So these are suppose to be lebron watch tonight during the game, even though its not nationally televised?
weird that medicine balls dropped at boutiques without nike saying anything

I feel like the fact that we saw the medicine balls ahead of time and haven't seen any other unreleased pairs this late means we won't see the hot lavas
I wanted to get a pair of 16s but nothing has wowed me.

Had the red metallic 13s, red carpet 14s, and new heights 15s. But this model looks like it's breaking that streak.

Only pair I've kinda liked was the Fresh Breds but I own a ton of black/red shoes already.
So if memory serves correctly, there’s two more TNT games next Tuesday and Thursday. And an NBATv game 4/7....I’m getting antsy.

Anyone seen the medicine ball in person? In official pics the plastic looks white; in other photos they look bone. My "real" medicine balls are all more bone than white. Prefer OG white personally.
Ya'll really like the medicine balls? They look so boring to me...maybe cause I never grew up with the originals?
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Knowing Nike they will drop the ball somehow with that one. Probably gonna be bland/generic af or throw in a random color and ruin it
I’m at LA live and there’s a HOH truck and a long line. They said probably an exclusive LeBron?

Edit: looks like medicine balls according to brons ig
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