Official NHL 2008 Stanley Cup Finals Thread...Pens vs. Wings

this is one of the best games i've ever seen i think... so fast paced but no scoring
goalies are nuts... i gotta goto bed though, i have a final inthe moring... i hope this goes to 7 so i can watch more of it
i have no rooting interest other than that.
I don't know if I can take anymore of this

BTW, for my Bay Area viewers... Drew R. is a GREAT color analyst.
He breaks it down
agree. Drew is that dude. If the sharks are sucking, he'll let them have it. Randy on the other hand, he can be a total homer at times
Honestly, I have no respect for hockey, mainly because I am in Canada and its the only thing on. But this game itself is turning me over. This is the best gameI have watched in a long long time.

Amazing game. I am going to have to check in until the end.

at my bracket thus far. I only had four first round picks right (Detroit, Montreal, Pittsburgh, San Jose), and picked San Jose to win the cup, and theHabs to go to the cup final...
man I suck at picking teams to win
OMFG!!! I'm shaking in my chanclas over here!!!!! Nabby is the man!!!! I seriously need a whole nervous systerm transplant, cuz mine is Sharks looked DEADtired out there the last couple minutes.

lucky for me i have no tests tomorrow or anytime soon but i should be doing some homework....looks like i won't.
I have sooooooo much homework to do, but how the hell am i suppose to do it at a time like this???????!!! Sheeeesh i dont even think i'll be able to do itafter this not matter what the outcome. I'll be traumatized for sure.
This is why I am glad I get finals done with in the first round of the playoffs... in both sports

Come on Sharks. I really want to see a game seven.

Its surprising this is the longest game of the playoffs... Or I mean to say that the second longest game was only a period and 8 minutes... usually every yearthere is a triple OT in the first round... back to the game.

I have a feeling Dallas will fight it off well... this is going down to the last five minutes of 3OT
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