Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

^cauli flower ear caused by hits to the ear basically. the fluid inside is blood and water. Ive seen in a TUF episode where one of them fighters drained outthe blood inside by using a syringe...twas NASTY as hell

and yes, thompson got robbed. I had kimbo losing the fight the last 50 secs. of the 2nd round by ref stoppage.
Tonight's going to be a busy night I really want to get into MMA tonight and see the Faber vs Pulver fight, and the Mets are on ESPN and One Night Stand istonight also. Who do you guys think wins tonight Faber or Pulver?
You can watch the Mets lose any other night in the week...tune in to the fight....its definitely going to be good.

Faber is the MMA Floyd Mayweather and Pulver is an MMA legend with a vicious left hook, who doesn't stop coming forward until the fight is over.

This fight is ending in a submission or a KO.....I got Faber winning by submission.
Thompson's corner should have never let him go into the fight with his ear like that. They should have drained it. If it was any other fighter gettingelbowed in the face for over a minute the fight would have been called but the ref didnt want to call the fight for that. I think it was a bad decision to stopthe fight because james thompson always looks like he is out when he gets hit. Whats worse is the judges had round two for Kimbo, that is horrible. JT was ontop and controlling him the whole round. I think Kimbo needs a lot of work on his ground game and cardio. He didnt look good at all after round two and afterthe fight. EliteXC is always surrounded by controversy that is why I prefer the UFC and even WEC. I'm just happy it was free.

Kimbo got lucky, he was going down if it wasnt cause of JT's ear. Kimbo got him for a second but he couldnt finish him up. Good fight though.
The first hour of the show was corny as hell. It was more WWE than WEC, ya know?

I was really trying to be patient because I understand that they really had to break everything down and at the same time make the show flashy enough to holdon to the attention of new viewers, but a lot of it came off as more "circus" than substance.

There were moments, especially during the Lawler/Smith match, where I was like "Oh man, this is MMA putting it's best foot forward to a huge, newaudience". I felt proud for some reason. But the ending of that fight, along with the bogus stoppage of the Kimbo/Thompson fight will really leave asour taste in the mouths of new viewers, though.

I think if given time, EXC will eventually figure out what works in terms of putting on MMA on network television. But it's really a matter of whether ornot CBS will give them a long enough leash to figure it out.

For all you new viewers, I really hope you give some time tonight to check out the WEC card on Versus. The only real "top 10" fighters on the EXCcard in their weight class were Lawler and Carano.

Tonight, you'll see two top 5's (if not 4 or 3) in the world square off against each other.

It won't be as flashy or "Hollywood" as what you saw last night, but it will be more representative of televised MMA as a whole.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

^cauli flower ear caused by hits to the ear basically. the fluid inside is blood and water. Ive seen in a TUF episode where one of them fighters drained out the blood inside by using a syringe...twas NASTY as hell

and yes, thompson got robbed. I had kimbo losing the fight the last 50 secs. of the 2nd round by ref stoppage.

That's just part of it. Eventually, it calcifies and becomes solid.

It's like a badge of a bad***. Cauliflower ears x Affliction Shirt = He can beat your ***.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

^cauli flower ear caused by hits to the ear basically. the fluid inside is blood and water. Ive seen in a TUF episode where one of them fighters drained out the blood inside by using a syringe...twas NASTY as hell

and yes, thompson got robbed. I had kimbo losing the fight the last 50 secs. of the 2nd round by ref stoppage.

That's just part of it. Eventually, it calcifies and becomes solid.

It's like a badge of a bad***. Cauliflower ears x Affliction Shirt = He can beat your ***.

"Looking at the fight tonight, man, yeah," Rogers said. "A man is man. And what I saw in this man today, it was just garbage."
...Rogers was straight direspectful in that pressconference.

Looks like Kimbo lost his fear factor...not a good look for him.
I never saw the "phantum tap" I did see Kimbo putting his hand up with the thumbs up to the ref a few times, once in a choke and a couple times whneJames had the mount on him and striking him with the pitty pat elbows.
I think Rogers would dominate Kimbo,
Kimbo needs to swallow his pride and realize he is nowhere near ready to fight that man

YO haze, How's your training going?
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

YO haze, How's your training going?

I see it says NY in his profile. Where do you train at? You can catch my at Renzo Gracie Academy.

Boxing is better.
And Baseball is better than Tennis, and Rugby is better than Football. Stop comparing very different sports.
you guys train bjj in ny? im at studio x in the city.. i just started out bjj but i been doing muy thai/kickboxing/wrestling for about 8 years now..
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I never saw the "phantum tap" I did see Kimbo putting his hand up with the thumbs up to the ref a few times, once in a choke and a couple times whne James had the mount on him and striking him with the pitty pat elbows.
I think Rogers would dominate Kimbo,
Kimbo needs to swallow his pride and realize he is nowhere near ready to fight that man

YO haze, How's your training going?

I saw it. It looked like a tap not a thumbs up. I ran it back and I saw a tap. I think that's why Thompson was confused when they finally separated.

And I don't know about Rogers. I've only seen him in this fight and his fight with Thompson. He does not have crisp punching. Everything is wide andlooping bombs. Kimbo actually has solid hands (which is all he really has). Throws down the pipe and everything. I think he would beat Rogers to be honest.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I never saw the "phantum tap" I did see Kimbo putting his hand up with the thumbs up to the ref a few times, once in a choke and a couple times whne James had the mount on him and striking him with the pitty pat elbows.
I think Rogers would dominate Kimbo,
Kimbo needs to swallow his pride and realize he is nowhere near ready to fight that man

YO haze, How's your training going?

Intense as hell my dude. I'm using muscles that I never knew I had but i'm loving it.

The Ju-jitsu is a lower body killer, Jeet kune is giving me the best workout ive ever had in my life, the kick boxing coach is a world champion and i'mgetting a lot of good boxing training from up and coming professional boxers. It feels real good to be getting back in shape though, feels like I have aconstant supply of Red Bull in my bloodstream.

They even have a tactical firearms camp going on right now but I don't have the necessary paperwork to join that yet.
honestly, let's put aside this is kimbo and put aside it's james thompson and answer these few questions.

-if fighter A is getting hit in the head with what is literally TAPS in the forms of elbows, with no sort of velocity, and is giving the thumbs up to the ref,if you were fighter A, taking no damage, would you want the fight stopped? would you as a spectator want to see the fight stopped?

-if fighter B is bleeding PROFUSELY from the ear, and what appears to be INSIDE THE EAR LOBE, would you as a referee continue to let that go on, knowing theman could already be suffering from hearing loss? what about after he takes 3-4 more clean BOMBS to the face that have him looking cross-eyed and unconsciouson his feet?

all I'm saying is that while the stoppage may have been premature, this is getting alot more scrutiny because

a) Slice looked so bad at the end of round 1 and end of round 2, both on the ground and in the cardiovascular sense

b) you have to remember this was on NETWORK television. they were not going to let this be B.J. v. Joe Stevenson where there was more blood spilt than at theaverage blood drive.

for all you guys who train MMA like myself (haze, his, mayhem, numbers), you know damn well if you in slice's position, being rubbed hard on the top of thehead with some elbows, that you wouldn't want any fight stoppage. And in MY PERSONAL, PERSONAL opinion, from the dazed look in Thompson's eyes, bothduring that last flurry of punches and when the ref got in his face, dude had no idea where he was.

but everyone sees things differently. I want to see Slice v. Rogers now. I think talking alot of trash was a bad move in Rogers part, just because, now thatKimbo's cardio and ground were somewhat exposed, don't expect them to be that bad again. It's like, now he's forced to focus on that.
Thats a nasty ear ^
a few years ago AntonioMargarito punched some boxers ear almost off it was hanging by a piece of skin it was nasty.

Here is a pic of the ear Margarito broke off
looks like the same guy
but its not

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