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He's managed by Jay so it wouldnt surprise me if Jay got him a pair from Yeezy. Maybe a couple of pairs were made in a trial run he gave some to jay and jay gave em to geno. Its possible.
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He's managed by Jay so it wouldnt surprise me if Jay got him a pair from Yeezy. Maybe a couple of pairs were made in a trial run he gave some to jay and jay gave em to geno. Its possible.

You beat me to it, lol.

Geno is signed to Jay-Z sports agency, Roc Nation Sports.
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i don't think they're real. it makes no sense for this random dude to have them and not Ye's inner circle (guys like IBN who's initials are on the shoes for design credit)...

i believe the dude who said celeb's pairs don't go out until later in november...

and pants over the tongues on yeezys is one of the most terrible things i've ever seen... semi srs... :lol:

The sodium... Unreal

Geno was one of the first NFL signings to roc sports ... Surely the man gets perks
Too much sea salt in here...

Cause the man ain't in Balmains and a Been Trill founder....

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lets move on from the whole geno smith isnt cool enough. 


any more news or scoop on release date for the YEEZY RO thread? not this geno smith topic
You guys are a page and a half late. It was already posted that Geno is signed to Jay's agency. There are A LOT more famous people signed to that same agency that Jay can put those shoes on the feet of.

Yeah, Jay Z asked for Geno Smith a pair. That would be such a great idea :rofl:

Yeah Twolve. People are forgetting to post the release date because a couple posts about Geno smith. Thank god you asked
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LOL they can't even give em to a real celebrity so we can at least be sure a few famous people have em. Give em to some half assed rookie. I'm sure by the end of the night we'll have some good enough pics to at least really compare em up to the cat pair PO confirmed as legit.

You must be a Giants fan.

Lol has nothing to do with football. If they were on Jay Z's feet we could all say alright, they are puttin em out there on celebs feet and we know Jay isn't wearing fakes on accident that his PR guy got him from Taobao. We jus still don't know if this is celebs wearing pairs out, which according to this thread is a sign that the release actually is somewhat close...and would be the first actual confirmation. Not a secret source and assumption. Go throw 15 TDs Sunday Geno haha

That GIF is perfect tho :lol:
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Just wait until kd, skylar, Cruz and cano wear their pair somewhere...

Cats are gonna be like... Why would kanye let them have a pair? They must be fake! Lol

These are all well known athletes with NIKE contracts and direct ties to jayz. Not rocket science
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Jet wait until kd, skylar, Cruz and cano wear their pair somewhere...

Cats are gonna be like... Why would kanye let them have a pair? They must be fake! Lol

These are all well known athletes with NIKE contracts and direct ties to jayz. Not rocket science

Anyone watching the nets game , some dude at court side has red yeezy on, couldn't tell who it is bc they didn't show the face but I'm sure pics will surface tomorrow ...

My bad if it's been posted.
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