lol comedy the last few pages.. lol at the sean john laughhhhh lol

and that Spongebob gif toooooo funny. Those Yellow 16s are dope!


This shoe hurts my ankle if i don't lace it with my foot in a certain position. It digs into the medial side of my ankle. Had to relace three times to make it go away. Also way too much forefoot movement, got some skin peeing off under the ball of my foot. Hope that breaks in, I should doublesock in the meantime

Other than that the shoe is great so far. Makes me not want to wear my 15s as these are that much better then those clunky joints. Guards will like the responsiveness and stability these offer that the 15 did not. These are next level kd 9s
I can’t get with the black...I would’ve preferred if they kept it more OG...Save the black for alternate away unis...
Guy I got my MCs from on Stockx where they were going for 150 shipped from Portland. My guess is they were at the employee store. Works for me...he made profit...I saved money. Win/win. Shoes will be in Monday. Got my Kings in. Gorgeous. Dont sleep while prices are low.
Why's he running around like he just hit the game winning shot in The Finals?
First close win for the new squad. His ft game has been off point in clutch situations recent years. I'm sure it meant a lot at the time. West ain't the East. East is Milwaukees now.
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