Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I'm shocked if we see Gallo again this season. Poor guy. Seeing it live, seeing his reaction, I can't see him suiting up again.
SMH I saw it and was like this

I thought the Adidas causing injuries bit was stupid but damn the most gruesome injuries keep happening in them.
Seeing the knee buckle pic :x :x :x :x :smh:
He def done for the season
Adidas looking real bad right now. I'm sure its not really their fault but you know dumb ppl will try to put it like it is tho
How can this be happening to this Nuggets team. This is time that could go to the finals. Now Lawson's been hurt.

And what just happen to my man Gallo :x

Def an ACL tear :smh:

Damn man. He was there only consistent outside shooter.
Not a single clue what you're talking about.

Who's backup is this? Really.

And not even enough sense to spell it ***burgers?

Quote of the day right there.

I've been on NT since 04. Mods can check my IP address and see I haven't logged into a different account since we got the new NT when I thought I lost this one.

I can see why you're mad and consumed with the thought that someone might be trolling someone like yourself. I would hate my life if I sold insurance claims too.


Brooks will now play Fisher 48 minutes vs. the Pacers and have the offense run through him.

Julius F. Wrek
Crazy thing about Gallos injury is it could happen to anyone and strip there chances from getting a chip, which is why I don't understand why most Heat and Spurs fans talk like theyve already won the chip....take a good look at what happened to Derrick Rose last yr and he's a Superstar all it takes is one injury and it's a wrap!
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I can see why you're mad and consumed with the thought that someone might be trolling someone like yourself. I would hate my life if I sold insurance claims too.

Do you think I'm MISTER NEGATIVE?

Two very different people, son.

I have no clue what you're talking about.
Crazy thing about Gallos injury is it could happen to anyone and strip there chances from getting a chip, which is why I don't understand why most Heat and Spurs fans talk like theyve already won the chip....take a good look at what happened to Derrick Rose last yr and he's a Superstar all it takes is one injury and it's a wrap!

What spurs fan has made that claim? like 3 on here :lol:
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