My morning was going well, and then it went down hill just like that.

Get to Cumberland Mall, first person there. Dudes slowly start showing, crowd of like 8. Mall security comes out and says no lines and you must be off the property, come back at 8:50am. I leave come back at 8, notice the head security making people leave, hang in the cut. Around 830 we all start creeping to the door. Once again I'm first, but remember there is no line. A dude walks up and walks straight in the mall, the mad dash begins. I refuse to run because I'm afraid security will make everyone leave. Should've ran, ended up like 15th in line. Most dudes in front of me wanted a 10-10.5, I left.

Now the shadiness that is NT Lenox......
I guess different info was sent out for the pickup window. I read it was til 10am. Ask if they're all gone, they state they're accounted for, meaning they haven't all been picked up. I ask if we're good to get what's leftover. Dude say some mess about follow us on Twitter, everything is through Twitter :stoneface: . Some dudes and I chatted about what we'd been told from the different employees. Based on what we put together, they will not tweet they have remaining pairs. Those pairs will be gone before the day is out. :smh:
just came from Niketown NYC. everyone i asked said they were RSVP only. howd yall get your pairs from there. or did i just get played.
Woke up to this thread jumping 15+ pages :smh: glad to see people had success on NDC. Waiting for NTLA to open up so I can go get my pair:smokin
Would have tried to get the MC if I didn't find the "sulfers" at shoepalace. I'm good
Picked up pair #1 from Nike awaiting pair #2 from NDC.

The girl at the register wouldn't say how many pairs they received, but another guy that works there said I was one of the lucky "few".
Mambacurials are definitely in my Top 5 Best Kobe 8s.



Easters are still #1 thou.....

Picked up pair #1 from Nike awaiting pair #2 from NDC.

The girl at the register wouldn't say how many pairs they received, but another guy that works there said I was one of the lucky "few".

are there people sitting on the benches waiting for left over pairs like always?
Sometimes I miss living in bmore. Living in the sticks and working in the sticks = no Friday releases for me.
Sometimes I miss living in bmore. Living in the sticks and working in the sticks = no Friday releases for me.
Feel that man.. the hour drive to bmore for me is just not realistic anymore.

On another note can't believe the thirst for these this morning.. congrats to all that copped their pairs.
Sometimes I miss living in bmore. Living in the sticks and working in the sticks = no Friday releases for me.

I live in the sticks too. But sometimes it helps to work the overnight shift.....& have a good amount of paid leave on deck. :D
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I knew I should have paid the $215-$220 reseller price... Oh well I'll be patient and wait until next week when everyone who copped on NDC puts their pairs on ebay
the way i see it nowadays dudes are wasting no time putting up pairs before they even receive shipment.
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y'all weren't kidding bout the mcs being ltd, nt Boston had maybe 2 fsr, no supplemental rsvp on these, def less than bhm or easters there
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