*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by Kobe Fan


i wonder if Ben went to the Future right after his daughter got shot, and then came back to the past?

oh yes he did

i think so at least
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

I also wondered why Ben didn't just kill Widmore in his hotel. Then I remembered how when Michael tried killing himself off the island...he couldn't. His gun wouldn't fire. Maybe Widmore has this same ability since the island was once his. Also...did anybody else get there hopes up when Claire said "Charlie?" after she awakened after her house blew up?

Maybe they're each other's constant.

Remember how Faraday wrote in his notebook that if anything went wrong, Desmond is his constant?

Maybe if they kill each other, everything goes to haywire.
Originally Posted by SinnerP

where is nycknicks when we need him!? I need his input!!!

and is there any significance in Jack's illness (appendicitis maybe, since he was holding his side)...

crazy episode indeed... don't even know where to begin...

The preview for next weeks episode during the credits had someone say Jack has appendicitis, so yes you are correct.
i found it interesting when Alex was being held captive, she seemed really concerned about keeping the baby (Aaron) safe.
Originally Posted by markybwoy

ben woke up lying down like jack did in the first ep...
maybe jack teleported too..lol

When Ben woke up, I saw him exhale a breath of cold air...
Might've been a clue as to where Ben teleported from...Obviously a cold climate.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Maybe they're each other's constant.

Remember how Faraday wrote in his notebook that if anything went wrong, Desmond is his constant?

Maybe if they kill each other, everything goes to haywire.

I could get down with this theory. Maybe the Orchid is some advanced, controlled version of what Desmond/Daniel are going though. Since Ben asked the dateat the hotel, it could mean he time-traveled somewhere, and he can't be killed/can't kill his constant without everything falling apart.
This"game" is some kind of mortal conflict between the two. It seems like one of those myths or something where there are two brothers locked in somesort of eternal battle. Maybe they are and Jacob is their father?
Originally Posted by bodyfullapolo

When Ben woke up, I saw him exhale a breath of cold air...
Might've been a clue as to where Ben teleported from...Obviously a cold climate.

i rewatched it...theres nothing coming from his mouth...and its all around his body so i think its just the dust/sand

one thing i noticed was continuity tho..lol..when hes lying down the the ground is rough and broken up...then the next scenes...its just sand..lol
yeah that ep was crack

i just hopped onto lost in september, backwatched all 3 seasons in like 3 weeks haha.

have we touched on the black smoke *@+@ yet? Like, the show was semi believable until that black smoke *@+@. now its like, huh?
i just hopped onto lost in september, backwatched all 3 seasons in like 3 weeks haha.
I did the same thing earlier this semester.... My life consisted of school, LOST, watching/playing basketball until I finally caught up.
what I found interesting that no one discussed so far was Widmore alluding to how the island was originally his etc. and how Ben stole whatever he had from him
Any ideas on this?
Originally Posted by brovash

what I found interesting that no one discussed so far was Widmore alluding to how the island was originally his etc. and how Ben stole whatever he had from him
Any ideas on this?

A few people spoke on it already...
Widmore might have been behind Dharma, Which controlled the island many years ago.

Ben killed off the Dharma Initiative during "The Purge" and reclaimed the island.

That seems to be the most likely answer...
The scene with them playing Risk and Hurley saying "Australia is the key to the game" was big to me also. I didnt get the significance of the
phone? Did anyone catch that? Did it ring a certain number of times?
At the end of the episode I felt like the whole show was like a game of Risk, not neccesarily world domintaion, but control of the island. Which no doubt wouldbe as significant as world domination considering its special properties. But like someone said ealier everyone seems to be pawns in this game of powerful men.But in the end they are still not the most powerful outthere. Which is weird beacsue these 2 seem to be so powerful . I wonder when and how they will introducethe other ones.
just out of curiosity, has anyone examined a screencap of the "Risk" gameboard? was it a regulation gameboard, or perhaps was it something resemblingthe island or whatever. i know there was a camera capture of the board at one point, and as we've mostly all agreed there is some significance here...howcrazy would that be if somehow they were playing a game of "Risk" modeled after the LOST island...or not haha.
Originally Posted by brovash

what I found interesting that no one discussed so far was Widmore alluding to how the island was originally his etc. and how Ben stole whatever he had from him
Any ideas on this?

i'm guessing whidmore is the one who started the whole darma initiative %+@$.

I saw caps of the Risk board...No Easter eggs there.

The scene with them playing Risk and Hurley saying "Australia is the key to the game" was big to me also.
"When playing Risk, Hurley has a few telling lines: "This is exactly what he wants--to fight amongst ourselves," and"Australia's the key to the whole game." Regarding the latter comment, not only did Flight 815 take off from Sydney, but Ayers Rock (whereBernard took Rose to see that Shaman-like guy) is in Australia. That guy told Rose of certain places on Earth that have special energies. I've alwaysthought that the Island is obviously one of those spots."

Well, Since nobody seems to be responding to this thread anymore (I haven't even seen nyc post like he said he would), I was wondering what you guysthought about this:


Scar pretty much healed up with a scab...


Nasty scar with stitching...

Did he die...Just not yet?

Or did he die in an alternate timeline? How can two of his psychical bodies exist in the same time/space?

How did he die before the time that's already passed?

This is givin' me a headache...
So you're saying the cut on his cheek was already healed on the freighter but then afterward when he dies on the island he now has stitches? Veryinteresting.
Yeah think about it like this: knowing that the island and the world are on two different timelines, consider the freighter to be the present and the island tobe offset in the future. So he is alive on the freighter in the present, but at some time in the future he gets slit up and floats to the island. Because theisland is offset into the future, they see the body before it even happens in the present.

That's my guess. It has to do with the time difference (Daniel says something about time being relative earlier in the episode) I don't know if what Iwrote is it or not.

I don't know what to make of the scar. It could mean he was further from the past.

The only thing I'm sure about is that the Doc exists in two places - one alive and one dead - because the island is further on in the future; in the gapthat offsets the island from the real world (present time), he gets killed and floats over. Only the island is offset into the future. Does this even makesense?
^^^ I'm lost...No pun intended.


I'm on Lostpedia now...It's like Wikipedia, But more addicting because it's Lost-related.

I've been following links for a half an hour...

Doctor Ray
I didnt get the significance of the
phone? Did anyone catch that? Did it ring a certain number of times?
I think I read somewhere that there were no numbers on the phone..

I got no clue about the Doc being dead, but not dead yet...too confusing
Found this..
[font=Arial,Helvetica]the episode on a flashback for Mr. Eko. It is the episode when a girl apparently "came back to life" from drowning and Eko was seeing if it was a miracle or not. Well we find out its the psyhicic's house that Claire went to to get a reading and the daughter's name was Charlotte. I mean this episode was shot 2 years ago but it does look like it could be the same Charlotte that came to this island on the frieghter this season. Just wondering if anyone else picked up on this little nugget. If you want to know which episode it was the "Question Mark" episode of season 2.[/font]


These aren't really spoilers but if you're really sensitive you might cry.


10 reader theories with Cuse and Lindelof's critiques.

Some interesting ones:

"The Diabolical Experiment"

Matthew Abbadon (the thin man who recruited the freighter crew) gains control of Aaron. This brilliant boy is fated to grow up and eventually work in a secret"Area 51" military laboratory on a remote Eniwetok-like island. A diabolically powerful experiment goes very wrong and Aaron is trapped in another dimension, eternally unstuck from space-time normal and only partly able to contact this dimension (as throughBen and the dead, like Jack's dad and Charlie). We know Aaron - as an adult after the disaster - by the name "Jacob." Everything which happens inLost is part of a desperate millennia-long effort orchestrated by Jacob to alter the flow of events such that his original fatal error in creating a space-timerift is averted at the critical moment. Across centuries Jacob manipulates forces to gather the interconnected Lost-ies; their fates are all bound togetherwith his fate. Jack the healer exercises free will and - thanks to eventually working together with Locke, and most especially thanks to the love and sacrificeof Kate - rescues and cures Jacob, so healing the space-time rift and saving the world. Jack and Kate will live the rest of their lives together in love,ultimately becoming the island's Adam and Eve at rest in the cavern.

Cuse: "The fluidity of space-time is something which is very much on the right track in this theory. Even if someof the specifics are not quite right, there's a lot of free thinking in this theory."

Lindelof: "It's not exactly the most accurate theory in the world. But there is a lot of supporting evidence,a lot of thought. Obviously, this person watches the show very closely."

On "The 6 and the sickness:"

Lindelof: "The causal relationship between the sickness and the strangefluctuations in space-time is a good catch. As far as the Oceanic 6 being the only ones who can leave the island, that is incorrect, so we're goingto say it's a wash."

"Dharma Chameleon"

There is an off-island presence for Dharma that is working to get back onto the island to finish their work with the Valenzetti Equation. Ms. Hawking (thewhite-haired time-traveler who crossed paths with Desmond) was a former Swan worker and developed the same ability Desmond has. Ms. Hawking accidently got thisability during the original incident. She survived by finding her constant - Brother Campbell - and left the island. After leaving the island, her visionsdeveloped, and she has seen what needs to take place in order for Dharma to regain control of the island.

Her visions include a complicated pattern of people that are required to be on the island in order for a set series of events to occur for Dharma to return tothe island. With the help of others, including Christian Shephard, Richard Malkin, Nadia and Libby, the group ensures that specific people are on the plane inorder for the series of events to occur.

Desmond must reach the island to cause Flight 815 to crash; Locke must locate the hatch to keep Desmond alive. Desmond must influence Charlie to turn off thejamming device. Jack calls the freighter.

Cuse and Lindelof respond:

Cuse: "This is a very evolved theory that has a lot of stuff in it that's pretty close to the mark. We reallyresponded very strongly to this theory."

Lindelof: "We liked the way it was worded, so concisely. And because it does contain the aforementioned theoriesof time travel and manipulation of space-time, this theory gets a solid A.

Cuse: "As a matter of fact, we can't even comment on it too much because there's a lot in here that's pretty accurate."

Lindelof: "We're not going to explain why we're giving it an A. Hopefully, the writer of this theory willtake their A and be very proud, put it up on their refrigerator."

Cuse: "It's not all correct, but we kind of responded to the way this person thought."

Lindelof: "It's not all correct, but it could be correct."

Cuse: "Or parts of it could be correct."

Lindelof: "That's correct."

Cuse: "I will say that this person is going to really respond to Season 5 andfeel very superior to everyone else."

Lindelof: "Then, in Season 6, we will crush their spirits and prove themwrong. And until then, they should enjoy the ride."

Very interesting. It looks like they will deliberately mislead us into thinking Dharma orchestrated everything to get back to the island. I think the twistwill be that Dharma is really working with Ben now or the people we thought were good are actually bad or something.
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