mine greys might be chlorine blues? that one orange t shirt of kobe had him in grey and purple and blue kobe 8s//// just speculating
Damn I hope the green glows aren't just the pit viper pattern.... 
idk? readin all these comments bout the Kobe IX bein released way late til like..March or whatever?....but IMO i really dont see that happenin at pretty sure everything will go as scheduled like the previous releases in the kobe line?.....its a pretty safe bet the IX will drop in Dec?.....Nike hasnt said any different....just other folks tweetin all this hearsay rallin peeps up.....I realize the kobe 8 has blown all others outta the water, cause it is LITERALLY the first (kobe) and best shoe ive ever worn, not to mention ive gone crazy coppin practically every never done that with any shoe in my 24 yrs of collecting)....absolutly LOVE IT!....anywaz blah, expecting a couple quickstrike releases prob "Homes" & "inlines"...4sure IMO....would luv to get the "Amnesties" but dont think thats gunna happen since he wore them only 2x all year?..unfortunatly!....anywaz....idk? far as release date?...maybe im wrong?...its just never happened with any sig line EVER thats carried over to the next year.....
Guess no more Kobe's can have orange in them.....

I would expect such a comment if another red color dropped :lol:
Guess no more Kobe's can have orange in them.....

I would expect such a comment if another red color dropped :lol:

Red?....think bout bro....Xmas, BHMs, Pythons, All-stars, Blitz Blues, Chall Reds, Sparks, VBs, Tony Tigers, PPs, Gray PPs, Those above, all with "Orange/Crimson Red" whatever?..same thing to the untrained alot of Orange for a laker dontcha think?....i feel like im missin sum still?..hmm?
I'm more pissed off about the fact that the KD VI and LeBron XI, models that were still in mid-design when the Kobe 8 came out, have release date for their team colors.  The KD VI OKC Away colorway drops in October, while the LeBron XI Heat colorway drops in October aswell.

Meanwhile, the Kobe 8 has been out for almost a year, and still no release date on a Laker colorway (Homes/Inlines).
how about lakers colors please, these should be the first colors that come out, homes and aways then other colors

Dude what rya talkin bout?...wvwe had plenty of Laker colorwayz....theres "sulfers" & "gradients" &.....................????????????? ya yur right! sad nike!
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