I've been speaking with this person whose supposed to have a pair in my size (eBay). But all I'm seeing is red flags left and right:
1) He photoshopped his name on the cards in each image (it's so obvious, too).
2) He is apparently not able to do anything with his eBay account (making new listings, etc) or PayPal (can't send an invoice for the Buy It Now Price he want's them for).
3) He wants considerably less than the market going rate.
4) He apparently can't send me an email (said he sent it, but it's been like 16 hours. Email doesn't work like that).
5) On his listing, he gives numerous reasons why his account has 0 Feedback (didn't pay his eBay fees, due to him being out of town, etc).
6) On top of that, he wants me to send the money (half) as a GIFT.
I'd rather be safe than sorry, and pay a the market markup, assuring I'd actually get my item, than risk this risky *** deal.
Btw, can the people who have the Solars tell me if they are chipping like the Plats were at all after a few wears? How are they holding up, and how often are you wearing them?