Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread

Originally Posted by Tical 30

As some of you know I'm an avid member of the Lupe Sucks club, but I figured I'd give this one a shot anyway on the off chance that I was missing something.

So I got "The Cool", listened a few times, and have come to the conclusion that Lupe does indeed suck.

Try again next time NT, this guy is garbage.

I got my go-go-go-go-go-go gadget flow, I got my go-go-go-go-go-go gadget flow.


- Tical.

Are you one of those people who just listen for a catchy hook? Hisflow on that song > (insert name here) right now
I finally own the CD. Thanks, Mom.

I'm gonna watch the DVD stuff later today.

I really hope the SoundScan numbers are nice, too.
I got the CD yesterday for a christmas present from my friend. I'm listening to it right now, and so far it's crack.
I'm gonna get aheadache trying to figure out what most of these lines mean.
Originally Posted by jefffort5 foreal homie..get a life....yo family aint show you no love on Christmas or go into every single Lupe post and hate...but you actually bought the album..if you already thought he was garbage..why would you buy the album, you could of just downloaded in the end you look like a goof...whereva you bought the album should of copped a life too..log off homie

For your information, I didn't buy the album nor did I say anywhere in this post that I did. I said I got it and that's it (by way of download if youmust know) so basically the whole point you tried to make has no basis. You shouldn't assume things because more often than not it will make you lookstupid i.e. right now.

- Tical.
Don't waste your time trying to argue with dude.

You don't like the album? Cool, keep it moving. To say he sucks? Your reaching.
Saying u GOT the cd basically means u bought it...if u didn't buy it u would of chose words like: downloaded(dl), listened to, heard it, checked itout...etc...saying you got the cd actually implies u went out and bought...but nobody takes u that serious on this board anyway...well hope you got a life forchristmas...back to the post
Funny thing is if I had nothing but good things to say about your hero I'd make perfect sense to all the Stans in here but since he's not my God Icatch heat from everyone and their mom. I'm surprised your simple minds can interpret all of Lupe's complex rhyme schemes. Oh wait...

- Tical.
Dude, at this point you're just causing problems.

I respect your opinion... but the way you express it is obviously going to bother people in a Lupe Fiasco album thread.

You've stated that you didn't like the album.... what more is there to say?
I would've quit after my first post that stated my opinion had I not been insulted. I let my opinion be known without saying anything negative to anyonebut Lupe, but these lames that worship him couldn't let that go without spouting off some nonsense. I'll go all day if that's what these clownswant, it's funny to me.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by Tical 30

I would've quit after my first post that stated my opinion had I not been insulted. I let my opinion be known without saying anything negative to anyone but Lupe, but these lames that worship him couldn't let that go without spouting off some nonsense. I'll go all day if that's what these clowns want, it's funny to me.

- Tical.

and you know what else is funny....that you follow just about every lupe post there is to say some goofy shh
..i mean cmon...the "lupe sucks club"...imma juststop
This coming from the guy who thinks the US government is responsible for 9/11.


- Tical.
Originally Posted by Tical 30

This coming from the guy who thinks the US government is responsible for 9/11.


- Tical.

i most def do.....any proof to disprove my theory????...cuz i got tons to back mines up.....seems like you couldn't defend urself when i stated youfollow every lupe you just attack my sig...
CD was better than expected...

Go Go Gadget Flow is a banger...F_ the hook his flow is reckless

Over all I enjoyed the album after I sat down and really listened to it...

Tracks 3-9 and 11, 13, 14,16..

11 outta 17 ( I wont count the first 2 tracks )...Pretty damn good
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I would've quit after my first post that stated my opinion had I not been insulted. I let my opinion be known without saying anything negative to anyone but Lupe, but these lames that worship him couldn't let that go without spouting off some nonsense. I'll go all day if that's what these clowns want, it's funny to me.
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nobody worships him you clown...your just annoying as hell which is why people responded the way they did...

Like I said, if I used my words to build Lupe up like everyone else does instead of calling him out for sucking, my posts in here would go unnoticed.

P.S. you're*
Like I said, nobody cares about your opinion...more of the fact that you do this in damn near every post about dude....we get it, you don'tlike him, you don't have to....but don't be a corn ball about it...'Lupe Sucks Club'

P.S. I'm on NT...I could care less about my grammar right now
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by Tical 30

This coming from the guy who thinks the US government is responsible for 9/11.


- Tical.

i most def do.....any proof to disprove my theory????...cuz i got tons to back mines up.....seems like you couldn't defend urself when i stated you follow every lupe you just attack my sig...
I addressed your signature because it shows how idiotic your opinions are.

nobody worships him you clown...your just annoying as hell
Like I said, if I used my words to build Lupe up like everyone else does instead of calling him out for sucking, my posts in here would gounnoticed.

P.S. you're*

- Tical.
i said i got proof...and if you can debunk them..then i digress...but an opinion cant be idiotic...smh
Originally Posted by jefffort5

i said i got proof...and if you can debunk them..then i digress...but an opinion cant be idiotic...smh
I didn't think so either until I came across you. Please, proove to me how the US Goverment is responisble for 9/11 and don't copy and pastefrom the paranoid conspiracy sites or give me some 9+1+1 equals 11 which is another randomly significant number and all that BS either.

- Tical.
[h2]My yuku Posts[/h2]

[table][tr][th="col"]Title[/th] [th="col"]Type[/th] [th="col"]Date[/th] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/25/07[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/25/07[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/25/07[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/25/07[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/25/07[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/25/07[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Yo NT Why is MF DOOM so trash???[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/24/07[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/24/07[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Yo NT Why is MF DOOM so trash???[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/24/07[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Re: Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread[/td] [td]Reply[/td] [td]12/24/07[/td] [/tr][/table]

Get a life.
oOoOoOo you got me good. It's Christmas and I'm waiting for dinner, get off my sack.

- Tical.
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