I would have made that move too.

Just read on another message board that Donnie was trying to get Eric Gordon added to the deal. Son was trying to straight herb the Clippers.
its so ridiculous that the Knicks turned down the deal for Randolph. All off season the Knicks are talking about dumping his contract and when a team actuallywants him they say no...i dont get it..
I would have traded Randolph for a 2nd rounder, future draft pick, case of coke and hot dog buns if it meant he was out of NY.
I can't see what the Clippers could have offered that would have matched the contracts, or does it not matter since the Clippers are underneath the cap?

I'd want at least a first rounder, and a player with potential for Z-Bo. I think they did the right thing. Maybe I'm crazy, but I've always likedZach Randolph, maybe it's because I'm a fantasy @!$%%.
[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]

ON GUARD: The status of Stephon Marbury with the Knicks is under evaluation, as new arrival Chris Duhon is applying pressure for the starting position.

Posted: 4:08 am
July 12, 2008

LAS VEGAS - Stephon MarburyStephon Marbury
bounded off the KnicksNew York Knicks
' team bus at Vegas' Valley High last night - a new tattoo inscribed on his left temple. The"3" logo found on his Starbury sneaker and apparel line is now a permanent part of his bald head.

Good thing the permanent tattoo ink wasn't used on his Knick jersey.

Even the cocky Marbury knows he may be giving up his Knick jersey in a couple of months, with team president Donnie Walsh and coach Mike D'Antonicontemplating waiving him before the season opener.

"Right now I've been told I'm going to be playing basketball here," said Marbury, who joined the Knicks' summer-league team for lastnight's first practice.

However, Marbury, 31, acknowledged nothing's certain.

"I love New York, I want to play in New York," Marbury said. "But I understand the direction they would be going in if that was tohappen.

"I'm supposedly old. But there are 29 other teams. I love New York. I want to finish my career here. I feel I have a lot more to give. But I guessI have to prove that because I haven't been on the court much. You guys are saying I can't play anymore. It's kind of fun. It's achallenge."

Marbury, who played just 24 games last season because of season-ending ankle surgery, has trained vigorously since May, running the Hollywood Hills, amountain called Runyon Canyon.

"When November comes, that's when everyone will see what I've been doing," Marbury said.

If waived, Marbury has told confidants the Celtics are on his radar because of his ties with Kevin Garnett and Boston's need of point-guard depth,though Paul Pierce didn't sound like a fan.

D'Antoni will take the veterans who show up in Vegas out to dinner separately, partly to get a feel for Marbury's value to his mates. The perceptionis Marbury wasn't a locker-room favorite, players jealous of the attention he receives.

"The biggest thing is getting to know people, and it goes a lot further than basketball," D'Antoni said. "Basketball, we'll figure itout. You got to make the locker room right."

The Knicks this week signed point guard Chris Duhon, but Marbury's issue cuts deeper than replacing him with another body. It's about the newregime's desire to symbolically change the culture.

When asked about Marbury's status, D'Antoni said, "Steph is on the team. [Duhon] is another guard we added who we think can push the ball, is agood defensive player. Just because one goes in, doesn't mean another goes out."

Privately, Marbury desperately wants to stay and has done everything to ingratiate himself with D'Antoni, including showing up first to Vegas, alongwith David LeeDavid Lee

"It's a system my game is built for," Marbury said. "To have the opportunity to play in the system is definitely gratifying."

But he is too proud to beg. "It doesn't matter as long as I'm playing basketball," Marbury said. "That's the most importantthing. As long as I get the opportunity to get on the dance floor and play, it doesn't matter if I'm playing here or there. It's a business. Ifthey choose to go that way, I'll understand. I won't take it personally."

[email protected]
So, he wanted Eric Gordon, the Clippers must have counter-offered, and he didn't like it?

That actually wouldn't be a bad move for the Clippers, and I don't know how high you guys are on Gordon, but what do I know.
That would not be a bad deal for the clippers? They would give up their 7th pick (gordon) plus possibly future round picks for a dude with a horrible contractthat shoots 45% as a PF

I guess the knicks will try to tank the next 2 years
Well, the way I see it, unless Gordon comes out as a great scorer, the Clippers will need some scoring. Maybe Zach needs a clean slate, he went from thehellhole that is Portland to the hellhole that is the recent NYK franchise. If the Clippers threw in future firsts, then it obviously changes things.
Can someone explain how this proposed deal with the Clippers would work financially?

Anyway if somehow that deal would be approved by both teams, and the league office, I could definitely see it helping both teams. Once the Clippers lost Brand,the one thing they need is a PF who can score and rebound. Z-Bo is nothing if not a scorer and rebounder. With Baron Davis at the point now, and Thornton (whois a beast) at the 2/3, I think that the Clippers would be looking to upgrade at PF, and willing to give up a player in Gordon, who may have a hard timefinding a role with Davis and Thornton already on the team.

For the Knicks it's perfect. Get rid of a bad contract, clear up the log-jam at PF, and get back a young, athletic talent who could develop into a reallygood player in this league. With his strength and athleticism, Gordon could become a really nice defender and scorer in the NBA, and would be a great fit atthe 2 down the road for the Knicks.

But again I'm not even sure if this deal is on the table, or how the league would approve it because of the discrepancy in contracts.
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

But again I'm not even sure if this deal is on the table, or how the league would approve it because of the discrepancy in contracts.

The story was first reported Friday by, which said Knicks president Donnie Walsh turned down the Clippers' offer. It was not known which playerswould be going to the Knicks in the deal, but it would not have to be a salary match because the Clippers are well under the cap. Randolph has three years and$48 million left on his contract. -Newsday
^Exact;y good post Mike!

Other than Gordon none of us know what plyers the Knicks would get back. The Clippers are so far uder the cap; salaries would have to match. The poblem isWalsh desnt want to take back any high priced contracts past 2010.

I would love to get rid of Zach but in the right deal....I am glad Walsh is exploring trades but also being patient and not just pulling he trigger.

HTTB, we were playing on PS3....XBox live son??? Come on I expected a true Knicks fan to be a better gamer than that! LOL
Flatbush my fault yesterday that i bounced and yea i got a bluetooth them dudes was talking wreckless like they nicee. you seen how i was beastin on them gotta be running around more you got a tent pitched out wherever you play
oh and the original clipper trade reported by SI i think it was a 2nd rounder for zbo straight up and walsh rebuffed it, which i think it was the right movebecause you can get a little more then that at least, had it been isiah he wouldve jumped on the first offer but we got walsh now and he takes his time andplays his options which we are not use to
. and then the eric gordon counter is from walsh because he is obviously trying to get as much as he can for zbo.
would yall like EG and the 2 for ZBo?

even that seems a lil unfair, because zach is a proven scorer and rebounder, and Eg is not

if anything, we need to wait until the deadline, hopefully he'll have improved as a player and teammate, more so the latter
Originally Posted by MeloVP

would yall like EG and the 2 for ZBo?

even that seems a lil unfair, because zach is a proven scorer and rebounder, and Eg is not

if anything, we need to wait until the deadline, hopefully he'll have improved as a player and teammate, more so the latter
i'll be satisfied with that
Steph always puts on the good guy act during the off season...

Send the guy packing, once and for all
When you really think about it, we have two years to get rid of Zach. Maybe this season will increase his value, not to mention that another year would besubtracted from his mammoth contract.

@Y'all playing on PS3.

I do need one, though. I just need a Blu-Ray player and MGS4.
When you really think about it, we have two years to get rid of Zach. Maybe this season will increase his value, not to mention that another year would besubtracted from his mammoth contract.

@Y'all playing on PS3.

I do need one, though. I just need a Blu-Ray player and MGS4.
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