Guys I'm going to bring some positive energy to this thread. Like I said before, the Clippers are my unofficial 2nd team .I'm a bulls fan forever.I live in LA and support the Clips and despise the Lakers. Whatever happens with Blake either way,the Clippers will manage.The old dark days are over imo. Yeah they might have 3 or 4 years of missing the playoffs,but every team does. It's the NBA. Everyone isn't the Spurs or the old Jazz. Bulls ain't made the finals since 98. That's just how it is. It's hard to compete for a championship and a lot of these gm's message up time and time again. With that being said, they are in LA , the owner has money and doesn't mind spending , he actually cares about winning so they will be ok regardless. If that means Blake leaving and even if DJ is gone in the near future and missing the playoffs for 1234 or 5 years, they will recover and build a winning team. I'm confident in that. Everyone team has rough years , but the old old Clippers days are over. Rejoice.
Blake Griffin has canceled meetings w/ Phoenix & Denver, I'm told. Barring wildcard team swooping in, sense is a return to Clippers coming. 
Blake Griffin plans to reach agreement on a five-year, $173 million deal with the Los Angeles Clippers, league sources tell The Vertical. 
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Clips won 51 games last year.

If they can stay healthy, and grab an Iggy, or Danillo, or something like that their ceiling is just that.

So essentially you got a team that next year can be as good as last year's team while giving yourself a ton of cap space next summer. Not bad.
Clips won 51 games last year.

If they can stay healthy, and grab an Iggy, or Danillo, or something like that their ceiling is just that.

So essentially you got a team that next year can be as good as last year's team while giving yourself a ton of cap space next summer. Not bad.


i think this is still a 50+ win team as constructed when healthy.

love having patrick beverly on the team. he is a physical menace that other PGs hate.

we will get a chance to see if the off/on court chemistry will work and if blake can be all he thinks he can be. (i think he can)

if we can get will def be addition by subtraction as well.
Either Jamal or Lou are going to be flipped (or both) I think.

Other than staying healthy (obviously), the biggest thing I like about this version of LAC is that it forces Blake to be "The one." CP was awesome, and he did great for LAC and became probably my favorite player of all time during this 6 year span,

but what we talked about with Blake and Cp was very relevant. CP, and Redick to an extent stunted Blake's growth and if we were ever going to achieve great things with LAC we were going to have to 1) be healthy and 2) Blake would have to be our best player, which wasn't going to happen with Chris Paul, and rightfully so.

Because of the way the team are constructed, IMO blake fell into some bad habits. Giving the ball to crawford or CP when he should be looking at the basket, playing way too much Dribble Handoff action with JJ, playing passively, etc.

Gone is all of that. This forces Blake to be what he was supposed to be the moment he was drafted. Offense through him 100%, playmaking, higher FGA's, be a franchise player totally.
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It's probably going to take 50 wins to make the playoffs next year in the West. Minny and OKC already got better this offseason.
We're looking as bringing Z-Bo back, apparently. I wouldn't be mad. Between him and Bev, our toughness factor will go up five-fold.
Jamal and Lou are totally redundant. One of them has to go. Has to. My preference would be Jamal, but Lou may be more tradeable.
Jamal still makes some amazing offensive plays and seems to be a really good dude and teammate, but overall his game just doesn't win you games, especially in the playoffs.
This is the most excited I've been for a season since we got CP3. We're not contenders, but I like our future.

Jerry West, Blake, and cap space. I like.

Also Bill Simmons is such a ******* stupid *** ***** as ***** *** mark. How does he have the platform that he has, man. He's just a superfan. I haven't read or listened to him in years but someone sent me the 11 steps to rebuilding the Clippers. I thought it was actually gonna be insightful. This dude basically said sign LeBron, Melo, and Wade in 2018....

Had EVERY reason to leave, but didn't. Sure, the money had a lot to do with it but I also give him credit for staying and deciding to be the leader of the franchise. ClipperGang.

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i think jamal can still be effective getting to his spots in PnR, wish he was a better passer out of those situations though. i would love to see if he could be a good spot up 3pt shooter especially if blake can get back to his 3rd place MVP finish form and draw some double teams.

just having him come in with the green light to either keep you in the game or shoot you out of the game is not the bizz though
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i think jamal can still be effective getting to his spots in PnR, wish he was a better passer out of those situations though. i would love to see if he could be a good spot up 3pt shooter especially if blake can get back to his 3rd place MVP finish form and draw some double teams.
None of this matters IMO because he's so bad on defense, that it negates anything he does well on offense. He isn't good enough offensively to justify how piss poor he is defensively. Utah was picking on him like a child.

At the end of the day, you just make things infinitely tougher on yourself when you're trying to seriously compete, and have him as a vital part to your rotation.
Jamal on a team that doesn't care about wins, or is just trying to make the playoffs, fine.

But if you're trying to compete for playoff seeding, and for a ring as the clips were these past years, he's just bad man. If he would just confine himself to a spot up guy offensively with bail out PnR ability for us he'd be better but even that wouldn't save us because of how poor he is defensively.

If the Utah Series showed us anything, it's that the JJ Redicks' and Jamal Crawfords' of the world aren't of value for us anymore. Guys who only really go one way, (offense) and their offense just isn't good enough to justify how bad they are on the other end.

At almost 38 years old, (even though I know he will) there's just no way the Clippers can get away with playing Jamal 30 minutes a night especially without CP man. No way. I'm praying doc cuts the cord on him.
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