Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Don't see Chris Paul having a good game in this one. At least not scoring wise
Why the **** not? It's not gonna be cuz of the "lock down D" by Russy. CP3 can easily frustrate dude. Won't be Thabo either cuz he can easily cook.

It's at this point that Chris can score if he wants to. Only he stops himself more times than not.
Lol lebron will guard the playoffs. Melo,kd and even rose. Don't think Paul George gets a pass either
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Is there any significant advantage KD would gain if he put on muscle?
I dont think so. He doesnt play in the post that often to need it, maybe when its time for him to go one on one with LeBron he'd benefit from having some.
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Why the **** not? It's not gonna be cuz of the "lock down D" by Russy. CP3 can easily frustrate dude. Won't be Thabo either cuz he can easily cook.

It's at this point that Chris can score if he wants to. Only he stops himself more times than not.

:lol: yeah okay man I'm going to quote you at the end of the game
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The Knicks don't have the discipline to beat the Heat 4 times.

This is true. Too much complaining and too many mistakes down the stretch of the game.

I think this is why Kidd plays a lot, to try to neutralize this. Too many boneheads on the team making bonehead plays.

JR made way too many mistakes at the end of the game :smh:
I dont think so. He doesnt play in the post that often to need it, maybe when its time for him to go one on one with LeBron he'd benefit from having some.

There in lies the problem. Thunder dont have a post up player, KD often has trouble just getting in position to post up. Jumpshots can only take a team so far.

yeah MVP defense. dude called the ref a BAN and got calls the rest of the game 

the knicks need to man up and not complain during the play though. There isn't an excuse. doesn't matter how frustrated you are
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