Originally Posted by chikickz

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I swear to God if they trade Marbury for Barbosa and Diaw I will go to the Graden with a rifle and snipe out Walsh and D'antoni
D'antoni is a joke. There's no need for them to take on any salary in bums like Diaw and one dimensional players like Barbosa.

Newsflash: The Knicks already have a roster full of one dimensional bums. Come on. You guys know this. It's OK to zing your own roster.

They don't need to add anymore one dimensional bums.
Wow, I'm so not impressed by D'Antoni and his press conference. Basically dude said his decision came down to him and his wife deciding where theywanted to live. SMH, if anything, we'll see more wins, but nothing substantial. Dude said nothing of substance, that I saw (I came in a bit late on thereplay).
Did you really expect him to say anything realistic like "we've got to turn over the roster"? Nothing really comes from these press conferencesother than "I'm glad to be here...I love NY...Always loved NY...Bring the Knicks back to respectability" etc.

I like how he mentioned that he coached to his players ability in Phoenix. I hope he means it, and we can get some defensive guys in here.
This is the cap for the suns right now


This is our cap


Its possible to do the trade's for Crawford for TJ. That would actually be best for both teams. The Raptors get a penetrator, and a solid scorer, and weget a decent PG just in case we don't draft one in this years draft.

I DO NO want for us to get Diaw and Barbosa. Their contracts go past 2010, and they don't help us in anyway. We are better off keep Marbury, and lettinghis contract expire.
It's a new Knicks world now. Dolan has promised commissioner David Stern he would spend what needed to be spent to turn this thing around. And Dolan may have been advised by Stern to offer up his money but not his basketball advice. In turn, david stern has promised to give the Knicks a top 2 pick in the draft

Originally Posted by allen3xis

^ agreed on both counts.


Agreed man getting under cap should be #1 for us cause if even if we cant get Bron at leasst we will get a star. Hopfully Bron though son is DIRTY

Basicailly my main argument is that weas in the fans, media, and most importantly have to be patient. Dont be stupid. I get pissed when i hear peopletalking about this matter. DO NOT TRADE STEPHON MARBURY!!! Just PLEASE deal wityh him for this one last year, we have deal he;ll since 2004, we can live onemore year with him. Think of it this way, i mean we have dealt with Steph's %!#+ since 04 dont WE deserve to have his contract come off our cap? Is itreally fair to us that we have to deal with Stephs %!#+, and than we trade him to one team who has to live with him for one little year and POOF they get the$20 mil off their cap.

Lets not be stupid, we cant trade Stephon, it would just be a stupid move. It is the kind of move that we do in the past, we always would trade expiringcontracts for long term big contracts and usually they turn out to be busts., Cant we learn from the past? Than again maybe not cause we OBVIOUSLY haventlearned very much from Larry brown in 06, yes i know there are differences which i stressed but still.

All im saying is keep Steph on this team, i mean unless there is an offer that we really cant refuse, but still we need to try. And on the trade subject, ifwe cant get Rose (one week today baby
) I would 100% be down withpackaging Jamal in a deal for TJ ford. TJ would work great and i have loved him since UT. also i am a huge fan of Barbosa and would be estatic if we got him(but still i font know if he is even worth trading Marbuty's contract, and while we are on the subject not that it matters but Barbosa loves Steph andconsiders him his mentor). But anyway

i would love getting him, he can play the 1 or the 2, he is lightning quick. I think in the east in D'Antoni's system running the show instead of abackup he could have be an all star caliber player and not to metion he is very young and loaded with potential. Also his contract although long term is veryreasonable, so if we get him that means we get an all-star young player who we have locked up for numerous years under a low contract. But than again if we getrose i would not be down on trading for him because we would give up alot and i dont want to give up all that for a backup, but if we dont get rose he may beanother answer for our future PG with Nate coming off the bench.
(butobviously i still want Rose

And yes I agree i like Diaw but homie is too soft for NY

but not as soft as...


get this dude OUT OF HERE
to be honest i want lebron to stay with the cavs.

his an extraordinary player with talents that are mind boggling.. but

i just dont like this dudes attitude. i know most of ya want a "franchise" player, person who can resurrectthis organization, bring back this team into the playoffs and maybe even visit the ship.

but eh .. i just never really gave into the whole lebron coming to knicks idea.. ya can flame i already got use to it atschool

^^I'm with you on that one Tommykairra. I wouldnt hate it if he was here, but I rather have another top tier player than him.
^who else other than LeBron can you name that has his caliber of play? Also, they need to be a free agent by the 2010 season.
lebron of course is the best choice, i do not want dwade or melo. i dont think dwade can be 100% again and melo might be to lazy to be the"franchise" player. plus he gonna hit up the heights for
DO NOT TRADE STEPHON MARBURY!!! Just PLEASE deal wityh him for this one last year
just dont like this dudes attitude. i know most of ya want a "franchise" player, person who can resurrect this organization, bring back this team into the playoffs and maybe even visit the ship.

^^I'm with you on that one Tommykairra. I wouldnt hate it if he was here, but I rather have another top tier player than him

See I don't see this "bad attitude" that some others see. As a matter of fact, I see him as a model citizen and the right choice forthe face of the league. If he comes to the knicks I will.....................let's cross that bridge when we get there.
yea i know cp3 will be a hornet for life i was just dreaming
, maybe we wont need him aka rose

edit: just peeped the trautwig steph interview,
@ trautwig asking steph why is he here and steph saying i cant be here now? last time i checked i was onthe team
Thanks, for the site. anyways

I kinda want joe johnson and deron williams
if i'm reading it right, jj's and deron's contract ends at 09/10 with no "player option"
I really hope we can get rid of players like marbury, rose, james, jeffries, z-bo and maybe q rich

lol jees six players.. yuck...........

but yeah that would leave us with
- jamal crawford
- eddy curry
- david lee
- nate robinson
- renaldo balkman
- mardy collins
- wilson chandler
- fred jones

then addition of deron and jj..
starting would look like:
- deron
- jamal
- jj
- david lee
- eddy curry

& with decent back ups, but yeah with all this said im forgetting the draft and what not.

and... yeah just like justhotkicks, why am i getting excited..
non of this daydreamin crap gon happen.
woop woop for draft, lets get rose

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