da fug is a miscer
I thought I was the only one.  Per the internet:

"A miscer is a member of the misc section of the bodybuilding.com forums. While most of the bodybuilding.com forums are geared towards the bodybuilding lifestyle, with a few exceptions, the misc section is generally where all the unrelated random topics tend to be posted.

Miscers are predominatley male in the 18-34 age bracket. Although many claim to be avid bodybuilders, a lot do not look it judging by their avatar pictures.

Miscers tend to be a cynical, impatient and fickle lot and do not take kindly to unfunny trolling. Said trolls are often dealt with harshly and negged to oblivion.

Most miscers are looked down upon by other members of the forum because they post almost exclusively in the misc section and many do not even work out. It is also where most of the forums trolls congegrate.

To make it as a miscer your main goal should be providing entertainment to the other misc members. Probably the easiest way would be providing comedy relief or posting something informative or of an 'epic' nature." (SIC)
I thought I was the only one.  Per the internet:

"A miscer is a member of the misc section of the bodybuilding.com forums. While most of the bodybuilding.com forums are geared towards the bodybuilding lifestyle, with a few exceptions, the misc section is generally where all the unrelated random topics tend to be posted.

Miscers are predominatley male in the 18-34 age bracket. Although many claim to be avid bodybuilders, a lot do not look it judging by their avatar pictures.

Miscers tend to be a cynical, impatient and fickle lot and do not take kindly to unfunny trolling. Said trolls are often dealt with harshly and negged to oblivion.

Most miscers are looked down upon by other members of the forum because they post almost exclusively in the misc section and many do not even work out. It is also where most of the forums trolls congegrate.

To make it as a miscer your main goal should be providing entertainment to the other misc members. Probably the easiest way would be providing comedy relief or posting something informative or of an 'epic' nature." (SIC)
guess dudes just aint aware...
I saw those kyodan at Marshall's. The quality and fit are no where close. They have 2 front pockets and fit really tight. I tried them on and had to pass due to them feeling cheap. I guess at $24.99 you get what you pay for.
I recently copped a pair because I was interested, after doing some research, they seem to be one of those brands that is only sold at marshalls.  The pair I have seems to be pretty quality and the fit was actually pretty nice.  Some stitching was pulling but it pulled straight out; seemed to be just extra string.  Overall I don't mind em, not on par with tf tho.
not really saying you mad just havin fun 
anybody looking for grey tech fleece pants XL ( The blue drawstring joints)?

I bought a pair from the shoe palace sale and they were too big. I was in full blown Diaper mode.
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