milksnakes keep looking better and better to me 
Some photos make me want the milk snakes other photos make me not want them. I Know this a Kobe 8 thread but anyone know where I can find the Kobe 6 del sol away color?
still waiting for those homes on top... milk snakes are just okay.  prob a pass.  gl to everyone tmw. should be an easy pickup.
Hopefully i can find some white or black laces to fit in these tomorrow.. so i can try a lace swap 
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saw the red boas/milks in person....

Because the mid sole is grey if you dirty the out sole it will blend naturally

The white in the mesh upper isnt really WHITE the overall look is more tan which IMHO is WAY better considering wearing the shoe and seeing it age...

So the shoes are

They're like the sulfers alot as far as design on mesh

right now the red boas/milks > blue blitz and red snakes easily

Prob the best cw since the gradients really if i was to compare to the NT hype/likes
saw the red boas/milks in person....

Because the mid sole is grey if you dirty the out sole it will blend naturally

The white in the mesh upper isnt really WHITE the overall look is more tan which IMHO is WAY better considering wearing the shoe and seeing it age...

So the shoes are

They're like the sulfers alot as far as design on mesh

right now the red boas/milks > blue blitz and red snakes easily

Prob the best cw since the gradients really if i was to compare to the NT hype/likes

No offense or rudeness intended brotha,

But that award EASILY goes to the Mabacurials
I dont see how seeing something in person changes minds from ugly to cop, all u do is hold them in hand and does that spark an impulse buy??
i think its because a lot of these shoes look way better in person, pictures don't do them justice.  for example i wasn't sold on the Blitz Blues until i saw them in person, they are beautiful!

btw, i think the ASG's are gross. PIZZA!
i agree they can definitely change your feel when you got em in hand for good or bad... Blue Glows look nice in pics but when i had em in hand i was like passsssss
hmmm graffiti or fades... both retail. little hard to decide.
I was wishy washy on the fades then ended up passing. graffitis are losing their appeal since I already have the volts, and it is just getting dull to me.
I guess I can just get the fades then decide after it arrives...
glad you guys talked me into it.
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