Official Los Angeles Clippers 10-11 Season Thread - The Griffin Era Begins (Again)

They've gotta keep Kaman IMO.

The only position worth upgrading is SF, and to me we really don't need a 3 who needs shots. Unless we're getting a big back, I don't want to see Kaman go just for the sake of him going.
I'm a big Kaman fan but he just isn't necessary in this team anymore. Every time he posts up the ball doesn't move, it gets stuck with him and on crunch time, he panics and turns the ball over by shuffling his feet or throwing it wildly into the crowd. He can finish with both hands, shoot decent ft and has a decent jumper but he just won't be able to keep up with this team anymore, Jordan is a better fit by just rebounding and following up shots, he doesn't need the ball to create his own shots.

I think they could use an SF that can defend and shoot 3's, someone like Pietrus or Ariza. Gomes can be good on defense but dude passes up too many wide opens 3's and usually ends up with nothing on the play. They need someone who could pull the trigger especially in crunch time, someone that isn't scare to shoot and defend the other teams best player.
^^thats me in 2k11... forced a trade to play with Blake
It's time to trade Kaman for a legit SF. I just don't see Kaman fitting in with the direction the team is headed. DJ is the center for the future and his development is coming along nicely, he needs to be re-signed.
Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic

Originally Posted by LARidah23

As happy as I am with how the team is playing, I'm still worried about the ridiculous road trip we have next month. I really want to see how we respond to that as a young team.

That extended roadie will literally make or break us

na we aint making the playffs anyways, I see it as more experience.
[h1]Griffin’s highlight act draws retaliation[/h1]

With each thundering dunk he’s thrown down and every rebound he’s violently snatched out of the air, Blake Griffin(notes)has won over a nation of fans who consider him one of the most excitingplayers to join the NBA in years. In three short months, the Los Angeles Clippers rookie has shown he’s well on his way to becoming one of the league’s stars.

In the process, Griffin also has become something else – a targetfor many opponents who have grown weary of his limitless energy andflyover act.




Blake Griffin's dunk over Knicks center Timofey Mozgov became a YouTube hit.
(NBAE/Getty Images)

In the closing seconds of the Clippers’ victory over the Los Angeles Lakers on Sunday, Lamar Odom(notes)grabbed Griffin by the jersey and tried to yank him off the court,igniting a brief scrum that led to the ejection of four players. Odom’scomplaint: Blake was battling too hard for a rebound – or, in Odom’swords, delivering a “ram in the back
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Clips fans...How do you guys like VDN so far? 
I feel that VDN is the perfect coach for this team IMO. I was against the hiring at first and felt that we should've hired Casey, but VDN is a great fit. He's more of a motivator and is doing a great job with developing our rookies. I like that he leaves the Xs and Os portion of his job to his assistants. Dunleavy was the complete opposite and was pretty much in control of everything.

I'm a fan of his "tell it like it is" approach. When he called out BD for his conditioning and pretty much told him that he doesn't showcase any "leadership" qualities, it seemed to have lit a fire under him.

As far as Kaman, I'm still on the fence on the idea of trading him. Although it is obvious that DJ is a better fit at the 5 with the current make up of the team. I'm actually content with Gomes and Aminu at the 3
our bigs on the bench scare me. if deandre goes down for whatever reason, we in trouble. like it was implied earlier, It doesnt look like the style of ball being played right now would flow with kaman. We struggled early with him, but then again, we didnt have a guard rotation that worked so who knows?

I dont wanna be rollin the dice with 10 day contract players haha
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Since I've watched basically every clipper game this season, can I get a pass on the bandwagon?
Cool with me.  You won't be the last one asking.  
Originally Posted by RFX45

I'm a big Kaman fan but he just isn't necessary in this team anymore. Every time he posts up the ball doesn't move, it gets stuck with him and on crunch time, he panics and turns the ball over by shuffling his feet or throwing it wildly into the crowd. He can finish with both hands, shoot decent ft and has a decent jumper but he just won't be able to keep up with this team anymore, Jordan is a better fit by just rebounding and following up shots, he doesn't need the ball to create his own shots.

I think they could use an SF that can defend and shoot 3's, someone like Pietrus or Ariza. Gomes can be good on defense but dude passes up too many wide opens 3's and usually ends up with nothing on the play. They need someone who could pull the trigger especially in crunch time, someone that isn't scare to shoot and defend the other teams best player.
It took me a while to feel that way, but I agree.  We have too many guys at the C and PF spot right now to keep everyone happy.  We need to move someone for the sake of preserving the chemistry.  Kaman is just the best moveable piece.  He's a good player and he has an attractive contract.  He's our best opportunity to improve in an actual area of need like SF.  I don't think we absolutely have to move him, but if the right deal comes along, it makes sense to do it. 
to Blake Griffin..

Yes, keep Kaman & if LAC MUST trade Kaman for a SF, maybe Kaman for Granger or Iguodala.

But i would keep him, when healthy, hes a beast.
Originally Posted by drop knee 101

^ how will it work moving him? he gets paid a grip like 11 mil a year. or is that even relevant?

How it will work really depends on the deal that materializes, but his salary is definitely relevant.  But it actually could be an assets.  Since salaries have to match in trades, if we are going for someone like Granger or Iggy, Kaman needs to be the main piece that's moved.  Also, I think Kaman's contract may be up after next year, which might be attractive to teams that are looking for salary cap room.  
Are the Pacers shopping Granger? What's frustrating is that we could've drafted him, but instead settled for Korolev
. I still don't understand that decision to this day.

I have been hearing Iggy's name brought up alot though.
Thank you Blake Griffin for helping B Diddy find his love and joy for the game once again. That to me, is more impressive than anything he's done thus far lol.
Iguodala and Hawes for Kaman and Gomes/Butler is the perfect trade for both parties involved. That trade needs to happen.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Thank you Blake Griffin for helping B Diddy find his love and joy for the game once again. That to me, is more impressive than anything he's done thus far lol.
Something people haven't really been talking about enough...
Originally Posted by LARidah23

Are the Pacers shopping Granger? What's frustrating is that we could've drafted him, but instead settled for Korolev
. I still don't understand that decision to this day.

I have been hearing Iggy's name brought up alot though.

Who's Korolev ?

And i read somethign saying, the're "listening' to offers made for Granger
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