Official NBA Live 14 Thread - Official Cover Released , Brief In-Game Footage. Xbox One & PS4

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the gameplay vids don't lie...............i don't know what's going on at the ea sports studio............feels like the horrible nba live for ps3 again.
What happen to the free demo? I don't see it in the PS store. I have 2K but I still want to test out Live.

nvm just checked the previous page for the date
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How the **** do they get the green light on this **** ****? 
I remember when NCAA basketball 10 dropped with the freezing glitches.....ea deaded all support for the game after release. I'd rather see 989 sports make another bball game. If 2k had the nfl license, madden would be in the same boat.
So disappointed in this game. I knew it wouldnt be better than 2k but damn

Now I either gotta cave and get 2K14 or just play 2K13 until 2K15 comes out.
WTF is this?  The players look like they have no face when it's zoomed out and the movement is horribly bad.  How can they even release this crap?
:rofl: @ that first paragraph

NBA Live 14 sinks lower than I ever thought this once-proud series could go. Making the totally fair comparison to NBA 2K14 would be like LeBron James playing a pickup game against an arthritic giraffe. But even taken in isolation, the resurrected NBA Live is a mess of a hoops sim both in your hands and in your eyes that wouldn’t even make the D-League All-Star team. In fact, there’s only one thing about NBA Live that’s better than its competitor: the net. Yes, that one thing is the net, and it is the best net I’ve ever seen in a basketball game. There, I said something nice.

Yeah I knew Live 14 was bad but I didn't think it'd score that low 
...I guess it's a start but EA can't keep it up with scores like that they definitely have a long way to go.
They push the demo back wouldnt be surprising if they cancel that. I've been a fan of Live since the Genesis days I can honestly say RIP to the Live series |I

What's EA's excuse going to be?

Wonder what NBA Live fanboys' excuse will be.
Heads are going to roll over at EA Sports. All of that money they spent developing this game since it was initially canceled a few years ago. Been a terrible year for them with the NCAA license loss and this steaming pile of a game.
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