Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I never said he wasnt their second most valuable player lol. Hell, for a good portion of his career, Pau was the Lakers most valuable player...honestly aside from a few years difference, they arent entirely different players. You laugh, but its REALLY not that far fetched.....and are you saying that Pau doesnt bring that type of skillset to the team? Dude is one of the most skilled, versatile players in the league, capable of playing either big spot, a variety of post moves, a nice 16 foot jumpshot. And Bosh would be perfect for what the Lakers are trying to do

I know you're just throwing it out there since it'll never happen BUT at this point in his career, Gasol is much more of a traditional center than Bosh is. Not nearly as fast or even close to the defender that Bosh is. Bosh is a better shooter and has a much better face up game. Pau might be a better passer and better on the boards but with LBJ playmaking and rebounding like he does - those skills aren't THAT valuable in MIA's system considering Bosh is pretty damn good at both.

They are somewhat similar but there's a reason the Lakers would JUMP on that trade and MIA would say no.

LA would be better off looking at a stretch 4 and a good SF for Pau - not an all star. I don't know where I saw some stats that say (and this completely makes sense) that you basically get diminishing returns on a player after you team up more than 3 really good players. After 2 or 3 core guys, you need competent role players who can play efficiently. This might be the case with Pau. Let Kobe/Dwight/Nash lead the team and surround them with efficient shooters and good defenders. It's not as sexy but it'll probably be more effective than shooting for the stars and trying to trade for an all star.

I honestly can't even think of a fair trade that both sides would be interested in. Something like Bargnani and Calderon (insurance for Nash) - seems like it somewhat makes sense for both teams. At the very least, it'll give D'Antoni that floor spacer at 4 and open up Dwight's roll game. Calderon is good enough to start when Nash is injured. The problem is that Bargnani sucks and has a terrible contract :lol: I have no idea what's going to happen but Pau CANNOT be happy about D'Antoni telling him he wants him to shoot more corner 3s. So much talent and he can't adapt his system to it. :smh:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :pimp: @ drummond's kirby

Mavs have been able to stay afloat without him. Seems like the team is just missing a #1...

And less Derek Fisher.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
The video was to show how amazing of an athlete this dude was.
Wilt revolutionized the game more than anybody and would dominate today. His combination of speed and strength with his incredible height and length makes him the perfect center.
Kareem's skyhook is defined as "the most unguardable shot" in the history of basketball and you see wilt doing it twice with ease.
The obviously don't know anything about basketball.
You must be blind.

Funny how you throw the phrase "You don't know anything about basketball" like you're some NBA expert.

I wasn't talking about Wilt athletic ability. I was talking about his competition. It was uneven playing field.

The video clearly show how inferior his opponent were. A bunch of little guys trying to guard a 7 footer with huge wingspan. It was part of the reason why they say he revolutionized the game because he was the first few 7 footer with athletic ability. But the competition was piss poor. 7 footer vs 6 foot ish defender.

Open your eyes and use some common sense.
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Taking it a bit too far here IMO. Hes def top 3 though, but Hakeem alone makes this false.
THIS MAN KNOWS. He doesnt get nearly as much credit as he deserves. Bostrich is the real deal.

how do you know that? shaq and hakeem never played when both players were in their prime. when shaq reached his prime, hakeem was already on his way out of the league.. didnt he play for the raptors then? maybe hakeem would put some moves on shaq, but in the end shaq would crush hakeem..

shaq got a few moves from hakeem.. besides when they met in the finals, shaq was still a young guy..
how do you know that? shaq and hakeem never played when both players were in their prime. when shaq reached his prime, hakeem was already on his way out of the league.. didnt he play for the raptors then? maybe hakeem would put some moves on shaq, but in the end shaq would crush hakeem..
shaq got a few moves from hakeem.. besides when they met in the finals, shaq was still a young guy..
Shaq was still a manchild and stronger than Hakeem when they matched in Shaq's early years so that's a moot point.

Great players are going to go at it always so saying Shaq would crush him really doesn't mean much because on the other end...Shaq wouldn't **** with Hakeem either.
Bosh has been Miami's 2nd best player for 2 years now.

No Bosh...they don't win the championship last season.

They also dont win the championship without Battier either.

Watching the Heat play, Bosh has the easiest job of any "superstar" in the NBA. All he does is take open jumpshots, cuts to the rim for free dunks and layups set up by Lebron, and gets rebounds if he isnt outphysicaled at the moment. Often times he will miss a wide open layup or point blank shot from a cut, his man defense is below average, and his team defense is even worse. And now he thinks hes Ray Allen poppin 3's every chance he gets.
They also dont win the championship without Battier either.
Watching the Heat play, Bosh has the easiest job of any "superstar" in the NBA. All he does is take open jumpshots, cuts to the rim for free dunks and layups set up by Lebron, and gets rebounds if he isnt outphysicaled at the moment. Often times he will miss a wide open layup or point blank shot from a cut, his man defense is below average, and his team defense is even worse. And now he thinks hes Ray Allen poppin 3's every chance he gets.
If it's so easy...say Bosh goes down...Haslem would be able to step right in and they don't miss a beat right?
They also dont win the championship without Battier either.

Watching the Heat play, Bosh has the easiest job of any "superstar" in the NBA. All he does is take open jumpshots, cuts to the rim for free dunks and layups set up by Lebron, and gets rebounds if he isnt outphysicaled at the moment. Often times he will miss a wide open layup or point blank shot from a cut, his man defense is below average, and his team defense is even worse. And now he thinks hes Ray Allen poppin 3's every chance he gets.
If it's so easy...say Bosh goes down...Haslem would be able to step right in and they don't miss a beat right?

no, thats not even the same thing. But what if Bosh went down, and Pau stepped in?
Teams don't make a conscious effort pick on Bosh in pick and rolls situations. They do with Pau.

I'm not even going to mention how Bosh owns the mid-range area offensively.
[h1]Bulls’ Joakim Noah holsters ‘guns’ out of respect for shooting victims[/h1]
BY JOE COWLEY [email protected] December 18, 2012 9:59PM


Bulls center Joakim Noah has retired his ‘‘guns of glory’’ celebration after the deaths in Newtown, Conn. | Tom Cruze~Sun-Times

Joakim Noah’s post-shot “guns of glory’’ celebration had been on full display this season, with the Bulls center shooting off finger guns and blowing them off, before emphatically jamming them into imaginary holsters after hitting outside jumpers since the start of camp.The guns are in the holster and the holster is put away. Likely forever.

But in the wake of the shootings that left 26 people dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., last week, Noah made the decision to find a new way to express his improved shooting ability from outside the paint.

“I started doing it in practice [a few years ago], did the guns and kept doing it,’’ Noah explained after the Tuesday 100-89 win over Boston. “It was a funny, comical thing, but we’re in a situation right now where it’s not funny. You can’t joke around with things like that. Too many people are dying because of guns. We have a problem here with guns, so I’m trying to be a little compassionate. It’s not a joking matter. We have a serious problem with it in Chicago. It’s crazy. I mean this summer, the movie theater, it’s happening all the time. This is unheard of. Every story is horrific. The gun thing in this country is no joke.’’

It was display Monday in Memphis, and again against the Celtics on Tuesday, when Noah hit a 21-footer early in the second quarter, and simply clinched his fists, as he back-peddled down the court.

Not that it wasn’t coming.

After the shootings, Noah took to his Twitter account to express his feelings on the horror the country witnessed.

Here was his initial tweet: “This is so f*cked up... There needs to be some kind of gun control.. For real”

He also tweeted this: “Bowling for columbine all day,” as well as retweeting Michael Moore tweets, including: “On this day in 1791 the Founding Fathers created the 2nd Amendment. It took a good 15seconds to load 1 bullet(musket ball) then “

Surprisingly, head coach Tom Thibodeau had expressed no problems with Noah’s “guns of glory’’ or Nate Robinson’s “flaps-down’’ post-shot celebration this season.

“At times he doesn’t like that,’’ Bulls forward Taj Gibson said of Thibodeau earlier this season. “He knows it works with this group, he understands it, so he puts up with it.’’

This guy plays for the CHICAGO Bulls...but Newtown, CT is what made him come to this...
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Noah was born in NYC, 60 miles from Newtown.

And what does geography have anything to do with it?

Did you have a point you were making?
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^^^ I think he's referring to the fact that there are a large number of shooting deaths in the Chicago area on a pretty regular basis, so maybe Noah's gun celebration was never a good idea.
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