Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Dwight Howard SUCKS
lol love how the lakers thread is going. :lol: panic city. i love it cuz it means mike brown is closer to getting the axe.

however its only game 1. so no need to panic. laker fans acting like we getting eliminated from the playoffs. haters acting like they won the title(the one heat fan with a chubby right now) lol
Steve Nash was completely useless, Howard was trash...... I know it's just 1 game but I'm OKC RIDE OR DIE lol, LA Failures !
Kobe in record chasing mode.

22 points, 1 rebound, and 0 assist.

la lose. :pimp:
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Dallas played tough.

Let the knee-jerk reactions to this Lakers squad begin...

ESPN gonna go in tomorrow with the imminent demise of the Lakers.

As bad as they looked tonight they'll eventually get it together.

I don't think even Mike Brown can screw this up.
Can't wait for the rampant overreaction once 1st games are done for all teams.

Fans & analysts will be able to predict all there is to know about the Heat, Celtics, Lakers, Mavs, Knicks, Nets, etc.

...that said, I'm not surprised at LA playing disoriented this game. It wasn't anything different from how they looked in their preseason games. It wouldn't be normal if all these different pieces + new system worked seamlessly from the jump.
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No team in the NBA I love beating more than the Lakers.

Elton Brand is going to be solid all year like I said three months ago and got clowned.

Where is JA at? :nerd:
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No team in the NBA I love beating more than the Lakers.

Elton Brand is going to be solid all year like I said three months ago and got clowned.

Where is JA at?
probably outside popping the champagne 
Mavs played well tonight. It would be interesting how this Mavs team will look once Dirk & Kaman come's back. Even though the Lakers played horribly it's just one game

But on the real, Lakers need to make some adjustments. Kobe needed the ball way more. 11/14 and he only shot 2 or 3
shots in the final 8 minutes of the game.. :smh:

Nash with the fisher stats = 7 points, 2 rebounds, 4 assists. :rolleyes
Man, I don't know about this Laker team man, and this has nothing to do with their preseason performance.
On paper, this team doesn't mesh well at all. Their four best players don't mix well at all. Nash needs the ball to create, and probe to be most effective. He takes up a lot of the shot clock dribbling to be most effective, have no clue how he's going to do that with Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, and Dwight Howard on the floor. Also, unlike in phoenix his bigs don't stretch out beyond 15 feet, which is going to make it harder for Nash to probe.
Kobe over his career has been really bad at catching and shooting. Last year he did a lot of that and turned in one of his worst performances in his career from beyond the arc. I've watched Kobe for most of his career, and from my vantage point, he's really bad at being a catch and shoot player.With Nash manning the point, and handling the ball for most of the possession, how is Kobe going to be anymore than a catch and shoot guy? Nash expends a lot of the shot clock probing, which means when Kobe touches the ball in attack mode,he'll be sub 10 on the shot clock, percentage buster definitely. One of these two are going to have to give and with Kobe's comments in the past few years, it doesn't seem like it'll be him.
So what do you have? Kobe being a catch and shoot player? Or Nash being out there as a steve blake with a bigger name?
With all of this going on between Nash and Kobe how offensively are Dwight and Pau going to be effective aside of offensive rebounding?
I don't see them winning the western conference let alone the NBA championship. Could be wrong though.
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