes up on some one-offs (i.e. teething, etc), it's hell.
1 week and 1 day since my son was born and everything smooth so far. He sleeps a good amount during the day and at night only really wakes up to eat or if he needs his diaper to be changed. So that usually us waking up about 3 times during the night for about 20 minutes and he falls back to sleep. Dude eats alot, in 5 days he already gained back his birth weight and some.

That's awesome man. I tell you, you get used to the broken sleep...then when your child starts consistently sleeping through the night and wakes up on some one-offs (i.e. teething, etc), it's hell.

When they start sleeping through the night, you're still popping up because you're thinking something has to be wrong. :lol:
Damn gais, my babygirl turned 4 yesterday.

I swear i just took her home from the hospital like a month or two ago.

It's true what they say - the days are long but the years are short.

Happy Birthday babygirl, Daddy loves you and hopes that he makes you as happy as you make him.....
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man my daughter is staying up later and later now, and making extra big fusses late at night, what could this be? shes def. eating more, is she just getting hungrier at night? she just hit 5 months..can she be teething already? [emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji]
man my daughter is staying up later and later now, and making extra big fusses late at night, what could this be? shes def. eating more, is she just getting hungrier at night? she just hit 5 months..can she be teething already? [emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji]
Could be teething. Have you tried giving her a teether?
So my daughter has become really, really, picky with her food. She wants nothing to do with veggies at the moment.
 (Just like her mother, but that's a different conversation)

Has anyone dealt with this issue?
Could be teething. Have you tried giving her a teether?
she has a few, but been tryna get her on a pacifier for a bit sometimes she'll take sometimes she'll spit it out instantly..she def. tries to gnaw on anything she can get her hands on right now
she has a few, but been tryna get her on a pacifier for a bit sometimes she'll take sometimes she'll spit it out instantly..she def. tries to gnaw on anything she can get her hands on right now
Oh, man...Definitely could be teething.

If she's eating well and is active...It could be her teeth finally sprouting out.
So my daughter has become really, really, picky with her food. She wants nothing to do with veggies at the moment.
 (Just like her mother, but that's a different conversation)

Has anyone dealt with this issue?
Yes, both my kids are crazy picky eaters.  I'm able to bribe them into eating a few small pieces of steamed veggies dipped in ketchup by promising a sweet treat after dinner, but that is just to try and get them to eventually figure out that the veggies aren't horrible and will make them big/strong/smart.
Yeah man my son's 3 weeks, sleeps good during the day but when night hits he doesn't like to be put down in his sleeper and seems to wake up every half hour crying and wants to eat like every 2 hours.
oh **** [emoji]128560[/emoji] any tips/help with this chapter in my life? lol
Don't know how you and your lady feel about it, but we drugged our kids up throughout this stage. 

But really, anytime they were getting fussy, we gave them a little infant Tylenol (less than the lowest dose), and they were good.
Could be teething. Have you tried giving her a teether?
she has a few, but been tryna get her on a pacifier for a bit sometimes she'll take sometimes she'll spit it out instantly..she def. tries to gnaw on anything she can get her hands on right now

Yeah my son turned 5 months last week. We think he is starting to teeth a little too. We are still fairly lucky with his sleeping...he usually sleeps from like 730-11...has a night bottle, then doesn't wake up until like 630am
Yeah man my son's 3 weeks, sleeps good during the day but when night hits he doesn't like to be put down in his sleeper and seems to wake up every half hour crying and wants to eat like every 2 hours.

Check out On Becoming Baby Wise by Robert Bucknam

My daughter is 10 weeks now and was just like your son. It's been 2 weeks since we started doing what the book suggested and she started sleeping 4-5 hr stretches through the night only having to wake up once.
So my daughter has become really, really, picky with her food. She wants nothing to do with veggies at the moment.:smh:  (Just like her mother, but that's a different conversation)

Has anyone dealt with this issue?

Man i thought i was the only one. Even my wife is the same.

My kid is at the phase where he knows where the food is, goes to it and makes baby noise, but he doesnt eat what we bring down. Even spits put stuff he likes, only to remember he likes it 2 bites later.

And new food? By his face, he doesnt eat it, but me his dad, i know he hasnt tried it and sure enough, 3-4 bites later after making a face and spitting it out, guess who likes the new food?

My kid is a year and a half, i think it's the teething that has em out of wack.
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We negotiate in meal time.

My dude loves cheese. It's also his fave word. He'll be saying "cheese. Cheese. Cheese." On repeat. You want some cheese? Better eat all that damn broccoli then.
my son is a picky eater and definitely has his own taste. he hates pb&j but loves egg salad sandwiches. hates hamburgers but eats raw fish. he loves some of the typical kid foods though: bagel dogs, chicken nuggets, cheese pizza etc. he used to love all kinds of veggies but now we have to make smoothies so he gets his greens. he doesn't eat 90% of the school lunch entrees so i try and feed him something in the morning and bring a good snack when i pick him up.
he used to love all kinds of veggies but now we have to make smoothies so he gets his greens.

Same problem with my son. I actually do smoothies and also get pre bottled green juices and mix it with his favorite juices.

That latter works out well because the green juices I get are all green veggie. No apple. So they have a very low sugar count and balance out the fruit juices well.

My son has also gone on a milk strike since he got sick because of it a few times so the kale in the green juice also gives a nice dose of calcium. Same with the almond milk in the smoothies.
my son is a picky eater and definitely has his own taste. he hates pb&j but loves egg salad sandwiches. hates hamburgers but eats raw fish. he loves some of the typical kid foods though: bagel dogs, chicken nuggets, cheese pizza etc. he used to love all kinds of veggies but now we have to make smoothies so he gets his greens. he doesn't eat 90% of the school lunch entrees so i try and feed him something in the morning and bring a good snack when i pick him up.
Same problem with my son. I actually do smoothies and also get pre bottled green juices and mix it with his favorite juices.

That latter works out well because the green juices I get are all green veggie. No apple. So they have a very low sugar count and balance out the fruit juices well.

My son has also gone on a milk strike since he got sick because of it a few times so the kale in the green juice also gives a nice dose of calcium. Same with the almond milk in the smoothies.
School me on some of y'all usual smoothie mixes. Might have to try this with my 2 year old. She doesn't each as much as we want her to consistently

School me on some of y'all usual smoothie mixes. Might have to try this with my 2 year old. She doesn't each as much as we want her to consistently
Water, Kale, banana(best when a little over ripe) and yogurt.  Then u can add any other fruits your kid likes.  I even add ginger to it and my daughter loves it, she'll be 2 in August. 
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