I'll put money on it that D'Antoni takes the unknown Italian guy. SMFH.


and i honestly didnt think we'd get that high of a pick. somewhere, Isiah is cuddlng with Magic and laughing
I projected the damn Knicks hiring Walsh. I projected the damn Knicks hiring D'Antoni. I projected that we will get the 4-6th lottery pick, and i willproject that the Knicks will draft that *+%$#$! Italian guy.

$%+% this %+%%#+# +@%+, this is the gayest +@%+ ive ever seen in my whole life, this is the last straw on the %+%%#+# camels %+%%#+# back.
I've pretty much gotten over it....i was actually on the verge of crying and was about to go look up online where i could get some therapy....but therestill might be someone out there

In the beginning....Eric Gordon and Beasely were the top freshman in the NCAA. He ended up hurting his left wrist and Sampson got let go....I believe Gordoncan be the guy for us

There's always the possibility of Mayo or Bayless slipping

Keep Hope alive.....true Knick fans are optimistic

Not everybody can look this good.....even on a highlight tape

yo i turned on the car radio to sports hear the picks.... n i heard the knicks got number 6 and i started cussin....

THEN i heard the bulls got number 1 immediately after... and then I almost crashed. WHAT THE HELL!

i seriously pulled over and sat there for a few minutes and let it marinate and just said wow my prayers have gone to waste.
BUT like I always said to myself. if we dont get what we wanted, maybe someone like mayo or so would be available.

im just trying to be optimistic because there are a few good players in this draft.

I knew it. Been saying it for while, but I digress...

Hope that a team reaches on Eric Gordon and Deandre Jordan so Y'all can Snatch Jerryd Bayless or OJ Mayo....
If you are from Chicago and live in NYC, don't say !#%@ to me tomorrow or I'll slap the hell out of ya'. Matter of fact just stay away frommid-town from the hours of 9:30-5:30 and uptown tomorrow night if you know whats good for you.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

^^i dont want to damn Ben Gordon vol. 2 on this Knicks team.

He won't be....EG is a 'legit' 2 inches taller and about 25lbs heavier. This would make him a completely different player.

Bayless and Mayo>Eric Gordon

but don't sleep on Gordon....he's quicker and stronger than both Bayless and Mayo
Eric Gordon is NOT quicker than Jerryd Bayless....

No way...

But yeah, out of all the one and done's ....He seems to get the least amt of praise/accolades....

I mean, he isn't THAT MUCH less talented than OJ/Jerryd....He's still a hell of a talent....

Dude gonna show out in his workouts though....
Eric "Ben Gordon vol.2" Gordon is 6'4"...your calling that a legit 2???? Dude will get thrashed by the 6'6" 2 guards in the NBA. Hewill chug up shots all day.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

if you guys go back a few pages you'll see me telling you all we will get a 4-6th pick.

Here how its going to look like.

1. Bulls- Beasley
2. Miami- Rose
3. Minn- Mayo
4. Seattle- Brooke Lopez
5. Memphis- DJ Augustine
6. Knicks- Jarryd Bayless

Why the %%+% would Memphis draft DJ when they got Conley, Lowry, Juan Carlos Navarro and J-Critt?? Makes no sense.
Eric "Ben Gordon vol.2" Gordon is 6'4"...your calling that a legit 2???? Dude will get thrashed by the 6'6" 2 guards in the NBA. He will chug up shots all day.

I think he meant a legit 2 inches taller than BG

But yeah, y'all can still get a quality player....Darrel Arthur or someone like that. All is not lost...
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

if you guys go back a few pages you'll see me telling you all we will get a 4-6th pick.

Here how its going to look like.

1. Bulls- Beasley
2. Miami- Rose
3. Minn- Mayo
4. Seattle- Brooke Lopez
5. Memphis- DJ Augustine
6. Knicks- Jarryd Bayless

Why the %%+% would Memphis draft DJ when they got Conley, Lowry, Juan Carlos Navarro and J-Critt?? Makes no sense.
Eric "Ben Gordon vol.2" Gordon is 6'4"...your calling that a legit 2???? Dude will get thrashed by the 6'6" 2 guards in the NBA. He will chug up shots all day.

I think he meant a legit 2 inches taller than BG

But yeah, y'all can still get a quality player....Darrel Arthur or someone like that. All is not lost...

still, he is a shooting guard in a point guards body. Which will NOT help us. Another Marbury.
Oh Yea... Just for the record... THE CRIB *****!!!! AND DID I NOT SAY NY WAS GONNA GET THE 6TH DRAFT PICK????

*turns on Twista "Feels So Good" *
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

+#+% D'Antoni...+#+% that man to Hell. He wont do $@*% for us, all he will do is have Nate $*++@## running the damn point, and have Q chugging up 3's out of his *!#. We wont play any damn defense what so ever, and still be in this same damn sintuation all over again. +#+% THIS $@*% MAN. Why is it so hard to be a damn Knicks fan?

right on brotha. I 100% agree like i said before we got D'antoni i want a coach that wants to play D and be tough. Tht==ats why i wanted Mark, he hasloyalty and is not about the %$##!#% $ like D'Antoni and he would have us play that old Knicks brand of bball, D and toughness. Say what you want aboutthose old Knicks teams, they fought like %$##!#% dogs.

ut with #6 i would take Grdon in a second if Mayo is out. *$#* Bayless i do not want %$##!#% Bayless. He will kill this team he is a less skilled and a lessgood passing version of Marbury. Is that really who you want repping our franchise? *$#* that we just got over Marbury. Say waht you want about Steph but hewas very good and a great passser. This guy Bayless has no vision what so ever he doesnt pass, and he is not as good as Steph, he would be a HORRIBLE pick...lets try and trade for Barbosa or TJ Ford considering those were our back up plans to %$##!#% Rose. (%$##!#% BULLS)

and about the Ewing curse, i have been preaching that for years, if we would have got Mark and Ewing instead of gold digging ****** no defense playingD'Antoni who will trade away %$##!#% tough players like Lee for untalented no heart soft players we would be doing better right now, and maybe we couldhave ended this curse. But no it goes on and now Pat's biggest rivals get #1 and #2. This is no %$##!#% coincidence i dont buy that $**% for a secondthats too much $**% in the past decade since he was traded to be a coincidence. This franchise straight up COLLAPSED after that.

EDIT: lets hope this Mayo scandal hurts his draft slop we need him to slip to us.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

if you guys go back a few pages you'll see me telling you all we will get a 4-6th pick.

Here how its going to look like.

1. Bulls- Beasley
2. Miami- Rose
3. Minn- Mayo
4. Seattle- Brooke Lopez
5. Memphis- DJ Augustine
6. Knicks- Jarryd Bayless

Why the %%+% would Memphis draft DJ when they got Conley, Lowry, Juan Carlos Navarro and J-Critt?? Makes no sense.
Eric "Ben Gordon vol.2" Gordon is 6'4"...your calling that a legit 2???? Dude will get thrashed by the 6'6" 2 guards in the NBA. He will chug up shots all day.

I think he meant a legit 2 inches taller than BG

But yeah, y'all can still get a quality player....Darrel Arthur or someone like that. All is not lost...

still, he is a shooting guard in a point guards body. Which will NOT help us. Another Marbury.

Well firstly none of these guards in the draft are headcases like Marbury.....Marbury is truly one of a kind. But if you're talking about aplayer who could avg. 20 and 8 for a large part of their career....u gotta want that.

Eric Gordon stock is below that of Bayless and Mayo because he has really no PG skills...but i can name alot combo guards (6'4"-6'5") whotheir respective teams couldn't do w/o
(Chris Martin) Do You Think About Me Now And Then, Do You Think About Me Now And Then OH!!!!!!CAUSE I'M COMING HOME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! (Chris Martin)
Originally Posted by dreClark

But yeah, y'all can still get a quality player....Darrel Arthur or someone like that. All is not lost...

Darrel #6....with the team we have right now?? I know it would NEVER happen (for good reason), but I'm just incredulous you would evensuggest it as a possibility, or a good decision.

It's pretty obvious the Knicks need a PG or SG so at #6 we will just take the best player available at those positions.
Man !$@$ the Bulls!
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