*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

I know this is really random, but what ever happened with those sharks with the Dharma logo on them and the large statue of a 4 toed foot?

So weird.


*The sharks were part of experiments, the actual sharks themselves are non-factors to the story.

*NYC said the 4 toed statue adds to the mystic nature of the island. Could also set a timeline. I think the writers threw that in there to mess with usfanatics.

I still think the the futures of the characters is variable. Yes, we are watching Flash-Forwards, which imply a sense of what will happen if actionscontinue to run their course, but i still believe that there will be one event or a decision that could alter the future.
Ms. Hawking did tell Desmond thathe had to go to the island, eluding to the idea that all these different series of events will , ultimately, lead to the grand scheme. And while, certainpeople do have a certain sense of fate, i think that we're seeing a possible future....and not one that is written in stone.
Knicks, Was wondering if you could offer any insight on why Sayid is working for Ben (not the purpose of the work, but why). Also, who was the dude he shot onthe golf course? Why did the guy start to get nervous when Sayid said he was one of the survivors?
^i have a feelin when he gets to the boat he talks to the"spy" he'll find out that ben is really good, and then sayid will get a list of thebosses and return bac to the island to give the names and other info to ben.

ben will let him become one of the 6 if he kills the people on the list.

but the thing nobody has talked about is the fact that we see ben way off the island and in his own shop. im really startin to think ben has be living for avery long time....
More and more I'm feeling that this show was started after JJ Abrams read into M-theory and String theory.
He prob. read the famous Stephen Hawking book and maybe Briane Green's 2 bestsellers. IF "time travel" firs somewhere into the equation thenit's gotta be about parallel universes. Dharma has learned how to transport people between one parallel universe and another. Theoretically, there areinfinite parallel universes but somehow Dharma has unlocked a way to go between "our world" and another . If the show does have a scientificexplanation, as the writer's said, then it's got to have something to do with this.

However, one part of me still thinks that big portion of the explanation will be supernatural or some sh*t like that. Call it "destiny". If thisturns out to be true than it's lame.
^that could work, especially since they referenced cs lewis and the chronicles of narnia, describing it as a novel about a secret path to a special place.Anybody got a clip with that?
Originally Posted by aRog27

I still think the the futures of the characters is variable. Yes, we are watching Flash-Forwards, which imply a sense of what will happen if actions continue to run their course, but i still believe that there will be one event or a decision that could alter the future.
Ms. Hawking did tell Desmond that he had to go to the island, eluding to the idea that all these different series of events will , ultimately, lead to the grand scheme. And while, certain people do have a certain sense of fate, i think that we're seeing a possible future....and not one that is written in stone.

I agree 100% with this.
I also want to give kudos to the person earlier who also said they think Michael is on the ship because Ben told him to gothere.... I definitely agree and I like the fact you paid attention to important detail. But I do wonder why he would agree to be a spy.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

More and more I'm feeling that this show was started after JJ Abrams read into M-theory and String theory.

idk. He prob. read the famous Stephen Hawking book and maybe Briane Green's 2 bestsellers.

IF "time travel" firs somewhere into the equation then it's gotta be about parallel universes. Dharma has learned how to transport people between one parallel universe and another. Theoretically, there are infinite parallel universes but somehow Dharma has unlocked a way to go between "our world" and another .

If the shows do have a scientific explanation as the writer's said then it's got to have something to do with this.

I've been looking for a simplified explanation of the String Theory online...Is that basically it?

Sort of. I've read a lot about it and I still am confused.

Basically variations of string theory point tot here being 10 or 10+ dimensions. Not the 3 we believe now.

As a result, many scientists believe that if there are this many dimensions than there have to be parallel universes where they all play out. That is, maybein our universe we only have three but the other 7+ exist in other universes and are constantly going back between one universe and another.

In one universe, 815 could have crashed and all could have been killed. However, in another it could've crashed on an Island and some could ahvesurvived. Whereas, in another it didn't take off at all that day.
The actor that plays Michael... his name has been listed during the opening credits recently... so if any of you need a confirmation, there you go
i started season 1 in january...now im up to speed...

...i've deliberately avoided this thread til today...

...im pretty sure michael is on that ship

...and about walt and his growth spurt. the guy was in middle school when he was sailed off in season 2. then he didnt reappear to the end of season 3, thatsprobably almost a full year before he reappeared. and since he's growing through puberty, the guy probably grew a bit taller. i grew 3 inches from 7thgrade to 8th grade for gods sake. so maybe the producers knew this growth spurt was bound to happen and try to tie it in with the islands mysterious powers andrichards non-aging abilties. i don't know why, but i just think the producers messed up on that one because they didnt expect walt to grow.
In one universe, 815 could have crashed and all could have been killed. However, in another it could've crashed on an Island and some could ahve survived. Whereas, in another it didn't take off at all that day.
I get what your saying but how can you or anyone explain when that guy called for the ship to send that thingy and the lady said it hit butnothing happened then a few moments later it came to them, wouldn't that mean the universes are connected but slightly delayed and they can obviouslycommunicate with each other...

This show is so confusing
What no Spoilers
And i think that When the oceanic 6 go back they do not go back the the world they know
But a Parallel World
I love it when I forget about Lost and then all of a sudden I remember that it's Thursday.

I try to avoid spoilers that give specifics about the episode but I like reading the spoilers that talk about the show as a whole....
does anyone know who kates talking about when shes talkin to cave man jack infront of the runway when she goes somethin like " i have to go hes going toknow im gone"?
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