My plan is to just cop em online tomorrow then head to the mall and see if there are pairs sitting. Then if I get lucky i'll just cancel my online order! I thinks thats a better guarantee than risking it. Also blue blitz sat here for more than a week so im not worried. My problem is...i only have the elites and dont know if they are the same sizing as regular 8s.
This is all Speculation But....

Ther Kobes will come out in a Halloween Pack with these KD 6s so expact something close to this

This Cw on the kobe 8 model equals a def purchase,
those KD"s........

milk shakes shouldn't be that hard to get imo
You're speaking as if you know how much their discount is, plus throwing him a a little extra for helping out. I can use birthday coupon and get them for the same price.

Pics can't make me decide on a shoe.. Have to see them try it on walk in it..
Just like purple fades.
pics had me wanting to make it first day cop. I go to the store lok at them in person and no longer felt like i wanted them .
not interested in this because They're " hyped up" shoe.
i thought i liked the brightness of the red, the pic above has them a bit darker, that can make or break me. seeing them in person is the only thing that puts me back on.

fall back and let me worry about what comes out my pocket and goes on my feet.

Correct me if Im wrong, but didn't u say he works at FL?

30% employee discount, I do know, champ.

But ok, you're right sir, in person does make a difference..

Can't argue with that.
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Tomorrow should be interesting

i agree they can definitely change your feel when you got em in hand for good or bad... Blue Glows look nice in pics but when i had em in hand i was like passsssss

That's how I felt about the blue blitz. It really helps to see some kicks in person first.

And those shoes are all garbage... so to each their own.

You know. If they weren't limited, they would sit like every other Lebron Elite.

(pic from the drew league)
These look way better than the milk snakes IMO

These actually look better in person than when I first saw pics, but naw
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Correct me if Im wrong, but didn't u say he works at FL?

30% employee discount, I do know, champ.

What, u can't handle a big boy response to your silly indeciseveness that u chose to disclose to everyone?

Son, u see plain as day the color of the red. Pics these days are HD, they don't play mind tricks on u, or do they?

Like I asked before, u think the red is gonna get brighter when u see them and try them on? FOH.

If u don't like the dark red now, what's gonna be different tomorrow? Oh u wanna look at yourself with them on, prancing around in the mirror 1st, ok I gotchu..

Keep the laffs coming..
I agree about the response if your gonna put your **** out in a public forum handle the responses you get take em as a grain of salt. it doesnt matter. honestly what was the point of the original poster... he came in here saying he has a chance to cop with employee discount with nothing else to say... maybe he was looking for Eprops lol idk
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I agree about the response if your gonna put your **** out in a public forum handle the responses you get take em as a grain of salt. it doesnt matter. honestly what was the point of the original poster... he came in here saying he has a chance to cop with employee discount with nothing else to say... maybe he was looking for Eprops lol idk

Darn u Mr. Reaver...

I tried to edit that before it was quoted to kill a potential squabble, but u beat me to it..Lol.


Had to take out my sulfers as well...they missed seeing the light of day
lmfao whoops :wink:

Its kosher my guy..

Still digging those id's tho.

U haven't dirtied them up already have u?

And just read your sig, I'm on IG too, dcmatic.

Not gonna follow u tho lol, but don't be offended, I'm not following anybody, I'm mainly on there just to try to move some stuff from my personal stash.

More exposure on there besides here and othersite..
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To his defense things can look different in real life than through a pic for better or worse. Everyone knows that girl who looked better on facebook lol
S.Dubl will tell you, I hate the Lakers ... Am a huge Clippers fan.

That being said, there is something special about Kobe's coming out in a Lakers colorway. Imagine if MJ didn't play for the Bulls. We wouldn't have all those sweet Black and Red color ways.

You have to release a players signature shoe in at least a few colorways from their respective home team, regardless if you love or hate the team.

For us to only have 2 colorways that resemble the Lakers hues' is a disgrace. At least give us something with yellow and purple in the mix (Cough, cough AMENesties).
any bodega coupon codes that will work ?... i said i was coppin in store, but if i can get a disco i will 
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To his defense things can look different in real life than through a pic for better or worse. Everyone knows that girl who looked better on facebook lol

This shouldn't even need to be explained.

Many kicks I liked better in person(venice beaches and red camo)

and others I saw them and wasn't impressed(blue blitz and sulfurs)
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