Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I'm so weak right now from "Who He Play For?"
.  My dude Chuck can't catch a break with Willie Green
1. will the Miami Heat defend their title?
2. Will the LA Lakers have a rebirth of its glory days with Dwight Howard on board?
3. Will the Chicago Bulls finally advance to the NBA finals with a healthy roster throughout the whole season and playoffs?
4. Will the OKC Thunder repeat its storm into the NBA finals and earn more experience to win the series?
If lakers make their free throws we have a different game they missed 19 with d12 missing 11..... team look flat.... but its a long season
No team in the NBA I love beating more than the Lakers.
Elton Brand is going to be solid all year like I said three months ago and got clowned.
Where is JA at? :nerd:

Was tweeting all game, then the girlfriend came over and we carved pumpkins.. :lol:

On the Lakers.

I don't feel like Dwight is 100% healthy, and if he is, it looks like he's a bit weary about doing anything too athletic because of his back. He just didn't seem to have his normal bounce. There was a play where Beaubois missed a short jumper, and got the tap-in surrounded by Dwight/Pau. That CANNOT happen. I can count the number of times Beaubois has gotten a put-back on one finger.

I want to see how the Princeton does in a good game. The first half the Lakers were getting some decent shots, but not getting ENOUGH shots. Too much dribbling from guys you don't want to see dribbling, like Ron Artest and Antawn Jamison. If I'm the Lakers, I don't care about an offense, because I have two guys that can dominate the ball and be efficient with it (Kobe and Nash). Carlisle handed the keys to Kidd and never had an issue with the offense. Nash should have that same freedom. I just don't want to see Nash walking the ball up, then seeing Howard in the high-post not setting a pick, but surveying his options. That's ********. You have Nash, an excellent pick-and-roll player, and you have Dwight, the most dominant big in the game. Back on Dwight though, he was getting out-hustled from Wright, Brand, and Curry all night and that's just part of the reason that makes me think he's not all there, health wise.

Also, I know Fisher/Ramon/Blake were never anything to write home about when you're talking about defense, but God DC/Beaubois torched him. I can't wait to see Westbrook play these guys. You talk about Nash feeding guys to Dwight, well that didn't work too well tonight. It will get better, but DC made easy work of Nash. It wasn't even close.

On the Mavs.

All-around I was shocked at how efficient the Mavs were on both ends. I was shocked to see DC so efficient offensively AND defensively. Maybe it's just because he was playing Nash, but I didn't think he'd be such a good defender. Maybe he's not, he looked good tonight. Mayo was off-and-on. It's a tough assignment when you gotta guard Kobe on one end then try and create for yourself on the other end. I fully expect him to struggle until Dirk comes back.

Wince was Wince. he will take the same terrible jumpshots every game, and some he'll hit. I'll take 5/12 from him. Shawn Marion is going to be huge while Dirk is out. He still has quite an offensive repertoire, he just hasn't been able to show it off too much in Dallas. He has that ugly release, and his post game is ugly too, but it's efficient. I was hoping Marion would be on Kobe, as I know he wouldn't have shot 11/14 on the Matrix, but whatever. Crowder, as I've said many times, is my new favorite Maverick. He's replaced JET rather easily. I was kind of disappointed not to see him more after how good he was in the first half.

The bigs were great. Brand shot 3/10, but that's not indicative of how well he played. Defensively, he was great. He was great on the boards, and decent offensively. Curry did exactly what we needed him to, and I'm happy enough there. Wright though… Wright always has had great games for Dallas, then he dips for a bit. I'm happy he played so well. It will do wonders for his confidence.

The main thing I was happy about was the passing. 20+ assists in a game, and a 2:1 ATO ratio. The Mavericks struggled MIGHTILY with turnovers in the pre-season, but the passes tonight were crisp, short, and on-point. There was the occasional bad-pass, but I liked what I saw from the guys. No selfish basketball.
The Lakers were straight atrocious on Defense. They gave up waaay too many uncontested buckets to a team of role players. I mean damn, Mavs ran the offense successfully through Eddy ****** Curry fer 5 straight possessions. 19 missed FTs didnt help either. I aint eem mad tho :smokin
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That Wash/Cle game made me not want to watch the rest of the season. Some horrible basketball in that one. Luckily Kyrie & Varejao saved it.
If lakers make their free throws we have a different game they missed 19 with d12 missing 11..... team look flat.... but its a long season

And if the Mavs have by far their best player, we have an even more different game.

Yeah, cause that will happen soon since Dwight Howard is known to be a great free throw shooter... :rolleyes Trying to copy & paste everything about Shaq and Shaq's career, good or bad, step by step.

In their excitement about the Howard trade, nobody took Howard's horrible free throw shooting which can flat out cost games into consideration... Just posted laughing emoticons when someone mentioned that Bynum was a better offensive player.

But the Lakers are bound to get better. Nash will somehow get 5 years younger further into the season, Kobe will get 3 years younger and Dwight Howard will magically become a 70%+ free throw shooter.
Random thoughts:

Damn I cannot wait for the MEM/LAC game tonight :pimp:

Kyrie Irving :pimp: . Dude is definitely going solidify himself in that elite PG talk sometime in another year or so. Waiters surprised me last night as well. I'm not a believer, but he did look good. I do expect a lot of bad shooting nights from him, though.

Bradley Beal :lol:

Something just isn't right with the Lakers. I'm pretty sure its already been discussed in here, but I haven't looked at any other posts yet. Maybe the princeton offense? Maybe its Dwight not looking like a dominant force? If Dwight isn't going to look like the top 5 player he is, the Lakers could be going fishing before the NBA Finals. I'm thinking they'll get it together, though.

Varejao :x

JA was telling me to **** on Twitter after every OJ basket. Too bad he only got a chance to say it 4 times :rofl: . OJ didn't force anything last night, but he got kinda sloppy in the 2nd half. I thought he'll shoot 5-14 FG and he ended up 4-13.
When they got Nash, I said that Mike Brown would have Steve standing in a corner watching Kobe dribble, I had no idea that he would be watching Metta World Peace dribble. :smh: :x
Im ready for this sixers game tonight esp with iggy commin back. Should be a great game. Lets go Sixers
Varejo was hustlin' his butt off last night. Him and Thompson got real good chemistry. They are very active in the paint.

Why did the Wiz not take out Jordan Crawford? The whole time I'm watching I'm like "Please don't let this ninja shoot again" :smh:
Varejo was hustlin' his butt off last night. Him and Thompson got real good chemistry. They are very active in the paint.
Why did the Wiz not take out Jordan Crawford? The whole time I'm watching I'm like "Please don't let this ninja shoot again" :smh:

Take him out and replace him with who?


Team is awful.
When healthy would a lineup of Wall, Beal, Webster, Okafor and Nene be ideal?


Forgot about Ariza. Good point.

Lineup doesnt look too, too bad. Certainly better than the garbage that was trotted out there last night.
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