Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

the salt in these threads is going to be hilarious if they do implement cancelling orders :lol:

So I cop 1 on my laptop and another on my cell phone, easily circumvented which is is why it would be a waste of time and effort on their parts.

Block bots, don't block people's ability to manually do what they have been doing.
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I fear the day when some dude gets flagged for a script/bot and gets his order cancelled when he isn't even running one. Dudes will be PISSED when this happens. We all know Nike isn't perfect. 
Man I Don't Say This Enough, But Man I Love NT;

Did Homeboi Say A Reselling Sweatshop!!!!!

Destroying Bots; Umm... Not Likely But Interesting. The Sodium Will Be Contagious
Don't know who pissed in your kook-aid but Nike has never complained about taking my money so I don't know why you should be bothered. You go off on a tangent about how it's other people's fault for getting multiples then come back and say you don't care cause you get yours.

I really couldn't care less about who's feelings are hurt about something I've been doing for the last year with no issue and will continue to do regardless of the little pr stunt they are using to make people feel better about the fact that they'll never be able to reliably cop off ndc.
Thank you
What about that even sounded like I was bothered? My response was merely an opinion on the reasoning behind this update on NDC policy. I only ever order one pair off NDC anyways (when I can), so this change has no purpose for me.
People with bots getting worried? Lol.... Is there even a way on their side to tell if someone added a shoe to their cart via a script?
I fear the day when some dude gets flagged for a script/bot and gets his order cancelled when he isn't even running one. Dudes will be PISSED when this happens. We all know Nike isn't perfect. 

This already happened lol check the last page
Dear Nike, just make more ******g shoes
Why would they do that? From a consumer standpoint, it is nice for us, but from a business standpoint for Nike, it's stupid. We all know limited = hype and hype expands the brand. Shoes would not sell as well if everyone that wanted a pair, got a pair. That's just a fact. Nike is so smart about these things. They have realized that they can raise the price $70 for a shoe, and they will still sell out. Why? Because they are limited. We all hate it, but it's just good business. Can't blame them. 
People with bots getting worried? Lol.... Is there even a way on their side to tell if someone added a shoe to their cart via a script?
Speed maybe? This sounds like it's pretty much just up to NDC discretion as to what orders get cancelled/make it through... but we'll see.
Y'all with bots laughing but what if nike really does it though :lol: ? I do have a problem if they're limiting it to one IP address but they can't be that dumb.
Nike doesn't have the time, and quite frankly, probably doesn't care THAT much to devote a team to taking down BOT orders. They will just pick random multiple purchase orders and cancel 1 or 2, depending on how many you got.

I can't see them taking it a step further and doing that to the same people, every time, every release. If they do tho, then stuff will get bananas.

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