Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I don't think coming out would benefit an average player, basketball wise. Teammates and management would likely not want anything do with the player, nice guy or not.

I think it depends on the market or team...If your playing for the Mavs, Cuban will obviously be 100 percent behind the guy and I'm sure Carlisle won't come out and say something derogatory. I'd have a hard time imagining any Spurs guys Pop or teammates having a problem either. It really depends on coaching/ownership/teammates for the most part. Within my office I have Christians/Muslims/Gays and they all get along fine causer that's what you do when your a professional. You really think Lebron/Wade would not support the guy because if they didn't they would get absolutely destroyed by the media and we know neither of them want that for their image.
Completely unrelated, but where is Richard Jefferson these days? He still on a roster?
Have Sacre and Earl Clark earned themselves some more minutes in that rotation?

Not that Sacre has been stellar, but he can definitely contribute to that team in a reserve role
They already used their clause on Charlie bell :lol:

Right. After my last post, I had some vague recollection of the Warriors using the amnesty clause on someone weird, but I couldn't remember who it was. Charlie Bell? Really? He couldn't have been getting more than $2-3 million per year, if that. That's got to be the most senseless use of the amnesty clause to date.
Have Sacre and Earl Clark earned themselves some more minutes in that rotation?

Not that Sacre has been stellar, but he can definitely contribute to that team in a reserve role

can't see sacre getting much minutes when dwight, pau, and hill are back

clark might be able to steal some minutes at the 4 especially if his shot is falling

maybe dwight//clark and gasol/hill type line ups
I think it depends on the market or team...If your playing for the Mavs, Cuban will obviously be 100 percent behind the guy and I'm sure Carlisle won't come out and say something derogatory. I'd have a hard time imagining any Spurs guys Pop or teammates having a problem either. It really depends on coaching/ownership/teammates for the most part. Within my office I have Christians/Muslims/Gays and they all get along fine causer that's what you do when your a professional. You really think Lebron/Wade would not support the guy because if they didn't they would get absolutely destroyed by the media and we know neither of them want that for their image.

I would love to see which classless team looking to get boycotted would NOT support a gay player. Kobe got hit with a monster fine for using a gay slur - NBA teams would be fine with it. Players? Trash talk? Fan reaction? All the attention? Now that's something the average player should worry about.

On PJ Carlesimo - everyone was talking how Avery deserved another chance (while not watching the Nets) and PJ is proving how much better an average coach makes this team. He's really installed some basic things (more PnRs, FASTER pace, less isolations, not posting up Brook from that far), held people accountable (not afraid to yell at players, blames himself for mistakes) and has actually made an effort to use different lineups (versus burying Teletovic and Marshon Brooks on the bench). All of that has led to a nice 6-1 record, a win vs. OKC, and like 4 blowout wins (Avery had only 1 win over 14 points). This isn't just a morale boost after changing coaches - he's made some real changes. I've heard that PJ is a drag to get along with (ask Sprewell) and he SEEMED bad in OKC with Durant (but it's hard to look good when you have the worst team in the league) - but I will say, he's looked good so far and I really see him keeping the job, maybe even for a couple seasons unless the Zen Master decides to coach again.
Have Sacre and Earl Clark earned themselves some more minutes in that rotation?

Not that Sacre has been stellar, but he can definitely contribute to that team in a reserve role

based off of 2 games?

well yeah. I'm not asking if they can be starters genius. I want to know if Laker fans think they can contribute 10 minutes a night positively to that team.
The dude who had a blank jersey at media day is now starting at center for the Lakers :rofl:
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:rofl: Them dudes probably feel like the greatest GM's in the world. (regarding Charlie Bell)
He's not pointing the finger at Darren. That'd be unfair to place the blame on one guy. We haven't blown fifteen leads because of him.

Gallo might help, but he's about as streaky as OJ can be.
The dude who had a blank jersey at media day is now starting at center for the Lakers
Weirdest season ever.

Why am I seeing tweets flying about the Lakers trying to get Tyreke?

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[h1]Lakers Rumors: Team Interested In Tyreke Evans?[/h1]

By Marc Quaranta | January 10, 2013

The summer was filled with busy trades and signings for the Los Angeles Lakers. They made a huge blockbuster trade that sent Andrew Bynum to Philadelphia and brought Dwight Howard in from the Orlando Magic. A few weeks before that, they made a sign and trade with the Phoenix Suns to bring in Steve Nash. They also brought in former Sixth Man of the Year, Antwan Jamison.

It was supposed to be an easy stroll to the NBA Finals for this team, which also consists of two other future Hall of Famers in Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol, but it hasn’t turned out that way.

If rumors move around the NBA quicker than runners in a 100-meter dash, consider the Lakers Usain Bolt.

Tyreke Evans, the fourth year swing guard of the Sacremento Kings, is reportedly on the trading block and the Lakers are one of the teams that are supposedly interested. Among them, others teams include the Boston Celtics, the Memphis Grizzlies, and the Denver Nuggets.

In an article by Steve von Horn of, Tyreke Evans “wouldn’t be too broken up about it if the Kings traded him prior to the Feb. 21 deadline.”

While Evans has played one game in three weeks because of soreness in his left knee, he said he is frustrated that the organization hadn’t scheduled a second opinion. Evans is in the last year of his contract and has taken rehab slow saying he doesn’t want to have a setback when playing for a new contract.
“Definitely,” he said. “That’s why I sat out so many games. I wasn’t going to come back until I was ready, near 100 percent. You have to think about that. But the knee feels good now, it doesn’t hurt. I just want to get back out there and start playing like I can.”
It isn’t certain what the Lakers would offer for Evans, but with guys like Bryant and Nash around to mentor Evans, those in Lakerland may believe that Tyreke would begin to groom as the All-Star everyone thought he’d be coming out of Memphis.

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