we were down 6 and that one play when fred jones was on the breakaway and he had crawford wide open up ahead but he didn't pass it and missed the layupthat made me tight wow
Originally Posted by Woodside718

we were down 6 and that one play when fred jones was on the breakaway and he had crawford wide open up ahead but he didn't pass it and missed the layup that made me tight wow

Yo at work I was working on editing this game son and I agree. I thought that was a game changer I was screaming for Jones to give up the ball. Jamal waswide open but Jones only kept his head up to drive.
Hey I jsut wanna pipe in here and express my condolances to Mr. Marbury. RIP.

As well, Im sure you knick fans will be happy to know that we also got blown out by the Celtics tonight.
. Except this game by 40.... but still. Shows wereon the same level

Damn C's.....
They showed a clip on sportscenter of the "lack" of hustle by two knicks players (I don't know who it was). What happened was Dalembert sprinteddown the corut and split through two defenders like Mike Vick against the Vikings. He caught the ball in transition and had an easy dunk. Why can't Leestart? Are all Knicks fans on board with the Z-Bo trade? Would the Knicks be better off if Lee was starting at the 4?
Why can't Lee start? Are all Knicks fans on board with the Z-Bo trade? Would the Knicks be better off if Lee was starting at the 4?
Yes, Im fine with the Z bo trade, he couldnt get shots to fall last night but he has been solid thus far.
I dunno how we could get Lee to start eventhough I wholeheartedly agree he should start over Curry. If we did start Lee, we'd lose alot of size from Curryto him, but starting Lee over Zbo is a no go. At this point, he provides more offense than Curry. Curry has been a disappointment to say the least about thisseason. He better come out with fire tonight or their will be changes.
He better come out with fire tonight or their will be changes.
we all are praying for a trade for curry but knowing isiah there will be no changes because he is to ignorant and we all must suffer
if you start lee and bring curry of the bench i think it's better for the team. and then when you bring in the defensive lineup with curry in the middle,they can score more easily. but that will never happen.

with that said, we better not lose tonight.
I like you Knick fans here on Nt. a 6-12 season and we got a thread almost 50 pages deep.
. All to many time people will abandon their team when theyare down. Good Job
before the gr8 comes and says it, i'll do it for him.

we were losing by double figures........we put in know the rest.
yo, i don't know where you guys are at, but i hope you're not watching this game.

this is PATHETIC. just flat out PATHETIC.
i officially have joined the fire Isiah band wagon, this is just sickening to watch the lifelessness of the team.
KNICKS getting worked hard.

Korver 3 threes within 3 minutes. SMITH, center rookie from CSU, jamms it home over Curry from a no look from andre.

FIRE ISIAH chants reappear lol
Word, that Andre Miller to Smith fastbreak was niiiiice.

This Knick performance on the other hand is disgusting. What the $%@+....
Why is Eddy Curry 7 ft tall and playing like he has no balls?
Why is it that these dudes leave Kyle Korver open like he won't shoot and make a 3?
Why do we let Isiah Thomas further damage this franchises reputation? -f we have any left.
Why do we root for this team?
Why bother?
Why humiliate ourselves?

the worst part is i'll be watching come Monday. Thats the real problem when people stop supporting garbage we will stop getting garbage. According toForbees the Knicks are the most valuable NBA franchise so owners aren't losing money, so they must not care if the teams is respectable.
I can't stand Dolan. I refuse to support the Knicks until he and/or Zeke are gone.
I officially give up....

Anybody else notice when they watch these games, its just to laugh sarcastically at the team?
It's like i'm accustomed to them losing/being down by 10, and just want something stupid to happen to be mildly entertained, or enjoy the .001% of thetime they actually win...

on the bright side....i think isiah's gone soon...and we'll prolly get OJ Mayo, lol
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