Let's see if we can clear up your misunderstanding. 

You've never criticized Gilbert Arenas or Adidas for doing the same thing that you're now taking Kobe Bryant and Nike to task for.

While Nike's released lowtop versions of popular shoes for years (including Air Jordans), they obviously weren't the first to sell lowtop basketball shoes.  The only thing "special" in this case is that you're dealing with a signature model that is, by default, a lowtop.  Again, Gilbert Arenas did that before Kobe Bryant.  Back then, you didn't utter so much as a peep of criticism. 

If your gripe is that Kobe's "influenced many fans to wear lows," what of Gilbert Arenas - who arguably influenced Kobe Bryant to do the same?  

It's insincere.  If your primary motive in all this were simply to make people aware of the "evidence" about lowtops, you'd have done so when Gilbert Arenas was literally wearing running shoes on the court.  You didn't and the reason for that is obvious.  

I think users deserve to know that NobleKane works for Nike and that you have a grudge AGAINST Nike (and, not coincidentally, NobleKane), so that readers can treat your respective rants/tangents accordingly.  Your opinions (and I include him in this statement as well) are motivated less by facts than the circumstances of your lives and are presented not in service to the public but in service to your own private agendas.  
What are you talking about?

I am not taking Nike to task for anything, at least not on this subject in particular. I simply stated that regardless of the cut of the shoe, you can still get injured in them, IF the shoe does not support you properly. The pics of Kobe twisting his ankle proves that point, where some stated that they've never gotten injured in lows. Well, Kobe DID get injured in his, with nobody around him, not even landing on someone's foot. Point is, that many Niketalkers didn't want to wear lows, not until Nike made the low cut shoe for Kobe Bryant.

In regard to Arenas wearing running shoes on court, those shoes were NIKE running shoes. When that happened, I didn't have a clue as to what a Nike Talk was.

Da' hell?
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Let's see if we can clear up your misunderstanding. 

You've never criticized Gilbert Arenas or Adidas for doing the same thing that you're now taking Kobe Bryant and Nike to task for.

While Nike's released lowtop versions of popular shoes for years (including Air Jordans), they obviously weren't the first to sell lowtop basketball shoes.  The only thing "special" in this case is that you're dealing with a signature model that is, by default, a lowtop.  Again, Gilbert Arenas did that before Kobe Bryant.  Back then, you didn't utter so much as a peep of criticism. 

If your gripe is that Kobe's "influenced many fans to wear lows," what of Gilbert Arenas - who arguably influenced Kobe Bryant to do the same?  

It's insincere.  If your primary motive in all this were simply to make people aware of the "evidence" about lowtops, you'd have done so when Gilbert Arenas was literally wearing running shoes on the court.  You didn't and the reason for that is obvious.  

I think users deserve to know that NobleKane works for Nike and that you have a grudge AGAINST Nike (and, not coincidentally, NobleKane), so that readers can treat your respective rants/tangents accordingly.  Your opinions (and I include him in this statement as well) are motivated less by facts than the circumstances of your lives and are presented not in service to the public but in service to your own private agendas.  
What are you talking about?

I am not taking Nike to task for anything, at least not on this subject in particular. I simply stated that regardless of the cut of the shoe, you can still get injured in them, IF the shoe does not support you properly. The pics of Kobe twisting his ankle proves that point, where some stated that they've never gotten injured in lows. Well, Kobe DID get injured in his, with nobody around him, not even landing on someone's foot. Point is, that many Niketalkers didn't want to wear lows, not until Nike made the low cut shoe for Kobe Bryant.

In regard to Arenas wearing running shoes on court, those shoes were NIKE running shoes. When that happened, I didn't have a clue as to what a Nike Talk was.

Da' hell?

why are you blaming lows for an injury?

why are you blaming lows for an injury?
I guess literacy isn't your strong suit.
I am not taking Nike to task for anything, at least not on this subject in particular.
Nobody's buying it.  
Point is, that many Niketalkers didn't want to wear lows, not until Nike made the low cut shoe for Kobe Bryant.
The same could've been said about the Gil Zero.  Not a peep.  

If you were a new user, perhaps I'd believe you.  You're not.  Same garbage, different bag.  

When Nike does something questionable, it's time to shout from the rooftops.  When Adidas does the same thing, it's not worth mentioning.  Brandwashing is dangerous indeed.
I guess literacy isn't your strong suit.
Or basic civility yours.  Earlier this season, a Nike designer found himself in trouble for trying to pin Derek Rose's injury on his shoes.  I'm sure you found that to be in incredibly poor taste to say the least.  It was a cheap shot.  Players have been injured while wearing every sneaker brand imaginable.  They've been injured while wearing tape.  They've been injured while wearing braces.  They've been injured in highs, mids, and lows.  

Anyone so motivated could post pictures of Derek Rose or Gilbert Arenas grimacing in pain.  What would that prove?

At least be consistent. 
Civility isn't a strong suit for many around here, so I am not alone in that one.

That said, people didn't want  to wear Gil's shoes from Adidas, due to them being from Adidas, then not Nike. I didn't say anything here against lows, not one peep as you put it.

Now find one comment I made against low cut shoes.

I dare you.
Here is where I chimed in....
i'm not kobe, and i don't have a personal trainer. is it magic that i've NEVER rolled my ankle in kobe's (when properly laced up)?
i've rolled my ankle when i would be stupid and play without lacing up, but other than that.. no, not once since 2008.
so you're theory is bs. you know it, i know it.
i feel more comfortable landing on someone's foot in kobe's than in lebrons (and it's happened). lebrons i gotta worry about the airmax which is slightly higher off the ground..
it's physics.. it doesn't lie.
So I put up the pics of Kobe rolling HIS ankle, then this exchange,

Originally Posted by LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by al3x89

him wearing that shoe probably saved his career. the kobe 6 are extremely low to the ground.. if he was wearing anything with airmax or higher off the ground really, he would have broke it probably.

he was playing right after he rolled it by the way..

i still don't see how a piece of leather is going to prevent someone from rolling their ankle. whoever made that **** up and the sheep that followed are idiots.. seriously. if a body part wants to turn a certain way, a piece of material won't get in the way.
You cannot have it both ways.

You say that you cannot see how a piece of leather is going to prevent someone from rolling their ankle, yet in the same breath suggest that the shoe Kobe is wearing, probably saved his career.

You wear what you are most comfortable playing in.

There is scientific proof that mid to high cut shoes offer some protection to both the foot and ankle, but obviously that depends on the wearer as well. So to suggest the sheep that followed are idiots, doesn't make you look very wise, especially with Bryant's ankle in the pics doing a 180 with nobody touching him nor his foot.

Players like Dr. J had pretty lengthy careers while wearing their shoes extra high, and some had successful ones while wearing lows. The point is to make sure that you're in good enough condition, then remaining in shape, so that you can bounce back quickly from tweaks and turns. Those are the guys who bounce back, coming back into games after injury. It's the dudes who are in shape, it's not the shoes, it's your level of conditioning.
Now show me where I am getting on the case of Kobe Bryant, or that of Nike
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Civility isn't a strong suit for many around here, so I am not alone in that one.

That said, people didn't want  to wear Gil's shoes from Adidas, due to them being from Adidas, then not Nike. I didn't say anything here against lows, not one peep as you put it.

Now find one comment I made against low cut shoes.

I dare you.
This whole rant of yours is about Kobe influencing people to do something potentially dangerous, as evidenced by the countless pictures of Kobe Bryant suffering ankle injuries.  
Many of you would not have dared to wear a low cut shoe to play ball in, prior to Kobe Bryant doing it. But just because Kobe does it, does not mean that YOU are supposed to do it.
Some people didn't wear Gilbert Arenas' shoes due to the branding, but many people did wear them - and for the same basic reason as Kobe fans:  they like the player and they like the shoe.  The Gil Zero did pretty well at retail, as I recall, and put more players in lowtops than would've been the case had Arenas/Adidas not marketed the product as aggressively.  Problem?  

Let's stop dancing around the obvious.  You clearly have some gripe with people wearing a lowtop "just because" Kobe wears them.  The same exact thing happened with Gilbert Arenas, if only on a slightly smaller scale.  Again, is THAT a problem - or is it only a problem when Kobe and Nike do it?  

I'll wait. 

What rant? All I said was that just because Kobe wears lows, that it does not mean that YOU should.

What I was clearly addressing were those who may have been of high risk, those suffering from congenital issues, or those who are simply not used to wearing lows in order to play in. You don't just suddenly start playing in low cuts, not after years of playing in highs to mids. It takes getting used to. It's like doing heavy squats while wearing a weight belt, then all of a sudden, deciding to no longer wear one, then attempting to lift the same amount, but not being able to stabilize the lateral forces. The transition should be gradual, trained, to enhance adaptation. Kobe had a whole off season to work out in his new shoe, before playing in them. Some of the people here may simply break'em out, then start ballin' with no preparation.

Gil's shoes did well, but they weren't mentioned here on Niketalk as if they were the second coming of Air Jordan's, as are Kobe's line here.
Players like Dr. J had pretty lengthy careers while wearing their shoes extra high, and some had successful ones while wearing lows. The point is to make sure that you're in good enough condition, then remaining in shape, so that you can bounce back quickly from tweaks and turns. Those are the guys who bounce back, coming back into games after injury. It's the dudes who are in shape, it's not the shoes, it's your level of conditioning.
it's not the shoes
Just want to be clear for those in the back row.
What I was clearly addressing were those who may have been of high risk, those suffering from congenital issues, or those who are simply not used to wearing lows in order to play in. You don't just suddenly start playing in low cuts, not after years of playing in highs to mids. It takes getting used to. It's like doing heavy squats while wearing a weight belt, then all of a sudden, deciding to no longer wear one, then attempting to lift the same amount, but not being able to stabilize the lateral forces. The transition should be gradual, trained, to enhance adaptation. Kobe had a whole off season to work out in his new shoe, before playing in them. Some of the people here may simply break'em out, then start ballin' with no preparation.
None of which you mentioned when Gilbert Arenas was marketing his lowtop sneakers.  They were pretty popular.  

Also, if Kobe did it the "safe" way - through gradual training in the offseason - then why do you keep posting pictures of him suffering minor ankle injuries?  

Did ANYONE seriously suggest that it's impossible to get hurt in lowtops?  

Let's agree on something very, very sensible:  Kobe's lowtops are no less dangerous than those produced by Adidas and other brands, and they're no less responsible than those endorsed by Gilbert Arenas and other players.  

I know this runs contrary to your "tendencies," but let's make some progress here and take a consistent stand for the benefit of athletes rather than taking a dig at players out of jealousy/bitterness/whatever.  Personally, I think Kobe couldn't hold a candle to Jordan, either, but I'm tired of you showing up in Kobe threads every year throwing salt.  If you're going to make a claim about lowtops, make a claim about lowtops and be consistent about it.  

If you're antagonizing thread participants just for the sake of irritating Kobe fans, you're trolling.  You don't want to go down that road for the fiftieth time, do you? 

Unless you intend to claim that Kobe's shoes caused his injuries, stop posting pictures of Kobe Bryant suffering minor ankle sprains and pretending that it's anything but petty.  The same exact strategy can and has been used against Derek Rose, and you of all people should realize how pitiful that tactic is.  

It's 2012.  You've been here for YEARS.  If you want to sound credible, drop the silly brand bias. 

"Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it or does it." 
None of which you mentioned when Gilbert Arenas was marketing his lowtop sneakers.  They were pretty popular.  

Also, if Kobe did it the "safe" way - through gradual training in the offseason - then why do you keep posting pictures of him suffering minor ankle injuries?  

Did ANYONE seriously suggest that it's impossible to get hurt in lowtops?  

Let's agree on something very, very sensible:  Kobe's lowtops are no less dangerous than those produced by Adidas and other brands, and they're no less responsible than those endorsed by Gilbert Arenas and other players.  

I know this runs contrary to your "tendencies," but let's make some progress here and take a consistent stand for the benefit of athletes rather than taking a dig at players out of jealousy/bitterness/whatever.  Personally, I think Kobe couldn't hold a candle to Jordan, either, but I'm tired of you showing up in Kobe threads every year throwing salt.  If you're going to make a claim about lowtops, make a claim about lowtops and be consistent about it.  

If you're antagonizing thread participants just for the sake of irritating Kobe fans, you're trolling.  You don't want to go down that road for the fiftieth time, do you? 

Unless you intend to claim that Kobe's shoes caused his injuries, stop posting pictures of Kobe Bryant suffering minor ankle sprains and pretending that it's anything but petty.  The same exact strategy can and has been used against Derek Rose, and you of all people should realize how pitiful that tactic is.  

It's 2012.  You've been here for YEARS.  If you want to sound credible, drop the silly brand bias. 

"Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it or does it." 
Originally Posted by al3x89

i'm not kobe, and i don't have a personal trainer. is it magic that i've NEVER rolled my ankle in kobe's (when properly laced up)?
i've rolled my ankle when i would be stupid and play without lacing up, but other than that.. no, not once since 2008.
so you're theory is bs. you know it, i know it.
i feel more comfortable landing on someone's foot in kobe's than in lebrons (and it's happened). lebrons i gotta worry about the airmax which is slightly higher off the ground..
it's physics.. it doesn't lie.
Now, here is what I am tired of.

It's when people who are not qualified are questioning intent of those that they do not know. In no way did I even suggest that Nike did something wrong by making this shoe. I put up the pics to prove that it indeed could happen, that Bryant could sprain his ankle, even in his own shoe. Since people here on Niketalk need proof of everything, I've learned to be prepared whenever certain claims are made.
Now, here is what I am tired of. It's when people who are not qualified are questioning intent of those that they do not know.
It seems to me that the very user you're scolding was praising the Kobe shoe for being low to the ground  more so than for being a low top.  (And he, like you, stressed the importance of strengthening to prevent injury.)
lebrons i gotta worry about the airmax which is slightly higher off the ground..
The special irony here is that you were on here years ago gleefully trumpeting a study that correlated airbags (like those commonly used in Nike shoes) with ankle injuries.  So, here we have a user basically agreeing with what you were saying at the time - that it's desirable to play in a shoe that's low to the ground (and he emphasized exactly this point) and you jumped all over him.  

Perhaps you should've read his posts a little more thoroughly before seizing the opportunity to post 50 pictures of Kobe grabbing his ankles.  

He wasn't arguing that lowtops are BETTER than mids or highs.  He wasn't arguing that it's IMPOSSIBLE to injure your ankles in them, either, only that HE hadn't.  You don't have pictures of him spraining his ankles in them, do you?  The Kobe pictures were therefore irrelevant.  

Your record is what it is.  We're used to you showing up in every Kobe sneaker thread to start trolling.  Users began complaining that you were up to your old tricks so I decided to stop by and have a look for myself.  We gave you another chance and are therefore responsible for your behavior.  Suffice it to say, I'm not entirely convinced that you've finally mended your ways.  I expected better.
Kobe did not actually have a whole off season to work out in his new shoe (zk4 lows), before playing in them. He was wearing the hyperdunks (mids) during the Olympics (off-season) and at the beginning of the season before switching into the zk4 mid-December.

The only gradual, trained, or enhanced adaptation that was transitioned/evidenced was the hyperdunks (still mids) with the zk4 midsole/sole.
Saw 2 new pages on the topic ... was expecting new pics but nah another low top /high top debate that wont change people opinion...hoping to see some pics soon so we ll have something to talk about 
"Coach Hubie" aka "longstroke" knows full well that he was on NikeTalk during the Gilbert Arenas era at Adidas and I can't recall a single instance in which he criticized Gil or Adidas for releasing a lowtop signature line.  Are all Adidas fans sheep? 

That's who this is :lol:

I've never seen a troll so persistent
 He wasn't arguing that lowtops are BETTER than mids or highs.
Originally Posted by al3x89

.i still don't see how a piece of leather is going to prevent someone from rolling their ankle. whoever made that **** up and the sheep that followed are idiots.. seriously. if a body part wants to turn a certain way, a piece of material won't get in the way.
Or are you seeing what you want to see? I think it's pretty clear here, wouldn't you say so?
Kobe did not actually have a whole off season to work out in his new shoe (zk4 lows), before playing in them. He was wearing the hyperdunks (mids) during the Olympics (off-season) and at the beginning of the season before switching into the zk4 mid-December.
The only gradual, trained, or enhanced adaptation that was transitioned/evidenced was the hyperdunks (still mids) with the zk4 midsole/sole.
Excuse me, but what was he wearing in practice, during workouts in the gym and at home?

I can guarantee that Kobe Bryant practiced in the lows, before putting them to use on court in real action.
man those look like some wack soccer shoes to me man. i'm tired of the inserts. hopefully it looks better or i might have to let them pass.
why are you blaming lows for an injury?
I guess literacy isn't your strong suit.

i bet your one of those dudes who buys basketball shoes and argues about performance yet you dont even play basketball.

your just like all those other kids who "think" wearing lows means you will get injured.

cant be farther from the truth :lol: how do i know? lots of personal experience :wink:
 He wasn't arguing that lowtops are BETTER than mids or highs.
Originally Posted by al3x89

.i still don't see how a piece of leather is going to prevent someone from rolling their ankle. whoever made that **** up and the sheep that followed are idiots.. seriously. if a body part wants to turn a certain way, a piece of material won't get in the way.
Or are you seeing what you want to see? I think it's pretty clear here, wouldn't you say so?
The irony is tremendous

Where does he say that he thinks lowtops 1) prevent injury better than mids/highs,  2) render an athlete impervious to ankle injuries?  

He didn't.  All he said was that the extra material wasn't "going to prevent someone from rolling their ankle."  To me, that sounds like he's saying that lows are no less effective than mids or highs at preventing injury.  He's more concerned with the platform height than the cut.  

I guess you saw what you wanted to see.  I think that's pretty clear. 
The irony is tremendous

Where does he say that he thinks lowtops 1) prevent injury better than mids/highs,  2) render an athlete impervious to ankle injuries?  

He didn't.  All he said was that the extra material wasn't "going to prevent someone from rolling their ankle."  To me, that sounds like he's saying that lows are no less effective than mids or highs at preventing injury.  He's more concerned with the platform height than the cut.  

I guess you saw what you wanted to see. I think that's pretty clear. Kombat/?action=view&current=fatality.gif
wow.. thanks meth, didn't bother replying to that nonsense and i won't.

and zyzz, i agree with your comment on the amount of people that actually play ball in their shoes here. there's very few people that do, nothing wrong with it, but if you don't play in them and make ridiculous comments like LONGSTROKE then :smh:

i, too, have had more injuries in other shoes, compared to kobe's.
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