Official Marvel Vs. Capcom 2....vol. Team Marvel Get at it

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

how do you counter people online who just use cable and shoot his gun throughout the whole game? 2 people already have done that, straight cheesing

theres plenty of ways dude...example 1: use iceman and block....iceman takes no damage from blocking any energy projectile attacks....example 2: SHOOT BACK!!!example 3: thats all i got man....cables is one of the cheapest players to use. takes time get the hang of this game try training mode.
IHeartBoost wrote:
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

What's the major difference in the PS3 version? Just sharper graphics? Anything else?
PS3 version is retail (includes a DVD with exclusive wallpapers, an 8-page manual, one month of free access to Marvel Digital Comics and 2,000 Capcom Unity points for $19.99.) and downloadable. Xbox360 is just downloadable.

Coppin the PS3 version of the strength of the retail edition.

I would like a hardcopy of the game, but all that other stuff is an easy pass.

l Knicks Fresh Knick l wrote:

can't wait to play you scrubs lol

you got ps3 or xbox? if u got ps3 your FIRST on my list.

gotta start some rivalry with someone
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

how do you counter people online who just use cable and shoot his gun throughout the whole game? 2 people already have done that, straight cheesing

theres plenty of ways dude...example 1: use iceman and block....iceman takes no damage from blocking any energy projectile attacks....example 2: SHOOT BACK!!! example 3: thats all i got man....cables is one of the cheapest players to use. takes time get the hang of this game try training mode.
*sighhhh* rookies!!!

step 1: HIGH jump
step 2: use QUICK characters (example: spiderman)
step 3: connect combos and pull a super when he pulls out his gun ( leaves cable open ALL the time)
step 4: BLOCK!!! Dudes need to get their D up, when the gun shoots just block, it takes off NO damage or chipping

People like ironman, war machine, megaman, and cable are dangerous cheese characters. Megaman is the WORST.

If dudes cant get pass cheesers and infinite combos, yall gonna have a problem with ME lol
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

uh it does take damage even when you block
What? No it doesnt. if u press triangle, cable does that shooting crap, if you block it doesnt take damage off or chip you same as for megamanwhen he shoots at you it DOESNT take damage. IF Cable do viper beam, then that takes damage.
can someone explain to me what the differences are when you choose like ground type, anti air , dash and stuff like that when choosing your characters.
anyone down for a game just pm me for gamer tag. i mess with dr doom sentinel and captain commando.
Originally Posted by HyphySole

can someone explain to me what the differences are when you choose like ground type, anti air , dash and stuff like that when choosing your characters.
Lemme see.... ok when you assist right? for example projectile (ryu): when you assist him or pull off a double or triple team: he will do shinkuhadoken or hadoken... instead of Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku ( which is ground).
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by HyphySole

can someone explain to me what the differences are when you choose like ground type, anti air , dash and stuff like that when choosing your characters.
Lemme see.... ok when you assist right? for example projectile (ryu): when you assist him or pull off a double or triple team: he will do shinku hadoken or hadoken... instead of Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku ( which is ground).
Oh I see, thanks for clearing that up. Ive been wondering why they do different specials sometimes.
This game is gonna take more practice than SFIV for me to get a squad/combos down. I started off with Cyclops, Iron Man, & Venom but I'm really likingTron Bonne so Iron Man will probably get the boot. I don't think I'm gonna go online for atleast 2 weeks until I get my stuff together
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

This game is gonna take more practice than SFIV for me to get a squad/combos down. I started off with Cyclops, Iron Man, & Venom but I'm really liking Tron Bonne so Iron Man will probably get the boot. I don't think I'm gonna go online for atleast 2 weeks until I get my stuff together

I've been playin this game for YEARS. 56 characters, you just gotta find your team. I got 3 sets of teams for different situations. this game takes a lotof strategy.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

the button mapping on the 360 is horrible looks like i have to invest in a fighting stick

I dont know how you xbox brothers play a game like that on a controller like that, i'll have to do serious button config.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by sole vintage

the button mapping on the 360 is horrible looks like i have to invest in a fighting stick

I dont know how you xbox brothers play a game like that on a controller like that, i'll have to do serious button config.
Yeah, I've been playing SFIV since it dropped and got over the fact that I can't afford a fight stick so I main Balrog & my othercharacters are charge characters since they are easier on controller for me. But this game seriously is making me wish I could afford a fight stick because itseems to be at a much faster pace than SFIV. Many times during the heat of battle I press the wrong button and ruin perfect opportunities to cause damage
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by sole vintage

the button mapping on the 360 is horrible looks like i have to invest in a fighting stick

I dont know how you xbox brothers play a game like that on a controller like that, i'll have to do serious button config.
Yeah, I've been playing SFIV since it dropped and got over the fact that I can't afford a fight stick so I main Balrog & my other characters are charge characters since they are easier on controller for me. But this game seriously is making me wish I could afford a fight stick because it seems to be at a much faster pace than SFIV. Many times during the heat of battle I press the wrong button and ruin perfect opportunities to cause damage
yea the 360 control isn't a great option to use while playing with a charge character in SFIV. the D pad is a straight mess
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