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Are these legit?

finally got my sneakersheilds in, surprised how well they work, but they're a bit uncomfortable
anyone have pics of theres that they cut/shaved down?

i won't be wearing the lace tips outside of the apartment, the way they clang around is annoying.

wow; grats on the plats they look dope

do the sneaker sheilds really kill any possibility of creasing when you walk? im tryna figure out to get those or forcefields for my solars.....
do the sneaker sheilds really kill any possibility of creasing when you walk? im tryna figure out to get those or forcefields for my solars.....

forcefields are worthless, do not buy them. my plats have a little creasing, and when i threw the sneakershields in the creasing went away, they really do their job.
not only that, but the forcefields don't stop as much creasing, they still crease on the sides, cuz they're not shaped right, like the sneakershields...

i've had a really hard time making my sneakershields comfortable in this shoe tho... honestly, i should have went a size up to avoid the discomfort, but it's too late now.

i've got a couple tricks up my sleeve to try to make them work, and once i wear them again and try it, if it works, i'll post pix of what i did (the way i'm trying to do it, your toes don't run into them at all anymore).
and btw, this has nothing to do with trying to protect the resell value, i don't plan to sell any of my yeezys (maybe my 1's one day, cuz i have doubles of the trifecta)... this is just to keep them looking good, cuz i don't like the way they look all creased up.

same with the solesavers i use on these (they're the only shoes i've ever used them on)... i just wanna protect the glow, cuz the only thing that seems to make them stop glowing is the dirt blocking them from charging...
sneakershields seem like too much hassle. You guys should just wear your kicks normally.

^^ this video pretty much made up my mind  for me lol, but do you have to remove the insole and stick it up to your toe box just like forcefields or not even?
sneaker shields are NOT worth losing comfort. who gives a **** if your shoes crease?!

BUT if you can get yeezys for a good price and they happen to be half or 1 or 1.5 sizes too big then sneaker shields could make them work!
I kinda like those custom 4s... :kanyeshrug but I'd like em better without the swoosh
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