Official Nike Air Yeezy 2 thread vol. 2 - 6/9/12 Global Release Date: NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

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Just talked to a nike rep and they said the "hold in cart" system did not work. When the site officially launched them, it was so much traffic that if it was in your cart, it would possibly most likely not be in your cart later, also our "tech team" is on the problem. Bunch of $#%^@#^&. It was basically a game of luck smh.
Originally Posted by icykicks79

Just talked to a nike rep and they said the "hold in cart" system did not work. When the site officially launched them, it was so much traffic that if it was in your cart, it would possibly most likely not be in your cart later, also our "tech team" is on the problem. Bunch of $#%^@#^&. It was basically a game of luck smh.

No it was a goddame game of BullSh1t. Holy %@%$ ive neever been so heated 
Billions in the company you would think they would have a better system and would know what was going to go down last night.
if I wanted these I would be mad heated right now with Nike but this thread is comedy to see how thirsty some of you are for these 
I really do feel for you; I knew Nike wasn't ready for this and this is why everything should just go to an online raffle where you know days before whether or not you are getting a pair and then it's just a matter of an order in who goes first and picking from the sizes left
To those who think that it should be "so easy" for Nike to have beefed up their servers and handled everything, trust me, it isn't. If you know anything about computer science, then you can tell that this problem is astronomically difficult to solve. Attempting to figure out what to do when potentially millions of requests hit their servers while dealing with server failure, handling error cases, AND trying to save some sort of state about every single one of the users logged in? There's a reason why the hacker group Anonymous is still able to launch cyber attacks on websites around the world. I think Nike handled it as best they could - they obviously used the Militaries drop as a test run of their new system and spent the rest of the day attempting to figure out how to fix it, knowing that the Yeezy situation was going to be much worse. Of course, it's impossible for them to have predicted all of the corner cases that we collectively hit on their system (again, if you know anything about computer science then you know how hard this is), but they did make the key deciscion to try to hold carts for 48 hours so that the dust had a chance to settle only an hour and a half after the release.

That being said, i made SURE that the odds were at least somewhat in my favor. I was on the link IMMEDIATELY after it was tweeted, opened up about 15 tabs across 3 browsers, and ensured that i was refreshing the appropriate screens to send the correct responses to the servers. I got a lot of scares along the way... my pairs disappeared from my cart for a while, and sometimes i was continuously routed to the same error screens, but i fixed it by clearing my cache.

Basically, i took an educated and patient approach to securing my purchase and am walking away from it all with two pairs, although i would have completely understood if i hit a glitch and lost them. Nike will continue learning from their mistakes, but at the same time we will continue to push the absolute limits of their systems... much like Batman and Joker, we are almost "destined to do this forever" hahah.

The ideal solution that i would personally try to enact would be the following:
- Open up a day-long lottery where everybody signs into their accounts, and places an "order" for the exact size they want. They can easily ensure that one person cannot place multiple orders, even across multiple accounts.
- This order must include full payment and shipping information as well, but is NOT charged at the time.
- Close the lottery at the specified time and ensure that there is downtime, e.g. wait until the next morning.
- Randomly select winners throughout the lottery based on the sizes they put down and attempt to charge based on the billing information. If someone's card doesnt go through, then automatically move on to a new winner. Do this until all are sold.
This solution would be completely fair AND would prevent the system from getting destroyed due to too many requests, especially if you make the lottery window open long enough.
Really sucks for those who were gonna wear them. I was cool with my one 9.5. Wife got both c/ws in ther cart and to the payment screen. So I was hyped. I would have loved to kept them both, but if one of the homies was unable to get his, I would have had to have given one up, for retail. I origninally told the wife just get the first one they tweet lol and check out lol. SMH. Maybe that would have worked.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by reidwms

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Can someone inform me what NikeVandal did?

And for those who are THAT upset over this shoe? Please prioritize things in your life
Cats really "tom'bout" burning his shoe collection over 1 pair...We got people starving all over the world, people dying, and etc...And you here getting your feelings hurt cuz you couldn't buy a pair of $250 shoes.

Ain't that serious fam.
people (including myself) stupidly gave him $100 for the "exact" time they were supposed to drop on NDC. He was way off and now has everyones money.
I'm sorry but this is funny, how do you just give someone you don't know $100 for information.
wait people actually gave him money, I thought it was a joke, he knows as much as someone standing in line hoping to buy a pair, what a scam.

so now that everything is done and if you got your pair you got it and if you didnt you didnt......How many people know of stores that got these that were not on the list posted on sneakerfiles?
I just wanted the black pair to wear man, that is it

Re-sellers going to drive up the price and mess it up for everybody.

I hate this *+%% man. I had no plans of re-selling if I landed a 10.5...
I had a 12 Platinum in my cart...was ready to checkout and then it was taken out of my cart?

Nike seriously is the biggest bunch of cocksuckers ever, they piss me off with their releases these days.
amazing how i make it all the way to complete order it when i try to complete it my cart is empty what happened to the updated system ,saltiness on level red
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I just wanted the black pair to wear man, that is it

Re-sellers going to drive up the price and mess it up for everybody.

I hate this *+%% man. I had no plans of re-selling if I landed a 10.5...
same. i'd say over 50% of the people who get them will resell too
Can't believe my order went through, I received my order confirmation this morning at 2am, but I still don't believe I got them til they arrive at my door
if the restock or *put back on the site* happens,is there going to be tweet link or do we have to keep checking ndc every 40 seconds ?
#check this out below.

Status: Searching
 Searching for an available agent
You are currently number 127 in the queue. You should be connected to an agent in about 29:04. The average amount of time a customer has to wait is 29:38.
i lurk on this site just reading post and such but nike's handling of this release this release fiasco has me heated so i actually had to post. this is my chat i just had with a nike customer service rep who basically told me to go kick rocks even though their system didnt work as described. (i got to the payment screen and even put in my paypal info when the site froze and my cart was empty this morning). he couldnt/wouldnt give me answers and would not let me talk to a supervisor.

Mark: Hi, my name is Mark. How may I help you?
brian anderson: hello, let me start by saying i buy alot from nike, and i never complain, and i understand that this is not your fault personally but let me explain my situation...
brian anderson: i am beyond frustrated. i was told, by nike, that if the yeezys were added to my cart and i reached the payment screen my pair would be held for me for 48 hours, so i could checkout when the site traffic was at a more stable level.
brian anderson: i had the shoes in my cart, clicked checkout, i got to the payment screen, clicked pay with paypal, typed in my paypal info, then the site started freezing which timed out my session and now the shoes are gone from my cart. this goes against everything you guys told us about the checkout process and i'm wondering what i can do from here because my pair should be held for me.
Mark: If the shoes are not currently in your Cart they are not held.
Mark: All Yeezy sizes are currently held for those who reached the payment step. If they do not complete their order in 48 hours from the Tweet(around 37 hours left), the stock will return to the site.
Mark: I'm happy to forward any feedback you have on the situation.
brian anderson: well i mean they should be in my cart if i got to put in my paypal info right?
Mark: Not necessarily, you can choose to Checkout with PayPal instead of a member or a guest.
brian anderson: so i had to be signed into my nike account for them to be held?
Mark: No, you have to reach Step 2.
brian anderson: thats the screen that they tweeted out, where it says pay with credit card or continue to paypal, right?
brian anderson: the shipping was chosen and then i clicked pay with paypal, where it redirected me to put in my paypal info
Mark: And after freezing, what then?
brian anderson: it said my session had timed out, when it finally refreshed my cart was empty
brian anderson: thats why it doesnt make sense, i reached the payment step yet the shoes are not held for me
Mark: At this point, we have no Yeezy II stock available, any available pairs are held.
Mark: Should they not complete their order, we'll return the stock to the site.
brian anderson: so you have no answer as to why your system didnt work how you said it would? my IP should be logged and shoe that i reached the payment step
brian anderson: its ridiculous that nike says if we reach that step they will be held, i reached that step and they are not held for me
Mark: I'm happy to forward your feedback.
Mark: Is there anything else I can assist with?
brian anderson: yes can you have a manager contact me? this is an awful way to deal with customers
brian anderson: to tell them one thing and then do another
Mark: We are not escalating any tickets due to the Yeezy II launch.
brian anderson: so basically youre telling me that its ok for nike to lie to its customers and not try anything to resolve the problem?
Mark: I'm happy to forward your feedback.
Mark: Is there anything else I can assist with?
brian anderson: you can put me in touch with a manager or supervisor
Mark: We are not escalating tickets due to the Yeezy II launch.
Mark: Is there anything I can help with, that hasn't already been addressed?
brian anderson: yes, can you escalate a ticket due to a customer who is unsatisfied with the checkout process?
Mark: In relation to the Yeezy II, we cannot.
Mark: If there's nothing further I can help with, I will have to terminate the chat.
brian anderson: this is awful customer service, i hope someone higher up sees this chat
Looks like I am in the same situation as everyone else, had a pair in my cart and got to the last step of checking out via paypal. Order was processing and it stopped and now there not in my cart. Talked to Nike and lady told me that if they aren't there right now they weren't held for you. She keep saying that by the time I checked out the shoes may have been sold out, that basically contradicts the whole holding in the cart process lol. Guess it is time to move on.
Man it sucks to know i wasted most my weekend with raffles online rsvps and ndc but if i didnt i woukd have had a 0% chance of getting them. Well see how this coes from nowon. Need nike to tweet that all pairs are sold out
If they could not gurantee that the hold in cart system would work, they should never have advertised and promoted that it did!

Had they done this release without touting that "new" system, then most of the reasonable people on here would have no beef.

Had they done a "silent test" on this release, in other words testing it without promoting it, that would have been fine.

No, they did a "test run" on a shoe (which flopped in 06) with considerably less attention, and went from there. That is my gripe.
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