Official New York Knicks bandwagon thread...

Originally Posted by ill4eva

Cavs fans sound like Magic fans did back in 1996.

- He's gonna stay here. Look at the team we've surrounded him with. I mean, we made the Finals with him.
- Why would he accept less money to sign with a crappy team?
- He loves it here, and he hasn't given any indication that he'll leave.

IMO, only way Lebron isn't in a Knicks uniform is if he manages to have a career ending injury before 2010.

I need to know the lottery numbers right quick...
I mean can you be mad at the Cleveland fans? Look at their teams, the Indians always fail at crunch time, the Browns just suck always and the Cavs have beenalways awful until Lebron. Now, the best athlete beside Jim Brown that they have ever had is about to leave. It sucks for them so I feel their pain.

Plus, they live in Cleveland.
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

I mean can you be mad at the Cleveland fans? Look at their teams, the Indians always fail at crunch time, the Browns just suck always and the Cavs have been always awful until Lebron. Now, the best athlete beside Jim Brown that they have ever had is about to leave. It sucks for them so I feel their pain.

Plus, they live in Cleveland.
Very true.

Hey bro how you holding up with your dog issue?
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

im not even a cavs fan. i dont even like lebron james for that matter. the knicks are putting all their eggs in one basket... thinkin lebron will 200% absolutely sign with the knicks.. anything can happen in these 2 years, dont jump to conclusions.
I cant stand people saying this +**%. There is a reason that almost every single team (i think there is like 15) is trying to get under cap for2010. Do you really think that 15 teams all think that they can get Lebron??

Lebron can only play for one team but there are still 15+ teams trying to shed cap right now. Obviously especially the Knicks we are doing our best to getLebron cause he is our #1 guy as with most teams. And i think the Knicks hasve the best shot to get him. We have a lot of good young talent which i think csnmake us a borderline playoff team for the next 2 years, and if Bron can see that we are making it to the playoffs with young talent like Chandler and Nate (andplease Csvs fans dont tell me the Cavs would make the playoffs without Lebron cause you may not want to admit but you an i both know the Cavs would be one ofthe worst if not THE worst team in the NBA without bron) So if we can do that much, and than especialy if we can trade Curry (even if we have to package my boyLee
) we will have like $45+ mil in cap for 2010. That is enough to notonly give Lebron his max deal but ALSO try and get one of his Olymic buddies like Chris Bosh or someone to play alongside him alongside the rest of our youngtalent that already had us as a borderline playoff team. mix that in with the city that will make him a star never seen in sports before, and mix all thatalong with a coach who he would love to play for and would get the best performance out of Lebron, our plan to Lebron seems pretty full proof.

But <Gang Starr>No plan is full proof
</Gang Starr> so i goback to my original point. in the case that we do not land Lebroon James like i said Lebron James is not the reason 15+ teams are trying to shed cap. Thatwould be very foolish cause Lebron cant play on 15 teams at once leaving 14 teams empty handed and +#$*%*. But the 2010 FA class is the best the NBA has everseen so even if we dont land Bron there are a wide variety of franchise players in that class and at the very least i think we can get 2 all-star kind of guysare 1 franchise player and an all-strar kind of guy. Either way if we get bron our not good things always come when you get under the cap. Just look atPortland they have dont something there similar to what we are doing (although they did it mostly via draft) but they too traded Zach Randolph (perhaps theirbest player) for cap space. Good things come under the cap and no matter what we do in 2010, we will get something and will most likely come away with at least1 franchise player. That is more than i can say about ANY Knicks team since Ewing retired. It is a plan, and obviously Bron is our #1 and i think it is verypossible to get Lebron, but we will walk into the season of 2011 with a franchise player, which is why what we are doing is smart. Cause like me i love, ididnt love him that much in his early Knicks years cause i thought he was a chucker and he was too flashy but played no D. But he really mahtured right infront of our eyes as a player, and he really turned into a prolific scorer, a leader, and a better defender. As much as i love Crawford he will never be afranchise player. so if we have to trade him to clear up cap to get a franchise player, so be it, its a business.

Basically say what you want but all our eggs are NOT in one basket. Lebron is our #1 but we will be a better teaam with or without him after the 2010 freeagency is done.

Now, the best athlete beside Jim Brown that they have ever had is about to leave.
The Gr8 is right (didnt want to quote the whole rant) Even if Lebron doesnt go they will have 2 superstars that are friends and decide hey lets go to NY andplay together (NH). But the thought of Lebron with Bosh or Wade is a definit possibility and its been said that all 3 are friends and im sure they have beentalking about it.

Trust and believe the Cavs need to show a lot of promise (which they are right now) in the next 2 years if they want Bron to even have a double take on theiroffer because if they dont get to another finals I dont see him sticking around when the city he loves comes knocking and they have Max money plus anothersuperstar waiting for him.
I would love to see Lebron and Wade in NY together. I would def buy both there jerseys right away. Man they would be great together, especially with Dantonissystem
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

^^No!!! Who did this??!? I remember months ago, you were bashing us during the offseason.
Times have changed

-hiring D'Antoni
-Marbury's deal expiring
-saving cap room by dealing Z-Bo and Crawford

All these things have convinced me that the Knicks have a good future. Atleast I'm jumping on the bandwagon knowing that the next 2 years will be rough...Icant wait to see how many people will be tagging along after July 2010
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by NYK orange and blue

Originally Posted by you big dummy

someone make a caption for this...I know this will be funny
being that its jerome james pointing
"Haha you guys actually WORK for your money"


At least I'll know how those diehard pre 2000's Nets fans felt after Jason Kidd came into town.
yup all 4 of them
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