Official Miami at FSU 8:00 est

Originally Posted by dreClark

I swear to god if Ponder pitches that ball on the option it's a TD. He doesn't ever like to pitch.

he had 2 shots to throw that pitch and it would of been a easy TD both times.
It's funny how the people who watch the game on TV's perspective is always different from those who were there in person.

Anywho....A LOT of y'all need to lay off the kool-aid.

Although our secondary got trashed I'll give them the benefit of the doubt just for this game because our front 4 got no pressure all night. And forwhatever reason, we decided not to blitz all night and played soft, predictable coverage allowing Ponder to just sit back and pick us apart. I'm sorry buthow good can your secondary be when the QB has all day to throw and your coaches are leaving you in soft coverage all night?

Sam Shields was absolutely horrible for 3/4 of the game. And everybody in the stadium could see it. Old women who were barely paying attention to the gamenoticed how Sticky kept getting picked on. At one point it looked like they threw at him 3 straight times. He was an obvious weakness and got burned a coupletimes early on.

In the 1st half we just gave up everything underneath. They went to the quick slant over and over and we never adjusted.

Randy Phillips and Brandon Harris were BALLING. Randy is a true leader and was telling everybody on D where they needed to be all night. If he were to go downwe would be F'd. His leadership out there is invaluable.

As I predicted in the summer, Brandon Harris is already our best corner and on his way to being a shutdown one. Great performance by him and that PI call wasBS. He might end up all-ACC, wouldn't surprise me.

I expect Shields to get better as the season goes on but right now that 2nd CB spot is a huge weakness. Chavez did pretty good in the nickel. We're gonnaneed DVD, Ryan Hill, or one of the freshman to step up because I don't trust Shields at all right now. If i'm an opposing OC i'm licking my chopsto go against him.

JoJo Nicholas should never start again. Jared Campbell came in for him and was instantly an upgrade.

Our LB's were horrible in coverage all night. McCarthy and Spence were getting abused in coverage. Not that I'm surprised by McCarthy.

Dline was decent in run support. Oliver Vernon played well for a true frosh and I thought got held a couple times when he had a shot at a sack. But the refsweren't calling holding at all, for either side. Bailey did well considering he was doubled all night. Forston was nowhere to be found.

Overall, we played way too conservative on D. I don't think we are as bad as we showed but we clearly still have work to do.

Nigel Bradham is gonna be a beast and Greg Reid already is. The reason we were kicking it like that was because our kick coverage was horrible all night.

FSU is gonna have problems if they cant consistently run the ball and when they play a more aggressive DC who will actually send the blitz and not allow Ponderall day to throw.

Offensively, we seemed to be unstoppable most of the night. Even though we only had 14 in the 1st half it was because of lopsided TOP, and us commiting stupiderrors and penalties. Not neccessarily FSU's defense stopping us. But that's to be expected in the 1st game.

That throw Jacory made to Benji in the 4th quarter was one of the best I've ever seen. Beautiful.

Benji was Benji. Coop was Coop. JJ was JJ. Hankerson shook off the early drop and played very well. Collier again is just as clutch as he was last year. Ourmost underrated player IMO.

All those formations we used were just crazy. It was something different every down and completely unpredictable. I saw RB's lined up in the slot, slotWR's in a 3point stance at TE, FB's at TE, etc....just crazy variations in the formations. I was in awe. Whipple is a world of difference between Nix.He's great but let's be real here.....he won't be here long. I'd be shocked if he doesn't bolt for the NFL the day after our season isover.

Luckily my seats were right by the entrance to the Miami locker room. Got tons of pics and vids. Dapped the players up before and after the game. Got some nicepics of Erin Andrews in spandex.

I still don't think we're that good of a team yet. It's Miami/FSU so I'm not gonna give much weight to this game as a bearing on wherewe're at as a team. These games are always wild.

Luckily for us....the ACC does suck though so who knows. GT still scares me. Already knew VT was winnable and with no Gresham or Bradford OU doesnt seem soscary anymore. 3-1 is possible but i'm not getting my hopes up off of just this game. If we can get a W against GT though....then we might have somethingwith this team.
I swear to god if Ponder pitches that ball on the option it's a TD. He doesn't ever like to pitch.
My boy texted me the same thing... just don't like running the option there though.
Fear you aint saying nothing different then any other fan
......only ones talking crazy is the ones i've never seen post anything about miami......andits only going to get worst
smh.gif always had a solid D so I can't trip on one game when the O saved the D cause it use to always be the other wayaround........hopefully changes can be made by next Thursday because i really want us to beat GT and I think we can....
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Fear you aint saying nothing different then any other fan
......only ones talking crazy is the ones i've never seen post anything about miami......and its only going to get worst
smh.gif always had a solid D so I can't trip on one game when the O saved the D cause it use to always be the other way around........hopefully changes can be made by next Thursday because i really want us to beat GT and I think we can....

that georgia tech game last year got me heated, lets hope we pull out a win this time.
I don't think the defense is as bad as some of you guys are making it out to be. Don't get me wrong, it damn sure wasn't good. Though there weresome stuff you could take away from the game that shows it could be better as a whole than what was out there last night.

The major area that needs to step up are the ends, they're definately a lot better than what they showed last night and need to step it up. Hopefully whenOjomo and Moncur return they'll be able to get more consistent pressure. As for the secondary, Harris/Shields/Phillips showed at moments they can be thegoods. With the addition of Hill & VT I expect this unit to be a strength throughout the season. The LB's at this point are TBD, I don't have afeel at all for them as a unit right now. Spence was basically MIA for most of the game and thankfully stepped it up a little in the 4th.

In the end the Georgia Tech game will be a better barometer for where our defense is right now...
I just rewatched it, and Dre, U was right, If Ponder pitched it, that was a walk in Tub.

Lol but with the clock run off FSU didnt even get 4 downs outta that possession.
someone from the staff should apologize to those kids, they cost them kidsthe game
my boy bet me UM was gunna go 0-4 this year. I took him up on it. Point of the story. We 1-0. I win. U baby!!
There is no way any of the FSU players should be feelin bad even if some of them did play like
(the secondary).
How can any of the coaches go in the locker room after that game and tell the players anything without
apologizing profusely for the mindboggling playcalling and clock management in the last minutes of the game is beyond
me. At least it seems FSU finally has a QB again and #5 is gonna be a beast.
man i need that gif made into an avy......gunna ignoring my request
.....guess i fired too many shots at UTk and his grudge against miami smh
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I just rewatched it, and Dre, U was right, If Ponder pitched it, that was a walk in Tub.
That's why I had no problem with that play call.

I mean come on the DE AND the LB/S bit in on the play all he had to do was pitch it out and it was nobody out there.

CP rarely pitches though.

Lol but with the clock run off FSU didnt even get 4 downs outta that possession.
someone from the staff should apologize to those kids, they cost them kids the game

And I listened to Jimbo's interview after the game and he explained the situation. Which kinda agreed w/ what I saw.

If you look at it, on the play where we wasted all that time, We had players lining up in the wrong position. We knew the clock was running however we had 2plays call that if we we woulda lined up correcttly, the whole bit about wasting time would not have even came into play.

Jimbo called a GREAT game except for a couple mis-calls (i.e that Zone/Read) but I have no issue w/ the goal line calls. Just the execution.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by JonnyBlazeNyc

I have to say I've never been more proud to call myself a CANE. Coming in as a freshman during the dark years, for the first time in a long time I can see hope. I'm glad to say that as a SENIOR at MIAMI we took it to FSU and for the first time in a long time it looks like we have a certified GENERAL in Jacory. ITS GREAT TO BE A MIAMI HURRICANE!!!

we need a U-NT meet up.

Bana I'm down, let's make it happen, you bring the needles I'll bring the 1200's
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