We knew that with our new G League team and with Two Way contracts being apart of the new CBA that teams like the Clippers would try and be active in the 2nd round.
I had plans to go to vegas for Summer league until my achilles man
^^^ TBH, I'm kind of expecting him to leave. After how the last two seasons ended, he may feel like he's jinxed here and needs a fresh start. And I wouldn't really blame him if he did.
Blake opting out is expected. Facts Clips can pay him more than any other team and it not affect our cap. However best option IMO for Blake is a sign and trade.

Additionally the lowering of the cap hurts us if we don't resign Blake and CP3.

If Blake wants to leave that's fine, but does he want to leave money on the table to avoid being traded.


CP3 just opted out as well.

Well now it's a waiting game to see what the Clips can pull off.
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Some reports are saying CP will opt out too.

He did. It wouldn't have made sense for either of them not to. They had too much money to gain by doing it. Supposedly, CP already planning to meet with Spurs, Nuggets and Rockets. (I don't see the Rockets as a fit at all - Harden is their PG and should stay there)
Like my man Zach Lowe (amongs others) said on today's podcast, the amount of money Chris Paul will lose by going somewhere else makes it unlikely he leaves. In particular, that 5th year. No one is going to pay Chris Paul 45 Million Dollars at 38 years of age. We will though.

Blake is a different story, but it's the same thing.

I think both will be seeking No trade clauses too. I don't think anyone expected them not to opt out but I think both will be back. Blake less of a certainty for me.
Signing Blake to a no trade clause contract would be dumb. I feel both he and the team need a fresh start. He should get the guap we can offer and then take his talents to where we trade him

CP3 i don't see asking for a no trade clause and also i don't see the Cippers realistically trading him away. If neither LA team score PG13, having CP3 on the Clippers might be the best factor in signing Lebron if he really decides to leave the land and come to LA.

With CP3 and Lebron we can then if we want sign Melo and/or Dwayne.

Pipe dreams? Maybe but we'll see.
If Chris Paul re-signs with the Clippers: 5 years, about $205 million. If Chris Paul signs with another team: 4 years, about $152 million.

Unless he's really about getting that ring, the Spurs might be the most dangerous team right now that he talks to.
If Chris Paul re-signs with the Clippers: 5 years, about $205 million. If Chris Paul signs with another team: 4 years, about $152 million.

Unless he's really about getting that ring, the Spurs might be the most dangerous team right now that he talks to.
They aren't. They'd have to essentially gut the entire team out except for LMA and Kawhi. They'd HAVE to waive or convince TP and Manu to retire. That's not necessarily something that sounds like something the Spurs would do and even if they did, that team isn't that great anymore because of the gutting of the roster.

This is why it's such a long shot for CP to move elsewhere. The Rockets only have 10 to 12 Million in free cap space and moving Ryan Anderson's contract isn't easy

So when you really look at it, it could happen. But there's no natural fit anywhere that would suggest that it's worth sacrificing over 50 Million dollars for, in particular over 40 Million dollars in that 5th year of his deal when he's 38 years old.
Ultimately that's why it appears that a team like Boston could sign Blake because they have the cap space to give blake griffin a max deal and they also have the assets to clear cap space rather easily if they wanted or needed to.

I think both players aren't going to rebuild projects so the teams that Blake and CP could potentially go to are slim, which works in LAC's favor.
^^^ Yeah, of all the teams CP is meeting with, I can't say any put him a better position to challenge the Dubs than staying here. Kawahi is awesome, but just him CP and LMA isn't enough. Houston is just a weird fit since Harden is so ball-dominant. And Denver has some nice young players but I don't know that adding CP makes them a perennial 50+ team like we've been. But hey, he should take his meetings.

Blake, on the other hand, could possibly upgrade his chances of winning by going elsewhere. Boston. Maybe Miami.

a lineup of

CP3/green/the Klaw/xxx/xxx could be a good look vs. gsw

and all 3 can shoot

if LMA wasnt such a soft buster, i'd def say SAS was a prime destination
Congrats to CP on making 1st team all defense this year and to Austin and Luc for getting 2nd team votes.
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