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a pic of the all star kobes from one of the dudes at ISS


I have to thank that guy at ISS for saving me money. No longer turned on by the ASGs. Maybe it was the carpet....
That's a blanket not carpet and those allstars aren't his. He paid $195 btw. I swear these newb cant see or read.
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

a pic of the all star kobes from one of the dudes at ISS


Tongue kills it for me, and the red is kinda weak too IMO.  Out of all the ASG pack, the sunsets are most appealing because they are something new/diff in terms of a colorway and they aren't ridiculously over the top.  What kinda sticks with me is how "lukewarm" Kobe was towards Conan busting the 3ds out on Nat. TV a few days back.  He almost seemed to think they were too gimmicky and cheesy.  I think he recognizes that flash and fun are all a part of selling shoes, but a 3D colorway is more indicative of the KB line and NIKE buying into pop culture and what people ages "13-25" are all about versus telling that demographic what to "buy into". 

Just a perspective from an old 35 year old fart like me, but I think everyone is getting way worked up over these releases.  In the end, if you love them, because you love them, get em.  If you don't then great.  But don't let the fact that its "limited" CON you into thinking its so friggin great.  As a lot of the "regulars" have noted in recent weeks, the colorways many seem to prefer are the DEL SOLs and Concords.  Not because they are limited, but because they are well done and clean.  One could say the same about the Carpe Diem 4s, the DK5s, the MLK 4s, etc... just some food for thought.
I like the simplicity of the red all star pair. I also like that, he will wear those in the game.
What is the image on the tongue? Never saw any good pics on it. And yes, i'm a new poster; member. But I have been a lurker on these boards for years.
lol at all these people coming in here saying their not copping the ASG colorways 
But watch when release time come everyone is going to change there mind just like they did with the 3Ds 
allstars look good. crossing my fingers i can get my hands on them and the 3D's out here somewhere in LA.
The all stars are gonna be widely available GR status, but I promise ya, they will sell out.

Red kicks sell out quick, 'specially in MacArthur Park....

And agree with the sunsets/oc being different. Those I will, and must have.

That yellow toe is what does it for me
Originally Posted by CHICHAN

NT Chicago had about 20 pairs!
Why even bother?  Basically that accounts for 1 14,13,12.5,12,11.5, maybe 2 11s, 10.5, 2 10s, 9.5, 2 9s, 8.5, an 8.
ok. perhaps another 12 or 11, but you get the point.  Its Chicago, not Peoria.  I could understand 100 pairs and calling it a wrap, but 20 seems positively stupid.

On the other hand, now every Tom, ****, and Larry will be sniffing around for the black/white/red pair because its all they could get their hands on.

I get building the hype, but pissing off a good majority of those who will buy 5,10,15 or even 20 pairs of one shoe.  That doesn't seem to be very brilliant.  I guess in the end though its a numbers game and they are willing to lose the NWTs, IllGT2s, Marleys, Abstractabilitys, you get the point, of the world to gain a few more unknowing sheep only to disappoint them at some point as well.
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