Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

give it a break my butt! one person shouldnt be allowed to buy something this limited from one store in multiples. why have a RSVP system if you're just going to sell to who you want to? a manager of a store should have a level of integrity, and Niketown Chicago doesnt have any left. if you dont stand up for something like this, you basically say its okay to forego the retail route and to pay resell price for every shoe.

Well too bad, they get perks for working there no matter what. just think if we worked there, being in love with shoes the way we are, we would do the exact same thing. No one cares about selling to customers when they can buy them up themselves. Those people making $8 selling shoes, let them come up on what they want.
Well too bad, they get perks for working there no matter what. just think if we worked there, being in love with shoes the way we are, we would do the exact same thing. No one cares about selling to customers when they can buy them up themselves. Those people making $8 selling shoes, let them come up on what they want.
I know people will do it anyway but if they are going to do stuff like that at least keep it on the DL because if you leave hints *cue Fernando* then you should get fired. Just keep quiet about what you are doing dont make it as obvious and you should be fine
Well too bad, they get perks for working there no matter what. just think if we worked there, being in love with shoes the way we are, we would do the exact same thing. No one cares about selling to customers when they can buy them up themselves. Those people making $8 selling shoes, let them come up on what they want.
that's where ur wrong. I'd never sell pairs like that, I wouldn't even take a pair for myself
Can't believe heads are still in here aruging over internet speed and connectivitiy. It's been proven numerous times that the advantage of a few mb/s will give you no real advantage in purchasing shoes. Go ahead and raise your internet prices by $50-$100 a month for a miniscule increase in a CHANCE to buy shoes, I'll sit here with my 5 mb/s down and still have the same shot as 99% of the rest of you, unless you are still on 56k, then you have the right to complain about internet speeds.
give it a break my butt! one person shouldnt be allowed to buy something this limited from one store in multiples. why have a RSVP system if you're just going to sell to who you want to? a manager of a store should have a level of integrity, and Niketown Chicago doesnt have any left. if you dont stand up for something like this, you basically say its okay to forego the retail route and to pay resell price for every shoe.

Well too bad, they get perks for working there no matter what. just think if we worked there, being in love with shoes the way we are, we would do the exact same thing. No one cares about selling to customers when they can buy them up themselves. Those people making $8 selling shoes, let them come up on what they want.

speak for yourself B. you pretty much saying if you work for the shoe store, its ok to keep all the shoes for yourself since its a perk.

there is a clear difference between getting a couple pairs and getting greedy.

A lot of stores, like finishline and nike factory stores, raffle off a couple pairs to the employees before opening. that's all fine and dandy. you win the raffle, do what you want. but holding pairs for employees, then friends, and connects = greedy and hording the majority of the inventory is wrong.
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You're probably right, with the "ultra limited" number of packs they released, all the corruption at NTs/HOHs, and the ongoing bot wars. I thought last year's Yeezy 2 release was bad, but at least the number of people using bots wasn't rampant and all those RSVP sites didn't exist yet.



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Are people in this thread actually justifying Niketown staff doing backdoor deals?

  • A perk is staff getting 20% off  their Nike purchase
  • A perk is getting first opportunity to buy a limited release; 1 per staff is the policy or X% of the stock to be distributed among employee for  an ultra limited release
  • Selling merchandise to your acquaintances or hommies outside the company's practices.  If an RSVP is required to secure a pair and your connect a Niketown decides to secure a pair for you deviating from policy guidance, that's a no-no.   The RSVP process (although broken) was put in place to promote fairness and better opportunity across all potential buyers; a staff cutting corners for a friend defeats the purpose of the RSVP policy  
  • Not releasing available merchandise to the public and holding for personal purchase
we should look at the video game industry as a good example, initially when microsoft was releasing the xbox one, they added restrictions to used games and having an always on internet connection. 

what did the gaming community do?  they preordered ps4's.  they spoke with there wallet and microsoft back tracked very fast.  So change can happen, but it takes all of us to do it. same thing with resale prices, if everyone as a sneaker community refuses to pay more then retail for shoes, we could squash the resale market.. 

Either join the bot way or get left behind. The shoe gm been crazy and then you wonder why cats selling kicks to they friends its nothing new no matter what you say or do it's not gonna stop just go get a gig at footlocker if you want that kind of pull, you complaining ain't changing much can't beat em join em!
Either join the bot way or get left behind. The shoe gm been crazy and then you wonder why cats selling kicks to they friends its nothing new no matter what you say or do it's not gonna stop just go get a gig at footlocker if you want that kind of pull, you complaining ain't changing much can't beat em join em!
The only reason there's bots is because nike let's there be bots. Add a question/answer step between add to cart click and checkout time.
You people kill me. SO WHAT!! they work there, thats one of the benefits of working at a shoe store, you get perks like being able to do things like this, Why dont people realize that people who work at shoe stores will always get first dibs no matter what.

give it a break guys damn.
Nah this is different. Check the receipts, they say 7:51. Pickup time didn't start till 8 so they either didn't release all the packs to the public or they chose who won the RSVPs



he didnt say people didnt use bots he said is was much less rampant which it certainly was. people threw a hissyfit when i put one of the first twitter link grabbers on blast here. that was funny.
That's actually a hilarious and great idea.
Keep bidding on his item and not pay for it.
This dude I backing out on in ebay. Cause he was looking to get 400+

Total. Bit. Ch. Move on him
eBay has a policy if you end your auction within 12 hours of ending without a valid reason, they can still charge you the final value fee.  Just report the seller to eBay and his seller account is going to have more fees than he can pay
so who in here actually got through with the pack on NDC? 

so far, we've only seen a couple and those people were canceled.

im sure we will find out more winners when orders are shipped

... actually I think Memphis said he got 2 pairs total for 2 different people but not for himself.
what bothers me the most about this release is that I never had a fair shot at these shoes, no matter how much leg work  If I missed out and got a fair shot, i wouldnt even care, but I never had a chance at these, because of supercomputers, and corrupt employees.

At least they released online and you had the same shot as everyone else (well anyone who dosent work for nike). People secured pairs lots of diff. Ways using diff. Resources. These same resources were available to you as well if you chose.

Personally I didn't even go for a pack. I didn't have internet access I was away this weekend... but I can't cry about it cuz I had my shot and life goes on...
so far, we've only seen a couple and those people were canceled.

im sure we will find out more winners when orders are shipped

... actually I think Memphis said he got 2 pairs total for 2 different people but not for himself.
wow that's insane. So NDC was near impossible to cop from it seems. I see only a select few NTers got the pack via RSVP or Raffles. Do you or does anyone know how Nike determines the use of a bot? is it just by the speed of check out? I remember seeing on NT that someone who didn't use a bot got their order cancelled. 
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