Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I must see this video.
I'm in Houston and can barely see Rockets games (thanks CSN/DirecTV), so I can cut them a pinch of slack if they don't watch them :lol: But usually when it concerns the Rockets, people barely know what they're talking about anyway. They just look at the box scores and do the usual armchair stuff.
I do think it's funny that Knicks fans are pulling for him so badly to fail, when the Knicks actually wanted him there, and only signed Felton to save face. It looks for good now since the Knicks are undefeated at home, and have the best record in the East, but flip the Knicks/Rockets records around and the Knicks thread would be a massive cesspool.

We're 2-0 against the Knicks this season (granted they didn't have Melo this game, but still). FEELS GOOD, MAN.
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