Originally Posted by junebug1

a lot of you on this forum need to come out of your closets, stop staring at your kicks and learn to read more than what ESPN tells you. LBJ 100% ran the Cavs front office and anyone who thinks differently is straight up ******ed. you can talk all the #%+! you want, but the facts are the facts. Gilbert needs to take responsibility and accountability for letting it happen that way point is they catered to the "King". He asked for each piece that organization provided him, and he got it on a silver platter and when it doesn't work out does James say 1 word about his failures, nope, does he take any responsibility, hell no...that gets passed on to Mike Brown and Danny Ferry and Dan Gilbert. The Cavs front office are responsible for one thing and one thing only - enabling this behavior season after season. If LBJ wanted to stay in CLE and was just holding out for a #2 then all he had to do was resign early and the Cavs could have spent weeks putting sign and trade packages together. Instead nobody wants to commit because he won't commit. 
I'm surprised that any of you will continue to support LBJs GARBAGE Sig Collection (no reflection on Petrie) not only because of James' character being total #%+! and having his legacy become fractionalized by admitting he can't do #%+! on his own, but most importantly because Nike has treated all Bron sneakerheads like worthless sacks of #%+! by throwing us a bone here and there and saving all the truly good stuff for their 'special' customers that DONT PAY A @#$#*@$ PENNY for their kicks. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though since Queen James just #%+! on every last person whom supported and promoted him since before he had hair on his balls. The only good thing Nike did was stay FAR FAR FAR away from The Mistake/Decision last night.

Anyone who has a damn thing to say about this I'll respond in advance. Kiss my $@$ and be careful not to break your legs jumping on and off bandwagons for the rest of your lives. You along with LeBron obviously don't know anything about Loyalty. 
I am a lebron fan but you kept this 100 junebug! Preach!!
New MVPuppets Commercial - Instant Classic

Edit: Thanks to the few of you still reading this thread who responded to my previous post and understand what I was trying to say. Not out to personally offend anyone just make sure people outside of NE Ohio understand it's deeper than what ESPN feeds the sheep and way more than being simply a LeBron fan.
Originally Posted by washanobotit

Anyways... back to the topic. I need ctk in a 9-10. Anyone know where to cop for a decent price
Thats not exactly back on topic cuz Ur buyin/Sellin outside the B/S forum

Anyways this shoe is over with..

Originally Posted by junebug1

New MVPuppets Commercial - Instant Classic

Edit: Thanks to the few of you still reading this thread who responded to my previous post and understand what I was trying to say. Not out to personally offend anyone just make sure people outside of NE Ohio understand it's deeper than what ESPN feeds the sheep and way more than being simply a LeBron fan.

  has me LOL nice find.
Originally Posted by junebug1

a lot of you on this forum need to come out of your closets, stop staring at your kicks and learn to read more than what ESPN tells you. LBJ 100% ran the Cavs front office and anyone who thinks differently is straight up ******ed. you can talk all the #%+! you want, but the facts are the facts. Gilbert needs to take responsibility and accountability for letting it happen that way point is they catered to the "King". He asked for each piece that organization provided him, and he got it on a silver platter and when it doesn't work out does James say 1 word about his failures, nope, does he take any responsibility, hell no...that gets passed on to Mike Brown and Danny Ferry and Dan Gilbert. The Cavs front office are responsible for one thing and one thing only - enabling this behavior season after season. If LBJ wanted to stay in CLE and was just holding out for a #2 then all he had to do was resign early and the Cavs could have spent weeks putting sign and trade packages together. Instead nobody wants to commit because he won't commit. 
I'm surprised that any of you will continue to support LBJs GARBAGE Sig Collection (no reflection on Petrie) not only because of James' character being total #%+! and having his legacy become fractionalized by admitting he can't do #%+! on his own, but most importantly because Nike has treated all Bron sneakerheads like worthless sacks of #%+! by throwing us a bone here and there and saving all the truly good stuff for their 'special' customers that DONT PAY A @#$#*@$ PENNY for their kicks. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though since Queen James just #%+! on every last person whom supported and promoted him since before he had hair on his balls. The only good thing Nike did was stay FAR FAR FAR away from The Mistake/Decision last night.

Anyone who has a damn thing to say about this I'll respond in advance. Kiss my $@$ and be careful not to break your legs jumping on and off bandwagons for the rest of your lives. You along with LeBron obviously don't know anything about Loyalty. 

You have good points but again just like nike lebron doesn't care what us people or anyone thinks we can go back and forth and that doesn't do anything he made his decision live with it he stayed with cavs for 7 years and couldn't even win a title the cavs suck and now that he decided to leave everybody calls him out its his decision to make nobody else, as far as his brand it will continue to sell either way had to vent 
BTW im in Florida let's go Heat 
 Also loyalty has nothing to do with it MONEY,BUSINESS,CHAMPIONSHIPS do
Originally Posted by asmathews

Originally Posted by junebug1

a lot of you on this forum need to come out of your closets, stop staring at your kicks and learn to read more than what ESPN tells you. LBJ 100% ran the Cavs front office and anyone who thinks differently is straight up ******ed. you can talk all the #%+! you want, but the facts are the facts. Gilbert needs to take responsibility and accountability for letting it happen that way point is they catered to the "King". He asked for each piece that organization provided him, and he got it on a silver platter and when it doesn't work out does James say 1 word about his failures, nope, does he take any responsibility, hell no...that gets passed on to Mike Brown and Danny Ferry and Dan Gilbert. The Cavs front office are responsible for one thing and one thing only - enabling this behavior season after season. If LBJ wanted to stay in CLE and was just holding out for a #2 then all he had to do was resign early and the Cavs could have spent weeks putting sign and trade packages together. Instead nobody wants to commit because he won't commit. 
I'm surprised that any of you will continue to support LBJs GARBAGE Sig Collection (no reflection on Petrie) not only because of James' character being total #%+! and having his legacy become fractionalized by admitting he can't do #%+! on his own, but most importantly because Nike has treated all Bron sneakerheads like worthless sacks of #%+! by throwing us a bone here and there and saving all the truly good stuff for their 'special' customers that DONT PAY A @#$#*@$ PENNY for their kicks. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though since Queen James just #%+! on every last person whom supported and promoted him since before he had hair on his balls. The only good thing Nike did was stay FAR FAR FAR away from The Mistake/Decision last night.

Anyone who has a damn thing to say about this I'll respond in advance. Kiss my $@$ and be careful not to break your legs jumping on and off bandwagons for the rest of your lives. You along with LeBron obviously don't know anything about Loyalty. 
I am a lebron fan but you kept this 100 junebug! Preach!!
couldnt agree more..."The Decision"(Joke) made me lose so much respect for him...and he talks about LOYALTY
Originally Posted by Twinsnyc

Originally Posted by junebug1

New MVPuppets Commercial - Instant Classic

Edit: Thanks to the few of you still reading this thread who responded to my previous post and understand what I was trying to say. Not out to personally offend anyone just make sure people outside of NE Ohio understand it's deeper than what ESPN feeds the sheep and way more than being simply a LeBron fan.

  has me LOL nice find.

and this is just too funny
Wow did anybody see this coming? I guess the heat better win for the next five years or all this bull s@#$ was for nothing! But I'm still filling the lebron vii hwc cw. holla at ya boy!
Some salty fans in here...kinda funny.
Love the feeling of entitlement some Cavs fans have as if Lebron owed them anything. Had lebron been a bust, I'm sure no one in Cleveland would be rooting for him to get a max deal to stay with the Cavs. Its business. Now go back to being one of the worst sports cities, and cities in general, in the US.
I'm done buying his shoes & it's because of the way he carried himself during this whole situation which was terrible. No i'm not a Cavs but a fan of LeBron & what he did was real lame & i can't continue to support that with my money there is no way possible. Also i have started to see a lot of Air Max VII popping up in the Buy/Sell forum.
If you're REALLY mad at Lebron, and you want to protest, feel free to give me your Dunkmans... that will show him!
Originally Posted by Remi23

I'm done buying his shoes & it's because of the way he carried himself during this whole situation which was terrible. No i'm not a Cavs but a fan of LeBron & what he did was real lame & i continue to support that with my money there is no way possible. Also i have started to see a lot of Air Max VII popping up in the Buy/Sell forum.

good, how much below retail?
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

what kicks was he wearing at the press conference today?

Looked like some Huraches.People are acting like Lebron did something illegal. It was kind of selfish the way he had this 1 hour special on ESPN. He definitely showed some immaturity with the bash they threw down in Miami. He will get humbled on&off the court soon enough. But I'm still coppin whichever Lebrons I'm feeling. Not because I like the person, but because I like the shoe.
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