Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Talked to a source at a large retailer...don't try too hard to guess

But these bots and RSVP services are going bye bye in the very near future

They are taking steps to zap you out of the system and block/end your transaction process

Enjoy it while you can bc it's ending that fact. That was from my source

I would rather bring back another order method that the wanted to do away with

Hello may I take your order??

I'm pretty sure RF tweeted a fake image right before they did the real one and deleted the tweet. Anyone catch that?
What would the advantages/disadvantages be if Nike implemented a Twitter raffle system? One fault I can think of right now is multiple names/entries I guess. Just wondering what you all have to say.
Sent you a private message.

Failed with both RNSD and Quickstrike....first time jumping aboard the bot train so I'm not mad.  I would have camped my computer but this Game 7 has me out of whack 
    I wish they were releasing those raspberry lows on Saturday for the ones striking out, but that's just me
But why would you care about what they want to do with their time? No one would care about what these people are doing with their time if these kicks weren't involved. It just sounds like hate and sour grapes to me. 
Hate? Look up the word before you use it.

I have no problem getting anything I want. Only thing I've missed out on was Revis' Denim CW and thats cause they weren't in store.
It's a game of cat and mouse. Set a timer limit and services will update their programs to send DMs after that time limit. Whatever new rsvp process is in the works someone will find a way around it. Sucks but it always ends this way. We seen it with consoles. Firmware becomes hacked manufacture puts out a update then the update becomes hacked.
Hate? Look up the word before you use it.

I have no problem getting anything I want. Only thing I've missed out on was Revis' Denim CW and thats cause they weren't in store.
 i don't need to look up anything. Look up street terminology then get back to me. If you have no problem getting what you, why are you worried about what some random dudes are doing? It doesn't effect you right?
Yo Memph hook me up lol this release sucks for the west coast hope ndc pulls through for me but my hopes aren't up
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