Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Kevin Love's statline tonight

3/14, 0/7, 5 TO (but 12 boards I'll give him that)
he's been playing like @#&* this month. Rubio just tweeted Chase is walking w/o crutches so hopefully he can get back before all-star break
Oh look now everybody loves Chase.... thats my *****! 
smh at wade, he wouldnt dare pull that stunt on a superstar or somebody that was a little nuts (metta/ron, jax).
session should at the very least mushed him
If I was sessions knowing damn well they aren't going anywhere I woulda two piece the **** outa wade.
Make sure I break his nose or give him a black eye.
Hit him with the Chris childs two piece.
Wade always chooses dudes below him just like how KG loves dem euros. :lol:

Remember these Wade Shots from a year ago?

I think Ramon would've but by the time he got up after the pain subsided (quick btw, being hit square there is BRUTAL) there were already players/refs around

Edit: watched the vid again...he totally could've gotten a quick sneak snuff in there :lol: :lol: but it wouldn't have escalated the ref was right there
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Wade's cheap shot on Rondo is still the worst thing I ever seen him do. This was harmless in comparison.
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