Official Miami Heat (4) vs OKC Thunder (1) NBA Finals Thread - Miami Heat NBA Champions

Originally Posted by Tunnel Vision

 got me hyped too
Prop to Lebron for getting that huge monkey off his back.

Only took him 9 seasons and about 50 playoff games lol.

He won 1. Now can he defend and repeat. All great player or team must repeat at least 1
Originally Posted by KMante

After deliberation, I've made my pick. 

The Heat will steal 1 of the first 2 games.

The Thunder will steal 1 in Miami.

The Heat will steal one more in OKC.

Heat in 6.

This is a complete win win series for me to watch!!! I will be happy with whoever wins 
 I was off. 

I'll take the actual result for Bron and Chalmer's sake!

I really enjoyed this series!
only way...come back to cleveland and finish what he started and get that ring for cavs fans. not happening with dan gilbert as owner
Originally Posted by The Fresh Sole

Originally Posted by lilpennymagicfan1

I took over 200 pics during the game, in traffic and walking to my car after the game, collins and ocean up til 3 am...

Too much to upload since youbigdummy posted so many great pics that would put mine to shame..
post the pics bro. I remember all the old trip pics
Watched the game again on my DVR, this dude Wade gave zero %+!@% about shaking hands 

Soon as the clock hit zero he was ready to party, had the snapback on, jumping on the scorers table. Might as well have been doing the Dame Dash dance while double fisting some Ace of Spades

I aint eem mad tho
Originally Posted by jc619er

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by donmega

Just my 2 cents though... I really don't get all the fascination about great NBA players having to win a ring by themselves to prove something. I find nothing wrong if you trust your teammates too. Basketball is still a team game, not won by a single individual. If we want to see great individual stars in action, there's always tennis or golf to switch to.
And of course, winning the 'chip doesn't just go to the best teams per se. There's still a lot of intangibles to consider, like lucking out with a rival player being injured (think Isiah being injured on one of his Finals appearance) or having the G.O.A.T. not in the game (think the Rockets in 94/95). Or for a more recent example, Perkins being injured on that last 'chip you got with against the C's (to be more fair, same as when the C's won it with you guys not having Bynum). Point is, you can never say a team lucked out because another  player was injured. That's just the breaks in the game. For me it's such a foolish assumption. If the tables were turned and it's your team that lucked out, I would assume you'd be looking the other way.

If you're really a Laker fan, you should know about this. Magic was never a star who wanted to win it all by himself. 

Again that's just my take.
The argument is pretty simple. Lebron will never be able to do what MJ did. He will not even win as many rings as MJ EVEN with this loaded Heat team. Therefore, Lebron will never reach that level. Similar with Kobe but to a lesser extent.
It's clear no one really understood where I was going with this. The original post he kept saying that if it wasn't for Mike Miller and Chalmers having monster games and Wade and Bosh having a monster series that Lebron wouldn't have won and yes that's true but that goes for any other team in the history of sports. And that's why I pointed out the teams that I did.

Yes Lebron will never be MJ but do you think that MJ would have won had Paxon not started hitting his 3's in that first series against the Lakers. Do you think Kobe would have won had Shaq not been there dominating. Do you think Kobe would have won that game 7 against the Celtics if people didn't pick up the slack because he was having an off night.

Great players need a team to step up and win with him and that's exactly what the Heat did but on top of that Lebron led that team with a dominant performance that can't be overlooked. Lebron stepped up and played like a superstar for an entire playoffs and an entire finals series and that's what helped get them over the hump along with the rest of his team backing him up.
Exactly what I said bruh. I never contradicted what you said.  I agree that it's a team game and great players need their team to step up for them as well. No arguments with that. As for the MJ stuff, all I wanted to say is that it ain't fair to compare MJ to anyone. Bron should just be Bron as Kobe should just be Kobe. 
In all, the Heat earned their 'chip. Especially Bron. Props to them.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by MrONegative

SHUGES, quit $#%*!$# quoting yourself, and post a list of who was wrong, right or close to right.
Yoooooooooooo, I started to do that and it was comical. I didn't think anyone would be interested in it. But I'll throw some up in a bit.

I spit so much venom and quotes last year, I AIN"T EEMMM MAD!
I'm indifferent to the Heat winning, couldn't care less, it was bound to happen if they were healthy, so whatever.

Pathetic coaching from OKC coaching staff. Absolutely pathetic. And even more than that, shame on Scott Brooks for not standing up for his team to the NBA and their officials. Dude ain't even get a technical the whole series as he stood on the sideline and watched his team get no calls and get disrespected as if they were a JV team, and didn't have homecourt. If I were a part of Thunder management, I'd suggest giving Phil Jackson a call.

Once they called that flagrant foul on Derek Fisher, I might have seen another 8 secs of that game, that was just the icing on the cake for a pathetic post season of officiating, the worse I've seen since the Laker-Kings series from back in the day.

I'm gonna watch closely to see what new rules the competition committee implements, because all this flopping, rogue officiating, and standing under players to draw a charge who are already in the air has to stop. If new rules that I agree with aren't implemented, I'm limiting my basketball to the Cavs, because the NBA is not basketball/sport, it's business entertainment. College and high school is the only true basketball left.

No hating just how I feel #KanyeShrug
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

As soon as they announced that Fisher foul was a flagrant I tired the game off and played Madden.

You tired the game off?!?! Anyways, you put it like that was the deciding factor that caused Miami to win.
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