Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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There is no scapegoat for D'Antoni. He went on ESPN Radio LA and said if the team doesn't make it to the Finals then it's a failure on his part. The team is definitely not looking like a Finals contender, and without Pau their chances for the playoffs are that much less likely.
I appreciate you being as big of a D'antoni hater as I am a Melo hater.

Honestly though, I always felt he got a raw deal from the Knicks but it's hard to argue in his favor right now.  Dude is doing a piss poor job getting that team on the same page.  He's a horrible fit for an old, slow team that needs to rely on post scorers.

At least D'antoni affected my team, what did melo do to you? :lol:

Dantoni can be a great college coach. that's where he should be

i like seeing gallo, lee, nate and company succeed, so it's not like I hold random grudges about former knicks. But D'antoni? crash and burn baby

are you from baltimore? I could see why those people would be mad at melo for pretending to be raised in new york

i think hate is okay in sports. It adds to my entertainment factor. I love rooting against lebron and the celtics and dantoni. gives me a side to root for or against

I'm not petty when it comes to the "real world"
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At least D'antoni affected my team, what did melo do to you? :lol:

Dantoni can be a great college coach. that's where he should be

i like seeing gallo, lee, nate and company succeed, so it's not like I hold random grudges about former knicks. But D'antoni? crash and burn baby

are you from baltimore? I could see why those people would be mad at melo for pretending to be raised in new york

i think hate is okay in sports. It adds to my entertainment factor. I love rooting against lebron and the celtics and dantoni. gives me a side to root for or against

I'm not petty when it comes to the "real world"

No I'm from NYC. And yeah everyone needs a couple players to hate for various reasons.
It was early in the process but he was def. taken into workouts with the Heat with Mayo and co. Down the stretch he slipped with a lot of people but going into workouts he was there with all those guys.
The Clippers-Magic game tonight is going to look like a summer league or pre-season game. No Paul, Griffin or Crawford for the Clippers and no Big Baby, Afflalo or Reddick for the Magic. Jameer Nelson was questionable, but it looks like he's going to go.
now that i think about it.......vasquez + mayo + rudy + ? + gasol might have been better than where they're heading now
So what's Pau's trade value now? Any team that takes him on at this point deserves to be flushed down the toilet.
"I have not had a full max deal yet in my career -- that's a story untold," James said.

"I don't get (the credit) for it. That doesn't matter to me; playing the game is what matters to me. Financially, I'll sacrifice for the team. It shows for some of the top guys, it isn't all about money. That's the genuine side of this, it's about winning. I understand that."

this part self serving, narcissistic, and delusional. And a nice glimpse into his true nature. he wants a cookie for joining up. He wants credit for going on the easiest path that was presented to him when he had a choice. he wants to appear as a martyr of sorts. he wants his cake and to eat it to

he made a choice... benefited from it... and now wants you to pat him on the back for it and is mad at teh financial consequences of his.... say it with me.. CHOICE

the rest of what he said is true. 100% but hey if he wants baseball money, go play baseball. have fun

So true. LeBron is the greatest in the world be he shouldn't be complaining. He chose to take less, he chose to team up with Wade and Bosh and take the easy route. "Sacrifice" Haha. He'll make up for the money with the Florida taxes and Nike endorsing the fact he's a "champion" now.
So true. LeBron is the greatest in the world be he shouldn't be complaining. He chose to take less, he chose to team up with Wade and Bosh and take the easy route. "Sacrifice" Haha. He'll make up for the money with the Florida taxes and Nike endorsing the fact he's a "champion" now.

I don't think he's complaining. He was asked a question and responded with facts from what I've seen. Fact is, he's underpaid. Even under the CBA, you have inferior players making far more than him. And so the question is, will he continue to take a paycut to be a member of the Miami Heat. Their owner, isn't making money on that team so money is still an issue there. I think there's a very real chance LeBron opts out.
Nah son. OJ was trying to sell himself as a PG (compared himself to Deron Williams) but that was all agent talk. He didn't really play point at USC and he was a decent passer but never a PG. He couldn't even play PG in the summer league when Hollins gave him a chance. It was all talk because he was worried about being an undersized SG. Same way Perry Jones spoke about being a SF leading up to the draft, even though everyone knew that was a joke.

There were some question marks around Russell but Conley's JUST settling into his own. Russell would've definitely snatched that starting spot from Conley within a year.

What? OJ was a point his whole life and even during the beginning of the season at SC. He only went to the 2 once Floyd said they needed more scoring. That's a fact. I'm not talking about summer league because that was once he hit the pros. He was definitely considered a player that could play both spots potentially in th eL.

Russell would've definitely snatched that starting spot? You don't know that. I guarantee you rewind back to that 08 draft you would not have said Russell would be taking that PG spot.
Let LeBron leave the Heat and find his max contract somewhere. There will be only so few situations that can pay him the max and still have enough $ to surround him with talent...
John Wall - whatever goes around comes around

Raymond Felton just shattered this dudes ankles :x
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