Official N.Y. Yankees 2009 SEASON THREAD (103-59) WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!

False alarm.

John Sterling didn't make any effort to evacuate because he knew it was a false alarm based on his experience staying in "millions" of hotels inhis life.

"[A]nd I may be in trouble one day"
Joe G. is a %+#$!+ idiot.....

He didn't learn his lesson in that !$@%+%* Boston game......Leave cousin onewearz in the game to finish it off!

##** YOU JOE
i get to work and park , score 8-1. i sit down turn on the radio and its 8-6, my heart dropped. girardi has no faith in my cuz
Not going to play Debbie Downer here but I stand by what I said about moving Joba to the pen. Even after tonight's performance. But I'm happy he'sproving me wrong. Pen still looking shaky though.

Great win tonight, please don't repeat our past performance's against Anaheim...please.
Just got home from work....seen Joba get the W and saw the score was 8-6...i was like

then i checked out the box score


Told you $$@%*!% he needs to stay
Joba to the pen?

Yeah...... no.

Luckily yall aren't in charge.

The Yankees were down 1-0 in the third inning tonight. Joba Chamberlain had the bases loaded and a 2-2 count against Miguel Cabrera, one of the most dangerous hitters in baseball.

Make a mistake and it's 5-0.

Jorge Posada - you know, the guy who doesn't call a good game - signaled a curveball. It was exactly what Chamberlain was thinking. After showing Cabrera his slider and getting a check swing on the previous pitch, it was the perfect choice.

"I showed it to him for a strike early," Chamberlain said. "They see a different tilt. Jorge had the whereabouts to call it and it was great. We were right on the same page. He put it down and we went to work."

Chamberlain threw probably the best curve of his career, Cabrera swung through it and the inning was over. The Yankees then scored seven runs in the top of the fourth inning.

"You have to give Chamberlain credit, he threw a nasty hook," Tigers manager Jim Leyland said.

If Chamberlain is made into a set-up man, he'll throw that curveball once a week and in time he'll just give it up. It's his third-best pitch and a set-man only needs two pitches. The reason a pitcher becomes a reliever is because he only has one or two pitches.

But Joba's curveball is a plus pitch and his change-up is getting there. You just don't take a pitcher with that kind of ability and waste him in the bullpen.

Joba has allowed two earned runs in his last 12.1 innings. He is 4-1 with a 2.85 ERA as a starter, striking out 91 over 88.1 innings. (TBONE commentary.... yeah lets send THAT guy to the pen

The Yankees will pay CC Sabathia and A.J. Burnett $39.5 million this season to be front-of-the-rotation starters. Joba is going to cost them $432,575 and he could well be even better then they are. That is how good he is.

The curveball should tell you everything you need to know.
Right because Mo is going to be around forever right? We don't need a closer, even though Joba isn't pitching more than 150 innings a year, so comeOctober we won't even use him. It'll be wonderful!

I think all most of us are saying is that if Wang comes back full force and Phil pitches like he did yesterday, they should be in the rotation and Joba shouldbe our set up man for Mo.
The only way i could really see Joba going into the pen this year was if Wang, Hughes AND Kennedy pitch effectively as starters this year in the majors.
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

The only way i could really see Joba going into the pen this year was if Wang, Hughes AND Kennedy pitch effectively as starters this year in the majors.

Kennedy? WHY? 1. CC 2. AJ 3. Wang 4. Pettite. 5 Hughes. Where does Kennedy fit in? Long man? Common you are just talking without thinking.

Like I said in my last post, I'm not going to be the Debbie Downer after a great performance from Joba. But you need to *+%@$## relax with all those*+%@$## smiley faces. I clearly stated my facts as to why I was on the other side about Joba being in the pen, all you do is put up your smiles after a win. Didn't even attempt to respond after I said my piece. But then you probably would have responded with a stoneface or more laughing emoticons. I can'teven be mad at you for your tingling vagina that you're right because I'm happy Joba is proving me wrong. Just relax with your smiley faces, yourcommentary and your slick comments "luckily we're not in charge." If Joba pitches bad the next time out, you're not going to be me coming inhere celebrating and shoving it in your face that I was right.

::end rant::
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