Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Wallace should've been called for a foul because IF J.R. didn't set an illegal screen, he would've fouled Melo. Okay, man.
What's your beef tho? It's the same premise as an offensive player flying through the lane wild. The defense doesn't really have to be set to take the charge if the guy comes barreling through wild as hell........... But again, it was a no call. It's not like the Knicks got FTs out of the whole thing.

Like I said in my first post. I'm more than good with the league not rewarding floppers, and if that means not giving calls to these guys down the stretch to get guys to stop then that's fine with me.
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Matt Barnes has played for every Cali Team
He's played for more than a quarter of all NBA teams.
Wallace should've been called for a foul because IF J.R. didn't set an illegal screen, he would've fouled Melo. Okay, man.
What's your beef tho? It's the same premise as an offensive player flying through the lane wild. The defense doesn't really have to be set to take the charge if the guy comes barreling through wild as hell........... But again, it was a no call. It's not like the Knicks got FTs out of the whole thing.
I mean, all they got was the possession and all in a close game. :lol:
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Wallace should've been called for a foul because IF J.R. didn't set an illegal screen, he would've fouled Melo. Okay, man.
What's your beef tho? It's the same premise as an offensive player flying through the lane wild. The defense doesn't really have to be set to take the charge if the guy comes barreling through wild as hell........... But again, it was a no call. It's not like the Knicks got FTs out of the whole thing.
I mean, all they got was the possession and all in a close game. :lol:

I was gonna keep the "we" out of it because it has nothing to do with me being a fan of the Knicks............ Gerald Wallace was OUT OF CONTROL. Plain and simple. Since when do you get rewarded for barreling through the other teams players whether they are set or not........ Derrick Fisher has been called for offensive fouls for plowing through guys who are already set. There is nothing different here.

The fact that JR wasn't set is irrelevant. And you add the fact the Gerald Wallace and the Nets are the benchmark for a team that flops they aren't gonna get those close calls. Point blank period.
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Wallace should've been called for a foul because IF J.R. didn't set an illegal screen, he would've fouled Melo. Okay, man.
What's your beef tho? It's the same premise as an offensive player flying through the lane wild. The defense doesn't really have to be set to take the charge if the guy comes barreling through wild as hell........... But again, it was a no call. It's not like the Knicks got FTs out of the whole thing.

Like I said in my first post. I'm more than good with the league not rewarding floppers, and if that means not giving calls to these guys down the stretch to get guys to stop then that's fine with me.
We're calling preemptive fouls now? If x didn't happen, then y might've happened, so y needs to be called? That's not how it works. 

But again, it was a no call. It's not like the Knicks got FTs out of the whole thing.
Melo came down and hit a jumper at the other end. 
 at acting like a possession in a one-possession game isn't important.
Nah he's a horrible defensive coach.

No accountability for basic defensive miscues cause he really doesn't care. Our defense started improving when Woodson took over full time. Even with Chandler there we were playing spotty defense because the head coach wasn't committed to it.

There were practices that he didn't even focus on defense.

As long as players get up and down the court, he's cool.

That makes players lackadaisical and instills bad habits. You can never win a chip with a coach like that.
The defense was already improved prior to Woodson taking over full time. I'm not saying he's a great defensive coach, not at all... but the team improved when they got better defensive players. Did his attitude and coaching style negatively affect some of the players? Absolutely. Personally, I place the blame on coach and players equally, but I understand the way it works. and how the coach is the one who is blamed.

But his teams have been average on defense over the years. If he was as bad as a lot of people claim, they should be at the bottom of the league, but they weren't. And that was largely my point.
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They way some of you are ignoring all the garbage calls the nets got and all the flopping they did tonight. :smh:

Dantoni got a unique pass in NYC. Good for that reporter
D'Antoni always had a temper, not surprised the media got to him ALREADY. :lol:
He honestly didn't expect things to start off so bad so quickly (I know I didn't). It's like he picked up as coach on the last Knicks losing streak under his tenure. I thought it'd be after the all star break but now makes sense given potato head's taint on the LAL season.

I didn't see that part of the interview, reporter lies about defense during practice and pisses off Pringles :lol:

On the topic of Dwight, :smh: He went from having another one of his best defensive seasons last year and imo a serious mvp candidate that season or the one before to being average the start of this season when he's playing with Pau and Nash (for a few games). LAL need to address that bench.
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